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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Always nice to see a new title - shame about the cover though I'll add it to the list soon.
  2. It looks alright doesn't it, Reggie. I quite like it. Yes. And it looks like the cleaner was part of it.
  3. Hard to decide who the monster is on that extended cover, isn't it
  4. Not sure if this has been posted here or elsewhere, but I saw it online and thought others in this thread might like to see it:
  5. Paul, there's no substitute for a man on the ground - would you look out for some of the 'missing' Barbie issues for us? They don't find themselves on eBay that often - more likely sitting in comic boxes in some of those shops you can visit They represent a large chunk of the missing issues that are likely to exist.
  6. Morning Paul @Paul Nicholls Albeit it's probably night time where you are, or something. I was on my phone yesterday, and missed that you actually referred to the Avengers #360 as a printing error, hence my 'error?' question. I have a few images of that issue saved and you can actually see the same misprint around the edges on this copy too: I wonder if a copper version exists of #363 1,324 confirmed issues now, thanks, and ID4 completed:
  7. Nicely put Sharon. I've been battling behind the scenes on and off for the last few years now, trying to get various CGC staff to see the value in increasing the paid support of this forum which, let's face it, is on a seemingly relentless downward spiral. Five years ago we had Arch, Scott and Dena actively administering the site. Now we have no one. As a result, all the key elements are deteriorating - moderation, innovation, communication, issues management, Q&A, technical performance - I see a palpable sense of drift in all areas and it feels to me like active membership and participation are both reducing as a result. We need someone who understands the site, the members and the history, someone who is paid to look after and grow the site, preferably full time. Not someone who is pulled away all the time to support other CGC duties. Someone who works here and here alone, and who communicates with the membership on the issues of the day, working to fix and improve them. Do we really think that CGC could not afford that at the moment? It has to be a choice, rather than a financial constraint, surely. I don't like to quote publicly what is said to me privately but I will say that one of the admins once took the time to tell me - time that they didn't have - that what we want will never happen because CGC management will not pay for it. So we're all wasting our time here it seems, those of us who seek to bang the drum for positive change. Nothing is going to change. CGC Management know the score, and do nothing. I tried to help Mr Bedrock in the mod thread as I could see he was on course to be suspended. Righteous anger is always undermined when you start calling people names. He resorted to that, I think, because he was exasperated in the moment with falling foul of under-resourced, ineffective processes. If he had followed my advice, and took the matter up privately and calmly, he would likely still be here now. I understand he is friendly with Matt Nelson, and had a discussion about moderation with him. His last comment was that he hoped Matt would come through. Now he's suspended. What does that tell you about the ability to affect change here? There is no communication on this forum. Problematic moderation - no communication. Site goes down for two days and then daily for two months - no communication. Q&A sections full of unanswered questions. I could go on, but am supposed to be following my own advice of saying something once, and moving on. It's hard to follow your own advice, sometimes, isn't it. Does anyone think any of this will change then? Does anyone here have any influence with the decision makers? If a chat with Matt is followed by your suspension, what is the point? Why should we spend another minute here propping up this massive advert for CGCs services, if they can't communicate one single word of explanation to us about anything? Why should members volunteer to do all CGCs dirty work for them, and field all the flack? Look at Sharon here, trying to help, trying to explain, taking the heat. It's shameful that she is left to do that without one word of support from those that are likely paid very well for the income generating work that they now focus on. Sharon shows more love for the forum in one post than the whole CGC staff compliment have managed in a year.
  8. Cor! Printing error? I'm on the road today Paul - more from me tomorrow
  9. Paul, I think I missed this post, which I am just seeing now, because CGC hide the first few posts of new members until they have been vetted - so I wasn't ignoring you mate! If you have anymore that I'm missing, dive in buddy! I'm looking forward to hearing those topics too
  10. Have you checked the indicia Paul - it's definitely not some local Australian reprint thing? The barcode looks good - a '99' like the US version:
  11. I'm I the only one here who's never heard of the magic bloody eight ball?
  12. What's that! Nice new avatar by the way, Ganni. I like it.
  13. Stingraaaaay, Stringray! I remember it, yes. Meanwhile, here's some more and
  14. Me too How do we think joint inking actually went down then, practically? Did Mooney ink one page and DeZuniga the next? Has anyone been able to spot the joins, if so? Mooney eyes, DeZuniga nose.... I can't imagine them sitting at the same desk arguing. "I want to do that panel" "No, I want to do that panel"
  15. The orange segments? Post the Aussie Spideys over in the Aussie thread Jim. Bout time it saw some action.
  16. I'm lower at 5.5 to 6.0. Too many tears and creases for me to go any higher. I don't think anything has been trimmed. You can never be 100% sure from photos, but I would imagine anyone who would go to the trouble of trimming with a view to improving the appearance / desirability would have trimmed the white bottom edging also, which is present due to a bad cut in production. It's always nice to be reminded of the contents of that book though