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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I lost many of my old Spidey images way back and it looks like most of the record ones were in them I did find a few though, and here is my list from an old Spidey completist doc: And we have these two of course, if we're talking records in general: I did find this one old PR pic:
  2. I see what you're getting at Spud, but no. Two shops are told: "Order 10 of the standard and you'll get 1 variant cover". That's a 1 FOR 10 arrangement. Shop A orders 10 standard copies and gets 1 variant. Shop B orders 5 standard copies and gets no variant. If they were the only two shops in the world, what would the overall 'IN' ratio be then? And how would that ratio be affected if, at a later time, the distributor released to those shops all the 1 for 10's that they printed and which were never claimed? And is the 1 for 10 based on direct sales only or, back in the day, newsstand copies too? And how do multiple variants of the same issue play into the mix? Or unsold standard returns? You can say what the order ratio is - your FOR scenario, but no one can say what the resulting overall extant ratio is - your IN scenario - as there are too many variables that will influence that. You'll never be able to say that x standard copies of any given comic exist, with y copies of its variant, and then arrive at a meaningful ratio. Did that make sense? It's early and I've only had one coffee.
  3. Cheers Number 6 - there's always a variant isn't there My old copies are long gone, alas. Sure someone will have a picture to post soon....
  4. Then there's only one thing left to do Albert. Tomorrow, at the start of the new day, I will open my Miller / cents combos and compare them!
  5. My old Spidey records (of Spidey records) include this entry: Peter Pan Read & Hear Book And Recording “Invasion Of The Dragon Man” (1982) ....but I can't find the old scan.
  6. Is that a no price variant then Gary?
  7. Some of the ones in the middle of the run had a lickle nudge upwards Albert, yes. The early ones needed no nudging of course, as the US indicia details were kicked off to make way for the Miller distribution blurb. The later ones had such a small Miller data line that they didn't need much of a rejig at all. Hardly noticeable given the fairly uneven cuts of the day. Same with the Porter & Thorpes. Back covers? Look in your Wyatt. You'll see...
  8. It could be Galen, yes. We have the Four Color process. Maybe this is a derivative - the Fork Me What's That Smell process.
  9. 18p price variant! I had that in my watch list Gary. Very cool.
  10. There's a #199 in the same lot Androolx, thanks The missing #195 banner (heh, heh - Hulk) is indeed cool. Gives it a very unfinished look doesn't it. We only a need a Hulk #198 now to have the 'set' of seven consecutive issues. If that's what happened of course (bearing in mind the FF scenario). The nice round 100 didn't last long did it - 102!
  11. I'm not seeing any cover / back cover differences to the US version myself Ganni - is it the indicia that gives it away? It's too blurry to make anything out
  12. And on the subject of a world gone by, it's hard to see how Little Lotta would stand up in today's climate: Nice "A.M. Co" 9d stamp there though, to go with my other two...
  13. Sometimes it's hard to believe that there was ever a time when you could pick up Fly Man from the local Spar for 9d... Where did that world go, eh...?
  14. I was looking through some old Spidey files earlier and I found an old folder in which I'd placed Spidey NBS examples. I found a word doc with this rather crude mapping on it: I wasn't as technically advanced back then Anyway, apart from my completely forgetting I'd even done it, it had two extra copies on it that were absent from my new spreadsheet - MA #5 and MTA #28 - so I now have exactly 100 National Book Store examples plotted. Now, is that nice round figure a coincidence, or......
  15. Cheers - I recognise that copy - it's been doing the rounds for a while. The seller has a 'does not ship to the UK' on the listing so I assume that's why it doesn't show in my results. eBay's like that. Interesting to see how a spoiled sticker seems to push the book into the desirability category of a no sticker at all copy. I think that would have put me off too, if I were still in the market for one.
  16. I spotted a stamped Three Mouseketeers hiding in this auction lot: I see you. That leaves us with just five titles now where no T&P stamped example has been found within the first four cycles: I added another MGA to the first #1 stamp bunch of the second cycle too: Busy shipment.....
  17. Indeed. The salient point is that such a stamped book is not a UK Copy, or a Pence Copy, or a UK Variant. It's a US Copy, distributed in the UK.
  18. Got a link? I don't see it - just a handful of non-stickered copies in excess of $750 and which always command much less than their stickered cousins.
  19. Are you sure Ganni? You're closer to the action, but Robocop wasn't around until the late eighties so wouldn’t fit the Marvel NBS date range that I've captured. Got any pictures?