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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. That's my understanding. I see that I forgot to add Gentleman Jim and his solitary #5 to the thread title tag list. I spent so long trying to find a 12c priced copy of it, that I got sick of the cover. Must've blocked it out of my mind...
  2. Bone White, High Grade Mandrake Brought to you by Get Marwood &
  3. Nicely done Gary. I could never say tintinabulatin' either
  4. No worries Mike, i don't think it matters that much to the grade. I'll leave mine as they are.
  5. I don't see a signature Mike. Is it internal? Or is the scan pre-signing?
  6. Not even Met. Allo got a laugh, sniff....
  7. Yes, it's been a while since we last Met. Allo!
  8. What a load of Kraap. Absolutely Diablolical. Hopefully this is just a Blip or you'll be getting what Thorr!
  9. Get Marwood & I

    CI05 (1952)

    I'm not sure what's funnier. 'Spring is here' or the fact that the kids are so unsympathetic. If there was a caption competition, my entry would be this: "AAAARRRRRGGGHH!"
  10. Get Marwood & I

    CI05 (1952)

    That's going to hurt.
  11. Increase it. He fell below the standards expected of The Angry Vole Society in his response to your Beetle Bailey #66 post. It was deemed by their Continuous Assessment Team to be bordering on calm.
  12. PUBLIC NOTICE "We regret to inform you that the King Club office is now closed until further notice following the resignation of the club secretariat and the admission of Barry The Vole into an anger management programme. Whilst new posts will continue to be allowed, no new membership cards will be issued until the vacant voles, roles, sorry, are filled. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience"
  13. "Look Boss, Marwood and I have resigned" "Yes. Yes, I see that" "Could we be the next club secretariat, now the two cretins have gone?" "I fear not, Lothar" "Why not?" "Because Barry the Vole doesn't like us" "He doesn't like anyone though" "True....true..." "Oi! Fk off you two! Poxy magicians...." "Jeepers, that vole is an angry one..." "I heard that!"
  14. All true, Eric's Other, but you are forgetting one key get out of jail free sub-clause, namely number 37 of sub-section 4 which clearly states: "Under any and all circumstances, Marwood can do as he fing pleases and there's nothing 'I' or anyone else can do about it" So sorry back atcha, Alexander. About which there seems to be some confusion. Does it exist as anything other than a complimentary? Who knows. And frankly, who cares. I'm trying to find a new club secretary and you're all annoying me with these stupid bloody questions and observations
  15. Hello No, there is no way to tell the source of any AF15 splash page once it has been separated from the rest of the issue. Only the covers have UK/US printed differences (price, date, indicia). The internal pages, or 'guts' as they are sometimes called, all came from the same original print run and are therefore identical. This scenario is true of all Marvel UK Price Variants. In the example below, the only person who would know whether the page was originally from a pence or cents priced copy would be the person who split the issue up.
  16. Two from the latest Excalibur auction, which is, as Kevin and I were discussing this morning, awash with goodies Different font / style to the most prevalent 'Goldstar' circular one. If anyone goes near the Charlies, they're dead meat
  17. Because horizontal makes you look fat, genius. Didn't you know that, Ganni, or what ever your bloody name is? Don't test me with these questions while I'm looking for a replacement for that pair of tosspots Git Arsewood & Fly
  18. @BrightSide77 got in just in time, as that pair of cretins have just resigned! They made me angry, I called them a pair of trumped up popinjays, and they flounced out like the big girls' blouses that they are! At least they processed BrightSide's application correctly, and added the 10% diners discount. If anyone else annoys me while I'm looking for a replacement secretariat, there'll be in trouble