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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. The movie forum existed for many years in its visible CG location. Movies straddle comic and non-comic related subjects. They are ideally placed together, in one forum, so there will be a conundrum as to where they should go - in the comic area, or the non-comic area. To my eyes, the overwhelming volume of threads and activity related to comic-focussed movies. So the obvious choice, accepting that having separate movie forums isn't ideal - is to leave them in CG where they will get the most traffic. In the same way that CGC Mike allowed the Cornfield to go against the 'comic only' CG principle, I think he should have let this one too. Bosco, your threads have generated millions of views on this forum. You put the work in, day in, day out, to maintain a strong movie presence on the boards which attracts visitors, eyes and discussions, and which in turn generates revenue for CGC. Have you ever been thanked? If those discussions overheat, there are tools in the moderation box to manage them just as there are for threads and posts in any forum. I spend a lot of my time trying to help this forum grow and those in charge of it seem to do the opposite. They don't seem to understand how this forum works, and how people are. Whether it makes sense or not doesn't matter but it is clearly understood that many people won't go near the WC on principle. And now, potential new members will not see an area for movie discussions, should they happen across the forum looking for somewhere to have a chat about the latest Marvel film. For me, this is a galactically obvious mistake and an entirely foreseeable one. I'm not in the least bit surprised that traffic is now significantly down. Added to all the other mistakes that are being made by CGC, we won't have a forum for much longer if this pattern of expedient thinking - or not thinking - keeps up.
  2. Whatever the reasons for doing so, moving the movie discussions to a forum that cannot be viewed if you are logged out / not a member is unlikely to help the forum grow.
  3. If it was back to the viewer, wouldn't we be able to see the right (as viewed from the back) cowl horn too?
  4. Close your other tabs, and copy it before you press go.
  5. Joking aside they could be really good. A tweak here and there, and I'm sure that you'd grow to like them and appreciate what they offer. There are some really useful software components hiding in there. A missed opportunity all round.
  6. Generally Opinionated And Troublesome? And my skint is your broke, by the way.
  7. They bill you for posting here? Hopefully not per post, or you'd be skint.
  8. This forum buffers a lot. Always has. If you're drafting a big post, you have a greater risk of losing it if it coincides with a buffering event. The forum has always had reliability issues for me. It's the only site I use that buffers and is intermittently unavailable all the time. I don't know why that is. Nor do CGC if you believe what you read. I've provided screenshots for a 20m outage with error codes. I never, ever, hear back what happened. It's just the way it is, it seems. I don't pay to be here though, so it's free. I understand all the satellite arguments, but if I don't pay anything, and use it, it's free.
  9. That is DEFINITELY something I do and it won't change. I usually have several conversations going on at once That's probably why you're losing them then Roy. The site is free and that's how it is. Adapt or die!
  10. I think the only time it didn't work for me was for the biggest post I ever drafted. It probably did the forum a favour though, thinking about it. Nobody likes Charlton.
  11. Don't be sorry Robot, I'm only teasing. This is how clubs run at CGC. You have to have one to be a member. You have three, so a member thee be! Times three (post them in the flesh, it doesn't matter how many times we see them)
  12. That would be in my collection, if it wasn't being sold by Silver-Acre and priced ridiculously. I say sold, he's only had it up for five years. Probably. You know where to ask that one Now, let this be a club of Fly comics, Robot, proudly displayed by their owners. And Jaguars. You must own the Flys and Jaguars, to earn the posting rights. It's in the small print, I believe This club is for the sole purposes of posting Fly and Jaguar comics owned by those who post. Any attempts to post by those who do not own Flys and Jaguars may result in the release of a group of angry voles.
  13. Incidentally, and Roy will likely like this, I have a PKD story which I thought, at the time, was the universe trying to tell me something. In peak PKD appreciation times, I opened a bank account, and ordered a debit card and pin number. The pin arrived and it came as a slip of paper that you had to scratch off to reveal the current pin, which you could then use to change it to something more memorable. I had already decided what I would change it to. When I scratched it off, the existing pin was 2374.
  14. I miss PKD. I had a long period of about 20 years, starting in 1982 (obviously) where I was obsessed, and read everything he wrote and everything written about him. Then I stopped and haven't read one for so long now. Looking at your books makes me incredibly nostalgic but also a little glum, as I sold a lot of mine. Something I regret now, as some things were irreplaceable. Maybe if I hook up to the mood organ I'll feel better......
  15. @Dr. Balls None of the like options seem appropriate for that post. I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading it, related to it, and I sympathise
  16. Roy, if you read the post I made below you'll see that my advice, expressed with no small measure of disappointment, is to not bother with the Journal area. The content of the thread explains the background and what led me to that conclusion. Journals Exist! Go and Have a Look at Them
  17. The site has been slow all day here in the UK, buffering intermittently. We just had a 20 minute outage where you could not log in - I tried desktop and mobile. Google Chrome, all other websites fizzing along nicely. Screenshots below of the error codes. @VintageComics Roy, I'm sure you know this already, but if you press send on a big post and it disappears, refresh the page and then go to create a new post. When you do, 99 times out of 100 your post is there again as the system is designed to save it. Another way to safeguard long or detailed posts, which I know many use, is to type it all in word and then cut and paste it in. Not ideal, but it works for text only posts and saves that rotten feeling when you lose a big post that you thought you'd worded perfectly. One other tip - don't have more than one CGC forum tab open when creating a post.
  18. Advertisement ™ We now have over 100 posts in Who needs the AF15 Club when you can be a member of All you need to do to be a member of is to post a comic that you own which has the Fly (or the Jaguar) in it. Let's hear it for ™ A thread about comics in Comics General.
  19. Maybe, Captain. Maybe no be. At least people like us have theories.....