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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. They're not that far off moles actually, Wombles...
  2. And always nice to see a rare but welcome post from you too, Maurice Yes, it was all a bit much wasn't it. It was a shame that Bernard's final character contribution was the offscreen attempted murder of force field protected moles but this is what happens when you place the crown jewels in the hands of those with a self-serving, playful disregard for history. As good as the on screen character was - or certainly could have been, if better developed - it appears the real puppet master was actually behind the camera.
  3. Very happy with this nice, bright, timely upgrade. One of the rarest pence issues out there
  4. OK, listen. I've watched all three specials now. Read that word specials in inverted commas. Like other members of the solitary group discerning I was, of course, hoping for a return to something resembling form after the lost years of Chibnall. Alas, whilst there has been some good moments, it hasn't worked for me at all. Possibly because it is not aimed at me, Who knows. There is an absence of intelligence, respect and continuity that leaves me isolated. I'm not going to go into detail you'll be pleased to hear, as I have done in the past, picking it apart, or post at length about how long I've followed the show, to what degree, and why it has been so important. I'll just say this: I saw the best, and the best was Peter Capaldi, speaking the words of Steven Moffat. Heaven Sent, they were. Anyway, I don't like goodbyes either, so... see you on the other side.
  5. That's nice. I always thought this an odd cover myself. Anyway, it's the most common of the four Flash UKPVs, in my experience, but really high grade copies rarely appear so you’ve done well Lord Vader
  6. Don't worry about that Kromak, if you have cool stuff to show you go ahead and post as much as you like. It's what the thread is for, and you're not monopolising anything. I would love to see more
  7. That's an interesting report Andy, thanks. The 'collectors' model takes some reading. I found this similar graph online:
  8. Careful Andy. If you keep stirring the pot like this, the mods will give you a custom title and start chatting with you. Oh, and by the way, CGC are currently unable to increase the gallery image limit as they are too busy defending lawsuits.
  9. Ah, there it is again. My favourite two left shoes cover
  10. @thecollectron deserves the credit - I'd never seen that book before he posted it earlier in the thread
  11. Looking through the old Spidey files earlier it occurred to me that I can't recall ever seeing a SSM #2 with a T&P stamp: Those two aren't mine - I lifted them from the on line. There are plenty of stamped number ones to be found out there, but no number twos it seems. Go check your number twos, if you have one, next time your in the mood. Make sure it's from 1968 though, and not one resulting from last night's curry. I don't want to know anything about them ("Lo, this monster!").
  12. It's me and you on the King front, Yoz. And you're only Flash! If I ever see another collector actively seeking out a Mandrake UKPV, or a Popeye, I'll likely pass out.
  13. OK Mike. I don't know what OSF is, but I can appreciate why CGC would want to focus all their IT resources on the direct revenue generating aspects of their private business, rather than deal with some of the very longstanding issues affecting this free to join chat forum. On the flip side, I hope that they will appreciate that, sooner or later, even the most loyal members here may one day grow tired of pop ups, performance issues, lost content and problems with basic access. On a personal note, I will continue to try to help the members here with their technical questions when I see them but I won't trouble you or any other CGC staff any further regarding matters of performance, administration policy and functionality. It is clear that none of them are a priority.
  14. It's possible, as your initial submission proved, but hugely unlikely I think. King UKPVs have little to no visibility and I've not picked up on any serious variant collector interest.
  15. That's understandable Mike, but did you impress upon them how irritating this is for signed up members? There was talk of adjusting cookies to stop the repetition - did that go anywhere? Is it possible to set it so that those who have signed up for the newsletter are excluded? Is a "do not show me this again" tick box possible? I do not know of any other website that chooses to ask me to do something that I have already done, on every visit, and which logs me out when I close my browser. And while we're at it, referring to Yorick's post above, I do not know of any other website that is incapable of stabilising its logging in process. Issues like these surely drive people away, especially those with less history and loyalty. You will have seen yourself the comments members make, airing their frustrations. Could you investigate and then make some definitive statements on these issues, in the area of the forum designed for that purpose, which you can then point to when people ask? This eternal cycle of "I can't log in" queries, posts and threads represent a significant issue which is almost certainly driving people away. Is that what CGC wants? Is that what you want, as our sole forum contact? These issues can either be solved, or they can't. If they can't, please, make a public statement that stands as the definitive Company position on the matter. Members can then decide what they want to do, when referred to it, knowing that the position will not change.
  16. I just googleated him. Spot on I don't see Elec and Physics getting on. There's no chemistry between them.
  17. There was a way to solve that. I'll try to find it if Mike doesn't beat me to it. Edit: try this Yoz: https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/505079-chat-board-login-issues/?do=findComment&comment=12253463 See if that then allows you to sign in directly afterwards.