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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I always laugh when I see your shoe sales Buzz. I mean, people buy second hand shoes all the time in charity shops. It's just yours look so worn out and sweaty its like your selling used underpants or something. See, I'm laughing again now thinking about it Going to see Mozz in March - he's kindly playing down the road.
  2. I asked him for some kiddley too. He said "You mean kidney?" I said "That's what I said, diddleye".
  3. I know. I asked the bar tender to pass me the two lumps of beef hanging above him at the bar. He said "No, sorry. The steaks are too high". I'm here all week
  4. And why not Hep. I name everything me, especially toys. Four of them ride around in my work van with me every day. We've got Monkey (the PG Tips one), Spidey, Trixie (the cowgirl off of Toy Story) and Reg the nodding penguin. Gotta have someone to talk to all day haven't you
  5. Quite right Jim! And don't let the bar stewards get you down either
  6. Yes. They don't half go through your cocaine stash quick though.
  7. Commander Bill Battle will have it covered Duff. The sub may rattle, but Bill Battle won't stand for any tittle tattle even if they land in Seattle. Will Bill allow the crew to call him William Battle? Will Bill Battle heck as like.
  8. Must be tough for you guys. Hang in there
  9. This is a good thread. I do like the BURP! Garfields. And this one. Can't think why...
  10. He looks so different without the hat though
  11. Great video @Mr. Zipper I love how you go quiet for a second when you look at it Have to say though, I was really dismayed to discover - after all this time reading your posts - that you don't actually look like this The dream is over.
  12. Yeah Jim, it's still me. "Vot! Who is zis GeeGee of ze Horses masquerading as ze Count? I am thinking zat ze GeeGee hath no understanding of ze Count else he vould haff ended his commentations with ze customary 'Ah, ha, ha, ha, hah!' Ah, ha, ha, ha, hah!"
  13. This says yes: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gdmqDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA80&lpg=PA80&dq=love+secrets+39+quality&source=bl&ots=gO40Vs68fn&sig=ACfU3U07N_BHncfe-X-7Prf5jLKcdFxIvg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEp-KluJrnAhUFh1wKHXztDTQQ6AEwEnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=love secrets 39 quality&f=false
  14. Not according to the GCD https://www.comics.org/issue/243840/ And I found this list which says what issues he did of that title: I think @Sqeggs is a Baker man
  15. https://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=690200
  16. Stay on target....stay on target...
  17. I remember buying that. The album was for sticking stickers in and came with none as I recall. Tres cool.
  18. That's a fabulous piece of art Ryan @Foley The one from Bird aint bad either
  19. Thanks Stephen. Just having a bad night and made the mistake of posting. Death, cancer, dementia. Sometimes it just drags you down....
  20. Well, I thought that was intriguing if no one else did (and not a single meaningful comment regarding Battle #70?). In a similar vein, I've been plotting the number of UKPVs by month in line with some recently received distribution data (thanks Bob). It has helped to show why some key issues have UKPVs for certain months and not others and supports my theory that all the pence issues have now been found. There's a few years in the seventies where only ten pence issues per cover month were produced, regular as clockwork. With titles beginning and ending during the period, and with some being bi-monthly, it would have had to have been someone's job to work out which ten would be selected each month. There's some odd choices looking at the data. A summary for another day.