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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I know! Have you seen this? https://www.comicbookdaily.com/collecting-community/whites-tsunami-weca-splashes/weca-checklist/ My interest here was focussed on establishing whether there were any UK Price Variants among these books but it's an interesting avenue in itself and others have clearly gone into much greater depth. Isn't it just
  2. While we're on the subject of Century Publications, there are also 9d priced books with covers out there: I have this one below and planned to do a comparative piece on it at some point: Mad cover, isn't it
  3. From Jon McClure's article on IW: Full of Fun (1958) #8, from undetermined source, most likely unpublished Bernard Baily Studio material from the mid-1940s http://www.jonmcclurescomics.com/iw.html From WiKi: Looks like we can't find the original Bailey source for "Splash" Waters as it was never published @Bobbi_Betamax - only 'reprinted' in the late 1950s IW/Quality book. So the Century UK distribution copy appears to be its first outing!
  4. Of course, it's on here isn't it! I haven't woken up yet There's another Zor on there too @Bobbi_Betamax, making 3 so far, yes? Also, you list Zor as "Zor The Mighty (Superior/Century), reprints part of Captain Commando Comics (F.E. Howard, 1945)", but isn't it from Jungle Adventures #10?: Does JA#10 reprint CCC? I'm going for coffee....
  5. This is odd. "Splash" Waters means something to me, but I don't know why. I've found the Century version online, and I recognise it. So I must have looked at it at some point but can I find anything saved in the files? Odd. Anyway, it shares the content of Full of Fun #8: The IW/Quality is a late 1950s reprint title, but I can't find an original source. Also odd!
  6. I've noticed recently we've had a periodic, huge increase in guest users all arriving at the same time - around 500 more than normal, several times a day. I let Dena know, as I recall this type of thing being a drag on the forum in the past. The forums were running nicely at the time but accessing anything personal - profiles, PMs, etc - took a long time to load. So maybe the forum is under periodic seige from Google bots or something like that and it's messing certain things up. Or it may be completely unconnected and you were just online as one of those daily glitches were in play. I don't think I ever saw an explanation for the pms that would go missing, incidentally, so who knows what's going on. The place runs well in the main lately, but there's always some intermittent problem affecting users, isn't there.
  7. Nicely done, BB I've had this research on a back burner for a while, but do have another two potentials as follows saved in the files, which I've yet to investigate further: Not the best images, and they may yet be cover-stripped originals, but both were for sale in the UK at some point. Neither has an overprinted UK price, or sticker, but neither do the other Zor issue and the Conquerors so.....
  8. It does, if the stamp number was still in line with sequential shipments at that point.
  9. It would need to have a UK price stamp on it too Albert, to stack up as 'proof'.
  10. You should've gone with The Spanish Inquisition! But then again, we were expecting you so....
  11. @Malacoda Richmond is leading on the T&P deep dive, Bags. He'll be all over you like in a rash in three...two....
  12. Did you have multiple forum tabs open at the time you were posting, BC? I've learned that the images don't always take if so.
  13. Not at all. The journals are in a different format to 'regular' threads. The 4K post we were discussing was in the Distribution thread, which is a regular one. Go to it, and you'll see the details at the top as I posted earlier. With the journals, that post and page count summary sits just below the opening entry, above the subsequent comments like so: Don't ever feel foolish about these things Stephen. Not everyone is completely computer savvy and a lot of these things aren't always intuitive. Most people struggle with the journals format here so you're not alone. It's why I don't post in them anymore - the format has navigation and visibility issues and no one - not CGC or Invision - seem interested in doing anything about it.
  14. Also, the Robot asking this question, which is one of those things that has kind of gained the status of a fact, but we really have never nailed it down. Interestingly I read a quote from a guy chatting about it on Faceache where he said (more or less quoting verbatim here) that he remembered it being a real letdown when local shops had a new delivery of American comics during what he called a 'repeat' month. On the plus side he said that this meant that there were other months when he might get three consecutive issues of a title released all in one go. This reflects pretty much what we've heard many times, but it's interesting that in some months, the newsagents in his locality got so many repeats of comics that had already been through that he actually describes it as a 'repeat month'. I feel like I've forgotten more than I remember on this now but if the plotting exercises I did told us anything it was that the same issue could appear over consecutive stamp number deliveries (if we accept that each stamp represents an approximate one month delivery cycle) and that, in the later years, runs of issues could appear in the same month (i.e. stamped with the same number). This extract for Action Comics - just before T&P dropped the numbered stamps - shows multiple issues apparently arriving in the same month / delivery: The stamp 2 section there could be one of those 'repeat months' I suppose. This might be why I kept saying the numbering sequence consistency went to pot later in the cycles Rich. The pattern degrades. In the early cycles, a particular DC issue could appear in two or three consecutive months, e.g. stamped a 5, 6 and 7. This to me fits with a returns model, as all the US outlets couldn't be expected to return their unsold copies all at the same time and it makes sense that they would be returned on a staggered basis with the majority in one slot but a few others before and after them. We've seen many recollections from people about what they experienced in their shops back in the day, but they sometimes are contradictory so it may be that things were done differently in different areas and times. At the end of the day, it gets dark, and all we can say for certain is that we received printed UKPVs and cents copies that were stamped although not always concurrently. It appears that the cents copies were stamped in line with a monthly sequential, stamp numbered design but that theory is questionable in the later period prior to the stamp number disappearing around mid-1970. The cents books we received could have been on US shelves, and didn't sell, or they could have been sitting in some post-production holding / distribution area. It's hard to say whether it was one, the other or a mix and it may have been different at different times. The presence of arrival dates can lend itself to the theory that some of the books were on sale, and the presence of high grade copies can imply some weren't. But without an actual example contract from the time, detailing the arrangement, we're guessing. It's good to guess though, as it keeps us mucking about with the things we enjoy
  15. Don't worry about it Stephen, it's what most people do. If you had to read everything before commenting no one would ever comment! It's at the top of every thread - posts aren't numbered here but it shows you a summary of how many pages and posts have been made to date under the thread title: We occasionally muck around with fights and prizes when a nice round figure is looming (Rich won that particular one)....
  16. The three books were quite scarce until they started popping up in multiples. I bought at the early high end, thinking I'd be unlikely to get a second chance, so was a bit deflated when I subsequently realised the seller had a box load of them. He even had a pile on his table at the London fair the other month. He can't give them away now, it seems. Did you read my opening journal post on Skunky? I haven't read it for a while, but I think I prove that our copies aren't the guts of Funland #1.
  17. There are two options in the 'Security and Privacy' setting which allow users to show themselves as visible or anonymous. You @ttfitz are set as visible, so your 'Last Visited' date/time will show on your profile as follows (taken just now): If you select the anonymous setting, your last visited date will not show on your profile - this is what it looks like if you select it: As you can see - no 'last visited' time/date. The visible / anonymous security setting will also determine whether you appear on the 'Recent Profile Visitors' list when visiting other users profiles and whether you appear on the 'Online Users' list (see example screenshot below): The 'Last Visited' time is determined by logged in activity. In other words, each time you visit a new page of the forum, the last visited time will update. It is not the last time you logged in. So, if we look at your profile again we can see that you were last 'active' an hour ago. This is when you stopped interacting with the boards. You are still logged in, with tabs open, but you are inactive hence the '1 hour ago' timing: The 'Last Visited' time is not foolproof however. I have reported several instances down the years where a user was showing a 'last visited' time that was earlier than their last post. It may be something to do with cached data but I'm not a technical expert and didn't get a reply from Admin on it. I raised it in respect of a sales thread issue, debating who was first to claim and online at the time. So I personally would never use the last visited time as a silver bullet to determine someone's fate. A few other points. You can tell if a user has read a PM on the forum as it shows as 'read', with a time, as in the example below: But if the user has set external notifications up for PMs, they will receive all messages externally. Thus, it is possible that a member has a read a PM externally but has not read the original forum based one. It is also possible that they can log in to the forum and choose not to read their messages. So I would never say "they logged on but didn't read my message, so there is something iffy going on" as they may have read it via an external notification advice. Also, a member doesn't have to be logged in to read the 'Comics' forum - you can do so while logged out, so never assume someone hasn't read content that is visible to all and which an external notification may have been flagged to them (if they have them set up). To recap on the 'Last Visited' function, it's entirely possible that a member could, for example, log on to the forum and start at the landing page. That immediately triggers a 'Last Active' time and the Online Users tab will show them as 'Viewing Forums Index'. Then the door bell goes, and they are kidnapped by aliens. The record shows that they visited the forum, but they may not have got any further beyond logging on and viewing their first page. All that 'Last Visited' time shows is confirmation of when there was last activity. We can't know what that activity was though, beyond what the 'Online Users' page, and each users profile tells us. In the image below, Rick Starr clicked on the topic 'Baker Romance' eleven minutes ago: If he was captured by aliens a second later, we'd never know if he actually read any of it.
  18. Probably why I post rubbish like this Rich: https://boards.cgccomics.com/blogs/entry/5418-the-search-for-pre-1960-uk-price-variants/ See, we're all full of contradictions aren't we. Anyway, revel in your 4K win while you can. I'll be back for 5K in a bit..... Nighty night pence gang. See you all tomorrow....
  19. Being a denizen of Englandville, I hate it for a whole host of reasons Reggie, mostly geographic....