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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Back from the shops Robot. There's this big round yellow thing in the sky today which I think they call the sun. Haven't seen him for a while. He does make you feel oddly optimistic about things, when he puts his first proper appearance in to herald the coming of Spring. I may have to go out more, now. They're lovely aren't they. You and me are quite similar in that we love to look into these things and post about them, even though the majority are indifferent to them. So many of the UK publications appear to have passed by unnoticed. I'm glad there are people like you out there who pull books like these out of the pack. As I always say, all good fun, and what else can we do on a Monday morning - sunny or otherwise?
  2. ...just quickly though, we're not far off our 4,000th post: Should there be a prize? I'm responsible for starting so much rubbish on this forum and you guys haven't helped one bit by keeping on encouraging me....
  3. I was going to bid on one of those on eBay recently as it goes Robot. Outside of my UKPV / distribution interests, I don't know much about the pre/early 60s period but the hunter gatherer in me gets excited by books like these and the same questions come to mind as you had. I go in phases sometimes where I think "I'll look into that" and then other things take over. There isn't enough time in the day really, is there, even in retirement! One thing I find - not sure if others feel this way - is if the books pre-date my youth, I sort of feel that investigating them is wrong as I wasn't there. Does that make sense? I didn't live through it, so who am I to start tinkering now with the childhood memories of those that were. OK, I'm rambling. Better go to the shops before the wife notices I've already been online for hours....
  4. Yes, I only knew myself because I had the Cartoon Art version. You had to scroll well down the GCD title list to find it. I do remember seeing the T&P one on a recent Facebonk page though. There are so many title derivations of Spellbound it's easy to get confused
  5. Nice ad Rich I like things like that. I can date my Bugs #3 accurately now: It's this one Robot... https://www.comics.org/issue/968840/ ....not the Cartoon Art one I posted a copy of a while back in the thread: I had the same thought as you on the Tim Valour - I can't find a T&P version either - just the Australian title, as you noted. There's a #14 on eBay currently which shows the indicia: The pre-1960s T&P era is such an enticing prospect for me. So little appears to have been researched and / or posted about. There are lots of titles and issues that don't appear on the GCD. It would be a lovely thing to do, if you had time and money, to try to start piecing together what exists. There's likely some that have tried, flying under the radar, but I wonder if it's actually too late now? Most of the books have probably gone the way of the dinosaur now and may not have any surviving copies.
  6. No, the copy in the thread is mine Robot - it's just a nice coincidence that there's one on the bay right now.
  7. I don't recall if anyone responded to this call, but I have seen a couple more copies since posting about it so it's not alone. That said, some of these final UKPVs appear to crop up as infrequently as some of the early ones so if you see them, snag them while you can.
  8. We bestride the realm of Penceville! Population, three men and a dog.....
  9. Crimminal Minds isn't so good tonight. So, using this data, what would you say the ratio between newsstand and direct for ASM was in 2011. If you had a gun to your head, I mean. Or was threatened with a two week stay in the Gold Reading Room. @Lazyboy are you prepared to take a stab at this, using the data sources available? I don't have a copy of ASM #673 anymore to see the SoO, and couldn't find an image online. If the data below from Comichron and the SoO in ASM #673 is all we have to go on (let me know if there are other reference points), how do you arrive at a conclusion that reasonably discounts the single digit 'Chuck' percentages?
  10. You know when you use Google to translate words and phrases into different languages - is there an option to translate ADAMANTIUM into English?
  11. Crimminal Minds isn't so good tonight. So, using this data, what would you say the ratio between newsstand and direct for ASM was in 2011. If you had a gun to your head, I mean. Or was threatened with a two week stay in the Gold Reading Room.
  12. Right, I'll start reading now. Jesus that thread's boring. Who started that shi..... Oh. One of mine. Well, that's about right then. @valiantman Data is right up your street, isn't it. You wouldn't dive into all that stuff in the link and see if Lazyboy has presented a reasonable argument for discounting some of the low % Chuck NS numbers would you? Pretty please? I would do it myself but Criminal Minds is on and I want to see what the unsubs are up to
  13. Christ Lazyboy, I can't remember last week most days let alone six years ago. And the needs of the many pence threads outweigh the needs of the few. Right, I'll start reading now. Do. Data tends to beat a verbal kick in the nads in my experience.
  14. Could you expand on this for us Lazyboy and show some example workings to bring this point to life?
  15. I had to look it up! Ms Marvel has the longest UKPV run where all issues in the title exist as pence copies (1-23) closely followed by The Fly with all 19 issues in the title existing in pence. Captain America has the longest unbroken pence run of 78 issues (176-253). Good shout on Marvel Two-In-One though Neil - it has an unbroken run of 61 pence issues (11-71).
  16. Yes, it's an unbranded Miller stamp. I do like a Miller vs T&P stamped comic.
  17. Nappies, Liz, nappies The absent red on the Charlton makes the wording look yellowy. The same affect can be seen on this confirmed sun fade Spidey below: Here's a nice printing error - front and back affected:
  18. I love the book - got a pence copy of it - but that's classic sun fade. Anyone who ever asks "is this sun fade?" will get asked to see if the colour absent from the front is also absent from the back. And everyone knows red goes first. Apart from CGC, it seems!