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Everything posted by PhilipB2k17

  1. I have been looking for a really nice Marvel Godzilla page for a while. Preferably one with the Helicarrier in it. Nice.
  2. All these modern art sales going on between Felix and Cadence are killing my bank account.
  3. Kind of interested in the Bolland C3K King Arthur Splash
  4. Holy ! Jungle Action #23 may be the 1st Comic I ever bought off of a newsstand. Loved Black Panther, and that cover is fantastic. its pretty awesome to know who owns it. Congrats.
  5. I'm a flipper, he's a flipper, she's a flipper, we're all flippers, wouldn't you like to be a flipper too?
  6. I don't know about that. If they put it up for sale, without conditions....or the condition for non-sale was not met (such as a reserve not being met), I'm not sure how a seller can just cancel a sale for no reason. Buyers cant do that! They can't just decide they paid too much, and back out of the deal unilaterally. They can only do it with the agreement of the seller. This seems like a contracted for sale, where the buyer is entitled to the benefit of the bargain he struck, unless there were some condition place don the sale that made it contingent
  7. Is this the thread where I post my OA page from "Christmas on Bear Mountain" by Carl Barks?
  8. I’d love to pick up a Godzilla vs Red Ronin page from the 1970’s Godzilla book. There were some great splashes. Also, a prime Bolland Judge Dredd Page. And a Golden Micronauts Page featuring Karza & Bug.
  9. I generally make exceptions for artists who are reluctantly selling their own work. That’s a special case.
  10. As a no name, low level relative newcomer to the Hobby, I’m happy (and lucky) to get any comments at all on my pieces at CAF
  11. My rule of thumb is this: If you advertise that your art is for sale, you should put it up for auction, or put a sales price on it. If it is not advertised for sale, then it is incumbent upon the potential buyer to inquire if it is. At that point, it is appropriate for the owner to say: "I'm not looking to sell, but make me an offer." At that point, you make an offer, or explain why you've changed your mind. If you advertise that your OA is for sale, and you get inquiries on the price, it is not OK to say "make me an offer." I dislike that tactic. You want to sell it. You should be up front about how much it would take to part with the piece. If you want multiple bidders on it, then put it up for auction, don't play games. I also dislike the tactic of saying it is for sale, but not publishing the price and forcing people to make a specific inquiry about it. An unadvertised sale price just opens the process up to manipulation. You may give one buyer one price, and another a different one, knowing they are a "whale" or that they need the piece to finish a book, etc.
  12. Out of curiosity, Bill, how many "unique" registrations would you say there are on CAF? It would help give us an idea of how many serious OA collectors are out there, As I expect a pretty significant portion of them have a CAF gallery, or are registered to the site. (40%? 50%? 60%).
  13. I just wanted to update everyone that Bill Cox worked with me to figure out why I was being blocked from the CAF, and its network of sites. He was able to diagnose and correct the problem. I want to publicly thank Bill for doing that.
  14. I'd say #2 is definitely new money in the hobby. Because that's basically me. I wasn't an OA collector (although I had ONE piece I bought many years ago), until a couple of years ago. But I was a comics guy. I now only buy new comics because I am interesting in modern OA, and want to see all the new arts and artists, and enjoy the books. My whole argument about this hobby is that Gene (and others) are absolutely right about the larger demographic trends. But, this hobby is so small that it only takes a few new big hitters to keep prices propped up. Think of it like Boxing. The overall audience for boxing has dramatically declined. Baseball too. Yet, they keep paying larger and larger prizes, or salaries, and baseball teams become more and more valuable. For baeball, there are only so many major league teams. It only takes a few who want to buy one to keep prices propped up.
  15. I remember reading about the art issue from Jim Shooter’s perspective on his blog. His explanation was that by the time he had any say in the matter, the art was being stored pal mal around the offices, so he had it all boxed up and put into storage. He tells about one box that seemed to go missing, at the time, but that the sone of the art was casually given away to visitors, or as gifts, or kept by artists who used pages for reference, etc over the years before his tenure.
  16. We have Fred Ray’s iconic Superman #14 Cover only because Jerry Robinson “rescued” it.
  17. Yes. But they will have the cash or trade to get the new house/OA
  18. Just picked this cool Katy Keene title Splash up from Andrew Pepoy. Loved the theme, as she’s attending a Comicon.
  19. Old time OA collectors are like a couple that bought a townhome in the Mission district of San Francisco in the 1970's, and is now sitting on a property value gold mine.
  20. That's a great page. Congrats on picking it up.
  21. Here's the eBay link to page 10 from issue #1. They're asking $15,000 for it. Or, you could buy an 18th Century Japanese 47 Ronin woodblock print by Utagawa Kunisada for $3,500.
  22. I think 99% of artists would agree with you, frankly.