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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. I'm positive there are honest Comic Book/Comic Art/Trading Card Dealers and Auction Houses out there even if in my 40 years (counting childhood) I've never encountered a single one. Perhaps now society on the whole mirrors them???
  2. This post is in a single aspect of the situation; CLINK refund. If Comiclink is not happy about a thread like this and the number of views then they could have and still can rule the sale void and refund the money. Instead they are using the money as a floating loan and impact to their reputation be damned.. Delaying seller payments and buyer refunds is a long time pattern of behavior with CLINK.. I'm not questioning the legality, but I find it to be despicable moral behavior. Who do they think they are a Fortune 1000 company?
  3. Of course as you mention current drop, and perhaps soon freefall, parallels the Comic market as a whole. But additional factors for Groo may apply? This Post as usual is in IMHO Groo for the most part since day 1 has been niche at most. The animation rights exploration announcement, which anyone in the business will tell you pretty much almost always leads to nothing, cause many speculators and flippers jump into the fray and gobble up DD1 and Groo PC 1. A few of them of course made coin, but I'm sure just as many lost given market events. Those who have been burned on certain comics in past will likley not want to get burned a second time on the same books. Sergio and Mark are both getting older (we all are), while they are not wealthy they are comfortable, based on musings in Evanier's blog going back the past decade they have no desire to take on the type of workload a series will involve. In addition it appears Sergio is adamant about controlling His Character. Without Sergio and Mark attached, any effort would simply loose its charm and character like Groo will become very old and tired very fast. Again even for Comics Book Readers and Collectors Groo is niche with most having little interest in seeing ship after ship the character is on sink. Will the general public really care to see that or care about Cheese Dip or Mulching? Dead cat bounces aside, I think best to accept Groo values have already reached their high tide and that tide is going out possibly to pre-Covid levels in the next 6-10 months . Which I think is excellent news as Groo should be about fans and collectors of the character not about mendicants buying up copies in hopes of making a quick profit per unit. Disclosure: I own 9.8w slabbed and raw copies of all books I've mentioned, and Eclipse #1 has a special place in my nostalgic memories. So "take me for the fool that I am" as I care more about enjoying and having others enjoy the Character than personal profit or the dopamine hit that most get when they see a comic go up in value.
  4. Yes they are down quite a bit, mirroring the Copper and Modern Market Correction on the whole. Outliers and hot books de jour of course being exceptions. Lot of folks already or about to get stung bad especially those that did and still do believe the $elf-$serving hyperbole on display at gocollect and similar venues. If they say something is "undervalued" run away very fast.... The good news is those looking to purchase Sandman may soon be able to get at "fair" prices Comics that display the height of what the medium is capable. IMHO that is a very positive win for the future.
  5. My opinion - not so sure there is clear demarcation but rather its case by case, and collector by collector.
  6. There are faction of collectors and dealers that will pay more for certain books with White pages. For those books a 5.0 White Pages might sell for more than a 6.0 with Off-White or lower on the scale. IIRC Bob Storm's/High Grade is a dealer that caters to that WP "fetish". At a Con a good buddy of mine turned down an Avengers 4 in 8.0 for a fair price in 2018 as it was OW/W and he wanted only W. As he still does not have the book. Given the jump in price the past 3 years if he is not kicking himself in the butt I will have to send him a reminder
  7. DC's Star Trek #22 raw for $20 - are you sure? do you have a link? The condition of yours looks to be mid-grade or lower mid-grade making $20 a way too high estimate. Based on your pics sending any of those books for grading would be a loosing financial proposition for you. .
  8. It may very occur this year with direct sales 9.4's and even more likley with lower grades . Although I'd expect prices on some of those grades to rebound a bit after they crater. After all ASM300 is no Destroyer Duck 1
  9. 1000 packages of 50 each totally 50,000 Mylars of each type or 20 packages of 50 totaling 1000 Mylars or each type.
  10. OK, so then sinking like a stone very much in progress. Any spit-ball guesses on an approximate floor for 9.4, 9.6 and 9.8 Direct Sale copies? ASM300 will always have demand which will insulate it from a collapse other books may experience, but those who paid anywhere market highs for grades below 9.6 are already or soon will be learning a life lesson on purchasing extremely high CGC population comics when they are are hot. Still it can be money well spent if the lesson is applied to future hot books. I learned that lesson with a few books in my youth circa 1993 a lesson that in part led me to start with Original Art in the late 1990's. So regardless of the ROI loss on a few comics, for the education it was money well spent.
  11. ASM 194 9.8 Direct Sales now a mere $2 away from testing a downwards breach of 4k level. Even with continued market manipulation attempting to fight the future I will not be surprised if by years end the Direct Sales version it dips its toes below 3.2k end of the pool. Those who purchased Direct Sales ASM194 9.0,9.4,9.6 at market highs may be taking ROI losses as 2023 approaches. It appears the irrational market ending for this book is firmly in progress.
  12. The following post applies to Direct Sales ASM300 not the newsstand version. 9.6 Direct Sales now sinking, testing a downwards breach of $1300. It had been near 2K for a long time. I'd not be surprised if we see sub $1.1k on Direct Sales 9.6's and sub 4k 9.8's by end of this year. As supply continues to increase and demand continues to drop those who purchased 9.0's, 9.2's and 9.4's at market high's will be taking large ROI losses. Buying a book when red hot is seldom the most effective fiscal route. Unlike flash in the pan books ASM300 will always have some interest and will become hot again, but when accounting for inflation and lack of a future "Covid bubble" in our lifetimes the book may not approach it's inflation adjusted 2021 salad days.
  13. Destroyer Duck 1 9.8's are now barely scraping $700 and the grip is extremely tenuous. Those who paid $1500-$1900 have every right to be worried as this book still has plenty of room to free fall to it's floor and then will stagnate. I wager 9.6's will be below $150 with no demand by year's end. Temporary Dead Cat Bounce aside, it is plausible this book may never be hot again in our lifetimes (fool me once applies to those who have been burned) and frankly never should have it high levels to begin with as a mere animation rights exploration announcement at best is a "nothing burger". As "keys" like Destroyer Duck #1, Groo Pacific #1,7, Groo Marvel 1 continue to plummet we'll learn who are the true Groo fans are - they will be the one's still participating in this thread as it again becomes about Groo the Character and not Bubble Market reports and hyperbole. P.S. I see gocollect is still trying to fool the same ol' rubes with the same ol' tired lines.. This past week they added Groo 1 to list of "undervalued comics". Appears the writer (Ohlandt ) is stuck with a cache of them purchased Dec 2021-Feb 2022 at market highs. Want to get burned financially buying comics, then simply believe any of the $elf-$erving hyperbole on GoCollect.
  14. I put it in same category as "Further Adventure of Indiana Jones". Not positive but I think Godzilla is the only Bronze or Copper Marvel title that took place in the Marvel Universe. #23 and #24 are Stone Classic Pop Culture Cross-Overs.
  15. Modern folks be thinkin' its vintage sneaker related.
  16. I got mine at a 7-11 as well! Perhaps you were in front of me in the checkout line.
  17. unless it was the Master of the Universe interiors torn out of comics like Justice League America 208 and Batman 353, because CGC apparently really needs that teeny tiny amount of revenue because a few pennies is so much more important than reputation and perception to CGC. Master of the Universe preview was only available as a 16 page "insert". The "insert" was attached with the same staples as the main title's pages. Pages 8 and 9 of the "insert" form the centerfold of all complete issues in which it was included. It was not released by DC as a stand-alone. Master of the Universe preview appears in the following Nov 1982 cover dated DC Comics: Action Comics #537 All-Star Squadron #15 Arak Son of Thunder #15 Batman #353 Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #9 Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1 DC Comics Presents #51 Detective Comics #520 The Fury of Firestorm #6 Justice League of America #208 Legion of Super-Heroes v2 #293 New Adventures of Superboy #35 New Teen Titans #25 Superman #377 Warlord #63 Wonder Woman #297
  18. Your response does not seem congruent with your forum signature. Guess you condone WATA and Haspel and their ilk
  19. The only true Marvel Bronze success in terms of length was Star Wars. The 80's Film one-shots and mini-series' are Copper Age for most part IMHO. Not much to discuss as they served their purpose which was to adapt the film and that was that. As mentioned in an above post Indiana Jones Character had a 3 year monthly run but it's Copper not Bronze. In terms of Licensed Properties for late Bronze and Copper, Marvel had solid successes with multiple Toy tie-ins.
  20. ^ Whomever at CGC decided on choosing this shipping box design and construction seems to lack the most basic knowledge of physics. All part of the worsening negative customer experience. But hey they will now grade old VHS tapes
  21. Correct, If the 9.6 is strong, and the 9.8 weak, even veteran collectors may not be able to discern difference once the books are slabbed. Then there is the reverse; when a strong 9.8 and weak 9.6 the differences can be glaring to an experienced collector. As for novice collectors whether its Comics or Trading Cards they seem to think everything they have is in "great shape" or "mint" then after a time they usually find out none of their stuff is above mid-grade
  22. and gocollect's bread n' butter livelihood was attractin' rubes during the bubble. Now that its a burstin' they be needin' more than dubious (IMHO) take downs in order to be keepin' their lights on. Perhaps they might consider consider offering a quality service with up-to-date accurate factual data without hyperbole, at a price that won't turn away most collectors. Nah that is probably too much work ... <sarcasm on> issuing dubious (IMHO) take downs is likley the superior business model. Next they can begin suing dirt poor welfare moms like the RIAA <sarcasm off>
  23. "Poly-bag removed" I believe CGC mentions that merely as statement of fact. It is not a defect.