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The Voord

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Everything posted by The Voord

  1. It's the Thetan from the OUTER LIMITS episode, 'Architects of Fear'. It's a 'Watchmen' seed story
  2. I don't do guesstimates but think the SSS # 6 is likely to smash previous records for a Woody EC cover. To tie into Lee Benaka's efforts, the # 6 cover originally sold for $2.288 on March 30, 1983 in the Russ Cochran EC art auctions. Pretty strong price for back then. I bought two complete EC stories in the same auction, including one from # 6.
  3. Totally agree with you on your No. 2 peeve. Instant turn-off for me as I really can't be bothered investigating lines and lines of text..
  4. I usually provide detailed descriptions at the time of uploading artworks. The only fiddling I do is to periodically change what's on my Featured Gallery Pieces - which I limit to nine representative artworks: Comic Art Gallery of Terry Doyle at ComicArtFans.com
  5. You have a great CAF Gallery; I've visited many times.
  6. Steranko ain't no Stinko. As much as I like Matt Baker's work I'd go for JS.
  7. The artist's looking for commission work, so you're not exactly harassing him if you send gentle reminders that you're still interested in hiring him. Just keep your messages polite and courteous, as I'm sure you do, and there shouldn't be any problem with that kind of approach. Personally, I'd limit myself to two gentle reminders if my original enquiry is not responded to (maybe a week or two in-between communications) and leave it at that.
  8. Recently acquired this Spanish video-sleeve painting from a collector friend . . .APOCALIPSIS 2024 (A Boy and His Dog) an 1975 American black comedy science fiction film directed by actor L.Q. Jones, from a screenplay by Jones based on the 1969 novella of the same title by fantasy author Harlan Ellison. The film stars Don Johnson, Susanne Benton, Alvy Moore and Jason Robards. It was independently produced and distributed by Jones' company LQ/Jaf Productions. The film's storyline concerns a teenage boy (Vic) and his telepathic dog (Blood), who work together as a team in order to survive in the dangerous post-apocalyptic wasteland of the Southwestern United States. Harlan Ellison, the author of the original novella A Boy and His Dog, started the screenplay but encountered writer's block, so director L. Q. Jones wrote the -script. Jones' own company, LQ/Jaf Productions (L. Q. Jones & Friends), independently produced the film. The film was shot at Pacific Ocean Park in Venice, California, and on location around Barstow, and Coyote Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert. No idea who the artist 'Segarra' is, but I'm a big fan of Harlan Ellison's work. The figure was painted separately and pasted to the post-apocalyptic background . . . only problem being, Vic is leaning a bit too far forward (minor quibble).
  9. Thanks, CC, saves me some further explanation, but not all. Yes, examples were asked for and, in my case, a valid example of attempted fraud was given (if you don't like the answers, don't ask the question). Not something for the OP of this sub-thread to explain away or justify by saying they can ask what they want for the art (asking prices and fraudulent listings are two different things). The subject of the Donnellys cropping up time and time again is down to their actions and their actions alone. Yes, there are keyboard warriors out there on social media, but on this art forum most people here are known to one another and are usually looking out for one another's interests - as is the case here.
  10. I have had similarly (bad) experiences with Steve Donnelly and I listed just one example. Social media is just a communications tool where people share their thoughts, ideas and experiences (same as you're doing yourself) No different to real-life exchanges (assuming the on-line guys are identifiable and/or well known).. As for the business of asking Romita Snr to sign artworks he never touched with a pencil or ink brush, if you don't think that's a valid criticism, I'd love to hear your definition of what constitutes one? Pricing based on a high-end artist's work that doesn't actually appear on the page? I'd call it fraud. Can I point you in the direction of Richard Rae who can offer you some 'Kirby/Royer' art?* Anyways, it's late here in the UK, so I'll reply to any response you may wish to make tomorrow. * You'd have to research that one.
  11. I'd like to chime in on that question. Some years back, Steve Donnelly had a Spidey cover by Romita Jr. on offer that I quite liked. The cover had not long previously been on sale with Mike Burkey at, I think, around $8 - 9K. When offered by Steve Donnelly, a John Romita Snr signature had magically appeared where it previously hadn't existed and when I did the masochistic thing and made an enquiry, the price had shot up about three times Mike had previously listed the art at (and Mike's no shrinking violet when it comes to asking top dollar). I didn't believe for one moment that Romita Snr inked the cover, and could see no on-line credits listing him as inker, so I asked Mike (who is usually pretty good at identifying JR Snr art and inks) and he said no. Furthermore, Mike said that Steve Donnelly, if in the same room at Romita Snr at conventions, etc., would ask him to sign artworks he never inked (sometimes getting a bit confused and talked into signing art Steve was pushing in front of him). I'm glad that your experiences with the Brothers Donnelly have been good, but when people list lots of negative experiences, don't you think they might have good reason to do so?
  12. Bizarro Spider-man swinging on barbed wire? He'll have someone's eyes out with those feet!
  13. Finished. My 17" waterline version of the fish-monster from the OUTER LIMITS episode, 'Tourist Attraction'. I'll be making a water-effect base in a few weeks time . . . once I figure out how to go about making a water-effect base Some screen captures from the filmed episode for comparison included in the attached photos. It was a mediocre OL episode and the monsters were kind of rubbish. An American collector who buys copies of my OUTER LIMITS sculptures requested I make this one, so who am I to argue with the mighty dollar?
  14. Make love not war? In any case, I'm sure we've done a war thread, somewhere many pages ago.
  15. Some more work-in-progress photos attached - from prime-painted fish-monster (from the OUTER LIMITS episode, 'Tourist Attraction') to end of my first painting session. Seems to have gone okay, so far, with finishing off the eyes and a bit more detailing around the teeth still to do. Should have him finished tomorrow.
  16. Update on this previous post to this thread . . . Unpublished pre-code Adventures Intro the Unknown ACG cover by Ken Bald. Issue range, for which this cover was intended, would have been #s 28 - 33 (1952). I've now consigned this rare original to Comic-link's next big auction along with another 1966 Ditko cover and a twice-up Marvel cover:
  17. Work-in-progress update on my latest sculpt of the fish-monster from the OUTER LIMITS episode, "Tourist Attraction". The five copies of my cast, each measuring 17" long, have now been completed and I should be moving towards my first painted copy soon. As the latex cures over a period of days it goes darker in colour - hence the different shades noticeable in my photos. Each cast will be be foam-filled with rigid-drying polyurethane, with the teeth sculpted and cast separately to be added along the way. My next update will be of a painted version. For my own display copy, I will add a water-effect base . . . though that's likely to be a few weeks away.
  18. I'd forgotten about this thread. Since my last OA contribution, with thanks to the Grape Ape, I very happily acquired the splash page to ASM # 32. Yeah, no Spidey, but the middle chapter from the absolutely classic Master Planner storyline - so I couldn't be happier. My old Captain Atom # 80 cover (1966) recently sold on Comic-Link and I've now consigned my Nukla # 4 cover (1966) to their next big auction.
  19. Some more work-in-progress photos of my 17" waterline version of the fish monster from the OUTER LIMITS episode, "Tourist Attraction" The plaster mold seemed to have dried okay so I went ahead with my first latex pull and he's come out just fine. The sequence shows liquid latex resting in the cavity of the plaster mold. The latex is drained and after about half an hour poured back in - with the process being repeated several times. Once the latex film that forms on the inside of the mold has been built up to a nice thickness it's left to dry. I speeded up the process with a hair dryer. The latex impression has now been removed and he's come out just fine. I'll be making further copies the rest of this coming week, probably five in total. Teeth will be sculpted and cast separately (to be added . . . as will a water effect base).
  20. My latest OUTER LIMITS monster sculpture from the episode 'Tourist Attraction' is now complete and ready to make latex copies. I re-modelled the tops of the eyes yesterday morning to make them a little more pronounced. The evening time casting session went very well and the plaster mold came out just fine. I should have my fist latex pull sometime next week. I'm doing a separate cast for the teeth. Still lots of work to do moving towards a finished display copy, but most of the the hard work's now behind me . . . I think . . . I hope! Teeth and a display base (clear resin fashioned to look like water he's swimming in) will be added later. Final shots of the slightly revised fish-monster (just the tops of the eyes have changed) and resulting plaster mold. I find that creating a clay wall surround is good for containing dripping plaster as I'm brushing it on to the clay sculpture.
  21. Day three of my new OUTER LIMITS sculpture . . . the rubbishy-looking fish-monster from the episode, 'Tourist Attraction'. This will be a waterline version, measuring about 16" long. Going swimmingly well, so far . . . I've included a screen-capture from the filmed episode for comparison.
  22. There was a UK singer called Shaking Stevens (Chaykin Stevens, geddit?), who had a top ten hit called, "Behind the Green Door". He was a kind of rubbishy Elvis Presley wannabe. Maybe we're on different wavelengths on this one, as I had absolutely no idea what you were talking about at first until I googled 'Green Door' and someone who starred in that dodgy movie called Marilyn Chambers. You do believe me . . . dontcha???
  23. Last of five new paintings, ATENTADO LA JUSTICIA video sleeve painting by Macario 'Mac' Gomez. Link to my CAF, and a Movie Poster gallery of 80 paintings: Comic Art Gallery of Terry Doyle at ComicArtFans.com