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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. Work, family, and health have kept me from selling for almost a year. Haven't been here that much either. Lately I am trying to restart my interest. Won't even go to nycc this year. Tired and broke.
  2. My old lcs went under in 2000, so I got so much treasure then
  3. No, only 18.my lcs bought some insane number when it came out, having missed on 337. I got what he had left 17 years later, still in paper wrappers, at 10 cents each.
  4. I know. I haven't had it in me to sell for a year. Need to gear up.
  5. It is a substantial building for $30k with an olive press to boot, but I just don't have it in me.
  6. That seems pretty cynical. Thor 339 is still one of the best investment books out there...
  7. If 212 can be $430, why not? https://www.ebay.com/itm/CGC-9-8-Amazing-Spiderman-212-White-Pages-1st-Hydro-Man-Appear-New-Movie-spec/292720437318?hash=item44277f6846:g:g5UAAOSwq2JblaLi
  8. I wasn't being literal with the 12 people. But those pics show something that is nearly empty. Now maybe blowupthemoon dropped a few grand there and helped pay everyone's rent, but maybe not.
  9. I dunno, have been visiting here for 15 years and this thing pops up every couple of months, although yes, it is in the wrong forum
  10. I suspect you are correct. I am not handy enough for that project. Probably has no plumbing or electrical.
  11. Very clean and organized, but the lack of humanoids is depressing. I know people here don't like a crowded show, but if only 12 people show up, 3 of whom are spending money, how can they do these shows year after year?
  12. Do you think this spot, on sale for $30K, would generate enough foot traffic? https://www.rightmove.co.uk/overseas-property/property-62210465.html Getting that up and running would consume a 1000 post thread OK, sorry, I just finished grading 18 poorly written papers, I'm a little bored and a friend claimed there are $1000 houses near the beach in Sardinia I could retire to. That was not true.
  13. Didn't they already get married in some issue of Batman family 40 plus years ago?
  14. In that condition gen 13 #1 is very rare! I remember getting $35 in trade for that and #2 at my lcs. Turned them into a Fawcett captain Marvel. Good times! Edit: my bad, I guess that is a newsstand this is harder to find
  15. I only got 5.6-9.6% returns on those 98-2002 investments because they were eviscerated at the time. Had to dig out of a hole. What do you think my august 2003 contribution did? Anyway, a bunch of folks were saying in 2009 the market would be a disaster for the next 5 year's. In any event, maybe the next 5 or 10 years will stink. Although bogle predicts 6%, getting it down to 4% required some maneuvering. I will never underestimate the ability of CEOs, CFOs, and wall street to jiggy prices up, whether rational or not. Their private jets and alimony payments depend on it!
  16. Ann Margaret was so hot. Heck, she is pretty hot for an old lady now. (She's still alive, right?)
  17. Ok I think this is my last one. I kept on putting into my 401k leading up to the internet crash and afterword for the stickiness of 2000-2002. Probably madness at the time, but I would have spent the money on dollar books or strip clubs. I have run calculations (with dividend reinvestment) for August 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 contributions. The rate of return to the present ranged from 5.7% - 9.6% for each year, averaging within the 7-10% range. You can't just act like 2009-18 didn't happen, sure things look terrible if you cut out most of the recoveries. And that includes a long stretch, where, as you note, the s&p was negative. I don't disagree that we are probably due for another correction, but nursing home and adult diaper stocks will keep the market robust for the next 20 years after that! In any event, I am far more concerned personally about NYC real estate staying bubbelicious for another decade or so.
  18. You know, partially quoting me changes it a lot! Anyway, You can pick any 20 year period and find ones that are good and ones that are not so good. I am also viewing it not as a 1 year investment, but putting in yearly or monthly or biweekly like most people do (And yes I know the original post response was where to stick $800 for 30 years and I just didn't think a hulk 181 beater is the way). Fyi, the Nikkei is actually up a whopping 15% or so since 1989 if you factor in dividend reinvestment and look at it in dollars. About .5% a year! Better than Fish Police 1!
  19. Yeah, I am surprised by how few were made. The front cover at least looks professional and features better art than most DC and Marvel comics of the era.
  20. Delek is this guy: https://pro.dentresearch.com/p/BNBZERO_0118/LBNBU767/?h=true He'll own us all!
  21. Compare and contrast: https://www.today.com/news/jim-cramer-time-get-out-stock-market-wbna27045699 (August 2010) https://ycharts.com/indicators/sandp_500_total_return_annual 2000-2002 was brutal. With that said, I am probably moving a lot of my 401K into low return short term money market type stuff. It's a panic move when the market is doing fine. I just find this feeling of teetering on the brink too stressful. Should have bought Amazon in 1997...
  22. You know, some of us here are dangerously close to being in their 50s and, gasp, some of us are there already! With that said, my 13 year old (probably 11 or 12 when he saw it) nearly wethimself a few times during the movie.
  23. Buy because you think you are going to get $__ of enjoyment out of it. Trying to make money on this stuff is worse than buying scratch off tickets with a $500 prize cap. Buy enough and you may accidentally make money on a couple, but the rest, not so much.