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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I suspect it might not be as easy to borrow an amazon prime video account as it is to do it for netflix, but I really don't know
  2. I think he might be saying he "wants to watch it so bad"
  3. You don't have Amazon Prime? It pays for itself pretty quickly with the free shipping and the free TV is a nice bonus between Invincibe, The Boys, and several other good shows on Prime.. particularly if you have a wife who orders way too much krap. As an added bonus I re-use many of the amazon boxes for shipping.
  4. yeah, for a long time the non-homage cover of NC 3 Family Secrets was not really pursued, but no longer, the market realizes the cameo is in all versions...though the homage cover is way cooler. i remember that being an expensive book when I don't even think Invincible 1 had cracked $100. I bought a copy at a flea market for 50 cents and it was like an instant $30 flip on ebay then and I possibly could have gotten more. I am guessing this was around 2010. I know I also snagged a Walking Dead 7 there too, and got $15-20 for that, so it was before WD outright exploded.
  5. Gojira - I have two speeding tickets from France from a 2013 visit that I did not get in the mail until 2014. Do you think they will be out of the system if we visit in 2022? My French relatives and friends think they are long gone from the system, but I am soliciting opinions. Also, where is your shop in Paris? I visited one in a central business area that had a second floor, but my wife was impatient and wouldn't let me snoop around long. Having a toddler in tow usually results in that.
  6. He asked me which one I thought was more inappropriate and gorey. I said Invincibe becase the blood in HQ is more cartoony and comedic. He won't watch real horror movies. He keeps his eyes averted and headphones in listening to something else when we watch Walking Dead or Supernatural.
  7. And Warner is clueless on using the characters. They're introducing Batgirl in Titans, but the wheelchair bound Oracle version. Which probably makes sense for the show (they already have one non-powered woman in a silly costume who can beat baddies up because she used to be a dancer? Huh?), but isn't going jack up those 359s... (Batgirl on the HQ cartoon was terrific and given that she is played by Cuoco's sister, she may be back, but that show, despite its brilliance, has zero impact on back issue prices).
  8. Also, it looks like all the cheap copies of 359 were bought up. There is a terrible looking 3.0 up for $599 with a B/O.
  9. A 3.0, sure, but I guess he bought raw, so you could get more stuff raw, take your chances, etc. I have never found 102 (Cap or Hulk) all that exciting either, but I think the market disagrees. And yeah, for the money I would probably rather have Tec 359 for all the reasons you state. Although the market kraps on DC books.
  10. that this isn't a first app, or iron man 1, submariner 1, hulk 102, etc either hasn't really hampered those books. $500 doesn't get him much in the way of a first appearance of an important character. maybe half a book. it's a nice book, but he may have overpaid for it given that it is a raw copy
  11. those weren't as hot as i was hoping they would be either. I am selling a bunch of the action 9s a lot cheaper than I hoped i would. I am a bit worried I am bailing early because if this is the guy who will be in the movie that should be a $100 book raw.
  12. All the other sales are for a chunk more. I don't think they're that depressed, this voldy 9.8 sold for $425: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Chew-1-CBCS-9-8-NOT-CGC-First-Print-1st-Appearance-Tony-Chu-Image-Comics-/193605899204?hash=item2d13cf93c4%3Ag%3AUG8AAOSw6vtfJP47&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 and this cgc went for $475: https://www.ebay.com/itm/CHEW-1-CGC-9-8-WHITE-PAGES-1ST-FULL-APPEARANCE-TONY-CHU-2009-/303908109237?hash=item46c255bbb5%3Ag%3AE3EAAOSwQndgQO28&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 I don't remember where they once were, I suppose it used to be double that?
  13. Walking Dead was popular. It was nowhere near the height of its popularity. WD 61 was the 84th most popular comic that month according to comichron and did not even sell 24,000 copies, at least via Diamond (the next month Chew was like #246, just ahead of Usaji, and supposedly sold under 6,000 copies, which makes me think comichron isn't reporting everything, because I've read 13,000, but I have no idea where that came from). There's a reason why those WD books in the 60s popped, even if comichron's numbers are low, there still weren't that many of them. Look at invincible during that period, only 15K in sales, that whole period is full of low print run books that could pop if there's any interest in them. Chew is kind of dead now (although #1 still sells for a lot)... although this auction is weird: https://www.ebay.com/itm/CHEW-1-2-3-4-5-6-1ST-TONY-CHU-1st-Print-Image-Comics-Ave-NM-Grade-/143976433504?hash=item2185aa0760%3Ag%3A2gsAAOSwXh5gS-mO&nma=true&si=BZbpsjZvXBDBh7scMVfgI%2BAabNw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Am I missing something? The #1 is mid-grade, I suppose that is it? Anyway, according to comichron, it took a while for there to be much of a following at all, which surprises me. It seemed like the book got pretty hot after a couple of issues.
  14. I disagree completely. It would have had a good run regardless. It had a good story and a following. Image stuff was hot then anyway. Did walking dead even have a big print run then anyway? That didn't start until about 20 issues later. It wasn't anywhere near the height of popularity.
  15. Just surprises saga has held up, but I guess chew has also held up, but there are a lot more saga 1 out there
  16. I liked Preacher seasons 1 and 2. The third season went off the rails.
  17. He demanded that we finish the last few episodes of Harley Quinn today. He is so pizzed Season 3 is so far off.
  18. Interesting how Saga and Thief of Thieves both hit the scene at the same time, were blazing hot, but Saga 1 has held up. Indeed, has kept on moving along. I remember when it jumped from a $35 book to $100 in a matter of weeks and now raws that aren't even described as very high grade are selling in the $200s, 9.8s well into the $400s. I had not been watching the book in 2020 though, not sure if this is something new.
  19. I guess Fear Agent 1 went from a $25 book to a $5 book and is now a $50-65 book. Glad i never got around to selling mine. Now I need to find them.
  20. The "at least" was meant to be "at least he was 18".. Not that he could have been 18, 28, 67...
  21. would customers like it if the main story was 48 pages? I am trying to get into the mindset, obviously nobody is buying a stack of $4.99 comics viewing them as potential resale candidates. sure, one might be one day, and a specific issue might get sold out for that reason, but i am ssuming they buy them for the stories and such and out of habit?