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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. At the end of the day I am going to need to educate myself on this, which, frankly, i was going to have to do anyway because my wife was planning on expanding her consulting business this year and we'd need to figure that out. Previously it was not all that hard to figure out some business deductions that wiped out most of $800 in consulting income. I still have not gotten a good sense of how many sales would qualify something as "regular" enough to be viewed as a business vs. a hobby (where the changes to the rules really skrew folks over) vs. straight up capital gains on collectible sales. are we really supposed to do a capital gains analysis on the sale of a $10 comic?
  2. But you'll probably get audited if ebay does a 1099 for $15K for you and your taxes don't reflect it anywhere. That's the problem. So you need Shadroch to do your taxes and figure out how $15K in sales is $200 in profits.
  3. basically they have been barely doing any audits, so barely + 50% will still not be a lot.
  4. don't quote me on it, but if you're trading comics like this the chances of the IRS ever getting involved are near zero. we're not talking about Action 1 here. When you sell and actually have money, that's another issue. of course, it is going to be REALLY hard to document your cost basis if you do sell if your collection was put together through hundreds of trades
  5. "People"? If it came back for a season 2 zillions of people would be excited and watch it. It would again be the top show in TV unless. A few people didn't like it, a few more were irritated by the end (possibly because they did some comic spec). You can't make everyone happy. Some people didn't like how Avengers Endgame wrapped up too. A lot of "people" complained about Joker and Captain Marvel. DC and Marvel have a billion+ reasons to not care. Heck, some people hated Black Panther. $1.3+ billions to not care. Seriously, I read reviews basically saying Joker was a piece of garbage.
  6. I would add that the only time I ever bite is when I see something that is a likely $25-100++ flip on my end if it is as advertised (outside the PCH book I may have paid about market for), so it is not a shocker that sellers probably got offers higher than ask via PM. Honestly, I knew the price on the Hulk books was too good to be true. There may have been more than $100 of meat on the bone there. If you're paying around FMV for something there's less of a chance of this happening.
  7. He had a real heart to heart with her. He played a professional hockey player, which he was at the time.
  8. Lesley Mann was particularly endearing in that movie and I remember the scene where she almost cheats on ant man
  9. Yeah, someone prices the books right (which happens a few times a month) and I pounce on it. The next person says via PM "I'll pay $50 more." It is over for me. Today within minutes of someone posting a lower grade Hulk 180 and a decent looking 182 for a very good price total (probably $50-100 under FMV) I pounce on it at his asking price, I don't even ask for more information because he actually had good and numerous pictures. I want to get the deal done. He PMs and just wants to make sure I see the defects so there are no issues and I say I am fine with it. Clearly around then someone offered him more than his ask and he backs out with me and says he got an offer he couldn't refuse. I'm not going to make a huge fuss. I've had many where i responded right away and said I'd take it at that price provided no interior pages missing/coupons, etc., they say there are none, and then not long after they tell me the book was taken. We have an honor system here and I don't think too many folks here PM a seller who has sold a book in a thread and try to outbid. I'm sure it happens, but I've never gotten one or did one and I think i have seen such an accusation 2-3 times in 16+ years here. With that said, this isn't a knock on selling there, but buying seems like potentially wasting a fair amount of time. Then again so is putting out a zillion lowball bids with expecting to win 2% of your auctions, but I built a pretty nice GA and early SA slab collection in the early 2000s doing just that,
  10. I remember the actor who is playing Walker from This is 40. I feel like he is kind of young for the role though. I know he is 34, but he seems young. If he had his dad's chin I could totally see it though. The guy who played the Patriot / Mace on SHIELD was more the age I thought would make sense. I don't remember U.S. Agent very well, but it seemed like he looked cap's age (not actual age, physical age).... Alan Ritchson, who is 38 and plays Hawk in Titans, was kind of the look I was thinking of
  11. i see the cavewoman stuff uncensored on ebay
  12. I had not read anything about this, I thought he was training his daughter? This is someone else? I'm not familiar with who the new lady hawkeye is in the comics.
  13. can't these kids just go to SHIELD academy like in the old days?
  14. yeah, but unless we're jumping way ahead, she was blipped, so she's like 15 now. she should be 20.
  15. Dredging up this old thread. I assume this is still a thing. I am a member of some groups, so I see posts. Mostly laughable dollar box books listed at $150 or decent books 50-100% over FMV. And ridiculous shipping. Once in a while I am shocked and see something listed at a good price. But it is just hopeless. You can be the first one to respond and agree at the asking price and someone will make a higher offer via PM and it is over. At least there is honor here on most transactions and ebay has actual rules. I've tried to sell there once, only to have someone ghost me. I have been the first to claim books about 25 times, only once did a seller go through with the sale and, in hindsight, I probably overpaid, but it was PCH, so who knows, it is hard to really price those. I'm tempted to give my teenager boxes of cheap stuff to try and unload there, but it will probably be a waste of time.
  16. https://www.cbr.com/wandavision-senor-scratchy-demon-cut/ So they spent $20 million on a Senor Scratchy battle scene and then decided not to use it?
  17. I am guessing the next one is going to be a bit more conventional action like a captain america movie. I cannot fathom Loki not being good to terrific. The Hawkeye family might be the weakest, but I think it will still be good.
  18. ok, we get it. you didn't think it was good. it seems most folks who watched to the end, and there were a lot of them, liked it. so you're in the minority. we're all entitled to our opinions. am i unhappy with some lose ends and plot gaps? yes. I just finished watching 7 seasons of SHIELD. did i like the series overall? yes. were there some parts i wasn't excited about? yes. did the last 3 seasons enter jump the shark territory? yes. did i watch them anyway even though i felt like some of the plot and dialogue for each season felt like it was written by a group of drunks over a long weekend? yes. was i thinking to myself "folks got paid to write this ? why am I working as a lawyer? i should have gone to hollywood."
  19. That seller is weird. Some of their prices seem fairly normal. And then every third one is completely wack. Do they use a random number generator?
  20. people list 42 as 1st boba and 1st yoda when it is neither. the cgc lable doesn't even say that. i used to have sooooo many 41s. i don't know where they went. it was a book heavily ordered by my old childhood shop at least. i remember they'd put in in their grab bags.
  21. what were the complaints? that the treasury edition actually came before the magazine and the book before all of them?
  22. pork bellies are so delicious. i had some korean pork belly dish and might have been the best thing i have ever eaten.
  23. Your cars tend to be smaller and more efficient. My wife decided we need a giant SUV that gets 20 mpg on a good day. And requires premium gas, which is like $3.30.