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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. the sales tax panacea has come and gone. ebay sales did fine. sure, covid probably helped. ebay handling all the "paperwork" is really all we needed. much like with this nonsense, except ebay cannot figure out our income taxes for us, unlike sales tax. psychologically, even though the 8% sales tax is really reducing my sales price by 8% vs. the earlier world, we've accepted it, because it is easy. trying to figure out a schedule C and praying not to get audited for a $300 a month side hustle is entirely another problem.
  2. Well, if Amazon is gonna pay zero federal income taxes we gotta get the covid relief checks from somewhere
  3. it is going to be a big pain in the arse for someone who does the simple form for their regular job. now they're going to have to figure out a schedule C.
  4. actually i think it is $12,400 and you don't need to file, if you aren't a dependent. it used to be much lower. yes, as stated, this is going to require a bunch of filings for people who never had to before. a nightmare for people who just aren't adept at this stuff. with that said, if they don't surpass $12,400, it seems to me they don't have file anything anyway?
  5. it is only non-taxable if you have a basis to claim there was no profit.
  6. you're supposed to file taxes regardless of income above $12,400 if you have any income. you may wind up getting a big credit/refund, but being poor does not relieve you of any such obligation, although if you don't owe perhaps there are no penalties involved. I filed my taxes years late a few times when I was just busy as heck and knew I had a refund owed to me.
  7. or just make up expenses and claim $200 in profit and then the IRS is going to have to decide whether to audit millions of $3000 a year ebay sellers over this. it is just hassle.
  8. You sell the household item you bought for $1000 for $601... is that taxable? It shouldn't be. I spend $3000 a year on comics and sell about the same. if you look at the cost on each book, maybe I have turned a profit and have unsold inventory. they're treating everyone like a real business with this, in which case you wouldn't be taxed at the capital gains rate per item, you'd be taxed like a business. so a business that spends $3000 a year on inventory and makes $3000 in sales (post fees) should not pay any taxes. But putting together the paperwork to document this is a giant PITA. Again, if the feds need blood, i'd much rather just have them add a 2% national sales tax on these transactions.
  9. The paperwork hassle this will create for small sellers is the problem. Taxes now more complicated than ever. Folks who buy stuff for cash and re-sell have no records to prove costs. Selling old stuff? No records. These people are not accountants. $20K and over, yeah, its turning into a real business. States were able to impose sales tax and it was not a big deal because ebay, et al. could just do it automatically. This is completely different. If they want to impose a 2% federal sales tax on these transactions to compensate for the income tax they know they're losing, I wouldn't have an issue. Ebay, etc. could deal with it like local taxes and we don't get crushed under paperwork.
  10. And now states are enjoying sales tax revenues from all of this. This is going to cause a lot of people to just stop selling, because of the hassle in figuring out their taxes for $2000 in sales that may or may not produce any taxable profit. States are going to lose revenue as a result.
  11. I'm sorry, the way you describe your dollar box hunting I assume you have some sort of stockpile that looks like mine. But I have been doing the box diving pretty regularly since 1993, and (I'm not even counting my box diving from 1977 - 1985/6 or so when I stopped to be a teenage boy)
  12. doesn't that still sell for cover price on ebay, more or less? i always buy it when i see it cheap though. i figure they will do something with it eventually. although it was optioned more than a decade ago and still nothing.
  13. i haven't done a yardsale in 2 or 3 years and some of that is drek I put in there 5 or 6 years ago that never sold. the west coast avengers books were worthless until recently. When I do pull the "garage" boxes out for a sale i flip through them to make sure. i did that a long while ago when I had a bunch of deadpool (1st series!) in there that had suddenly become worthwhile, i think they had been in the year before and nobody bought any of them! the WC avengers book I am thinking of I looked up in like october when I was in the back of my garage to see if it was worth anything, it wasn't, so I left it there. WC avengers were so dead for so long my old shop literally had them in a 10 cent box.
  14. it's fine. i just have so much other stuff i'm in the middle of.
  15. Charlie Chan was a weird one in that you had a white guy playing the character, so that's a problem (he claimed he might have had some asian ancestors, which was unverified), but to be expected in that era, and they do all the stereo types and everything, but he's a genius at solving crime, and at least his whole family is played by actual asian actors (I think). He did 16 of these movies in about 6 years before he died prematurely. And he was in 14 other movies during the same period! Movie studios knew how the crank out movies back then! None of this 2 years to make a movie nonsense.
  16. If "The Hex" is gone, isn't Agatha free? - This *really* annoyed me. Like 5 minutes after Wanda says "you'll live in here forever," Hex Westview ceases to exist. Huh? WTF? I thought this was a version of the mind ph*ck she did on various avengers in Age of Ultron, except she has perfected it and can make it last long term?
  17. I think they miscast him, I agree, the show had so much potential, we'll see how he morphs, if at all, I am halfway through it. I like Satana though.
  18. Huh? Action, fighting, blah blah. what we see in marvel movies. Many of us were disappointed it didn't link to other MCU stuff. As noted, if fakePietro is, just in fact, a guy named ralph from that town, they have wasted a big opportunity to come up with a multiverse explanation for bringing the x-men in. I'm fine with dottie being a red herring. she is from a really obscure part of the marvel universe anyway. i had never heard of her before all of this. as for mephisto or dormanu or cthaon being a baddie, none of that was foreclosed by any of this.
  19. Herb not as much. They had his license up. But they were trying to trick us with Dottie. Also she wanted to see her kids, but weren't there kids out on halloween?
  20. Dottie Jones was a curveball. One of the writers must have had a box of defenders 112s....
  21. i don't think she is in dr strange 2, but who knows? she is currently on a show with paul rudd and just did one with mark rufallo. small world i gues.
  22. I honestly, not that disney+ seems to be remotely interested in giving their customers value for the $13 a month we spend anything like we get with netflix, but they could probably do a whole agatha series on the quick for not that much money, fleshing out some of her back story and history...how she got from the 1600s to the present
  23. except Agatha will definitely be back. Wanda pretty much said as much. Folks liked the character. How soon that happens is a whole other issue as the -script for doctor strange 2 was written before marvel knew she would be a fan favorite