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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I'd also add, you're not buying a comic. You are buying a slab from CGC that says 9.8 on it and a comic book inside. That's where the hundreds are going. Outside of hot keys that sell even when raw, nearly every book you are concerned about from that era can be found for $15 for less in nice shape. Often $5 or less. I paid about $17, which included shipping, for this. Mid-grade. Classic Neal Adams cover, 1st appearance of a minor character (that had a TV show). Money going into some books seems to mean some others are getting ignored. Yes, a cgc 9.8 will probably be over $1000, but a 9.4 is probably only $100-150.
  2. so buy a 9.6, sometimes for less than the cost of slabbing. you might not even be able to tell the difference.
  3. Just because I am good guessing doesn't mean I understood you. I have been married a long time. Quite often my wife will not even speak to me. So I have to do a lot of guessing.
  4. again, i have no problem revisiting some of these classics and questioning if they are maybe not so deserving for future publication / shoving down kids' throats as required reading (an asian kid may not be so thrilled seeing some of those asian stereotypes), but ebay getting into the business of potentially banning them is silly.
  5. I don't understand anything you wrote. Google Seuss and racism. It will explain things. I don't think later in life the guy was a racist, but he depicted stuff in a way he thought would be entertaining to his readers, and in hindsight, maybe not a great way to do it. He probably was a firm believer in the superiority of judeo christian/white culture and couldn't view things from other perspectives. like 98% of other white people then. watch movies from the 30s and 40s and most are pretty bad. you practically had to be an international superstar like Louis Armstrong to get treated with any dignity in a movie.
  6. He is being blamed for some of his WW II anti Japanese cartoons, which are indeed pretty racist, but so was the U.S. government. FDR's portrait hasn't been removed from the White House. He did some cartoons of black people that do the same racial krap most other cartoons were doing then. No, it isn't really defensible. He was a big anti fascist, so he got put up on a pedestal he might not have fully deserved frankly, as a parent, reading these books to my kids was pure torture Some of the other stuff is certainly pretty normal for the times, by 2021 standards, not acceptable:
  7. Even I think this is silly. We can't cancel everything before 1970. 98% of his depictions are white. so were 99% of his readers. while i understand not publishing them, some of the stuff I have seen pictured is incredibly mild compared to what was typical of the day. I am afraid we're going to have to burn our Timely Comics. I will provide an address you can send your copies to so that i can properly dispose of them.
  8. Based on very little recent ebay data is is about 1/3 the value of a TTA 27, a big chunk harder to find. Both pretty peripheral characters, though Ant Man in TTA 27 is too in the MCU as it isn't the same guy. About half the price is TTA 13, although TTA 13's Groot is pretty far removed from the loveable cinematic version. But a little more expensive than Sgt. Fury 1, albeit a much more common book.
  9. Yup, good luck finding some of these. Yellow Claw 1 in 2.0 is $500+++ https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yellow-Claw-1-CGC-2-0-1st-Marvel-Silver-age-comic/363213701865?hash=item54913942e9:g:qW8AAOSw0lxf0O-M
  10. Blade was Marvel's first foray into movies. Before Spiderman. Before X-Men. Before Iron Man. He had THREE movies (which means the first two made money). And Ryan Reynolds years before Deadpool or Wolverine or Green Lantern. And a terrible TV show. Blade has the potential to make a comeback. Definitely. BUT BUT BUT...vampire hunter shows are like lawyers in New York, you see one every 10 feet. He need to tie into the MCU. He needs to be Marvel's Vampire hunter. That's the mistake with Hellstrom. Demon exorcist shows are a dime a dozen too. They needed to tie him into the MCU early. He needed to be Marvel's Demon Exorcist.
  11. The Yellow claw stuff isn't so easy to find. That helps make it pretty expensive.
  12. doesn't he have a sensitivity to light because he is part vampire?
  13. ok, so you paid $105 for a mid-grade in a world that probably didn't know what it was worth, although maybe $100 was a bout right for a mid-grade one a few years ago. i bought a nice X-Men 266 for 50 cents at a flee market. Immediately sold it for $75-100. That didn't make x-men 266 a 50 cent book.
  14. The MLP books have a weird Brony sub culture that collects them, maybe. I've never read them. I've actually watched the new cartoon a few times. It can actually be clever. And now that marijuana is legal in so many more places it might be even more clever.
  15. A lot of BA and SA is drek, as in it sux. Mainly the DC books, many of which are objectively terrible. But we collect them anyway! The Marvel stuff is usually readable today. DC, not so much, outside of war, horror, and a few others (ok, guys like denny o'neil were writing readabke stuff, but he was more in the BA). What makes the new stuff drek? Drek as in badly drawn/written, or you think it is too common? Most recent books are probably no more common than many BA books.
  16. I see kids going through cheap boxes. those are the boxes they can afford. Part of the problem is many conventions are so dang expensive it keeps some kids out. Mine did. He had some titles he wanted to read from 1 up like Howard the Duck (2000 version) and Earth 2. I was a little annoyed he got them out of a $2 box (as some probably could have been found for $1), but I bought them anyway as I didn't want to discourage his desire to read them, Anyway, once read he gave them back to me and i will be getting my money back and then some on two issues of Earth 2.
  17. I don't understand your objection. Is this considered a "key"?
  18. how wrecked was your copy? i've wanted a decent copy for a while. i never saw anything remotely affordable recently/
  19. speak for yourself. I'm almost 50. when you're getting close to retirement you do a lot of facebooking.
  20. OK, you remember passing on books at roughly the going rate because you thought the going rate was too high. OK, that's pretty much every book i see. I get it. I remember stuff in the dollar box I didn't buy. The ugly GI Joe 21 and ASM 194 still haunt me. And the 1s Green Goblin at $10 I passed on because of tape on the spine. It still haunts me, 27 years later.
  21. And Auction ends don't count. No reason to assume you could have gotten it for $1 more.
  22. Who keeps accurate records of prices of books they passed on?
  23. agree, cyborg is a secondary character, for now. as for angry...that's kind of never how the character has been characterized though in movies/tvs. he usually seems to be pretty calm cool and collected in the 90 minute dc cartoon movies. in doom patrol he's one of the less pissed off characters. i can't remember the comics though. let's face it, in justice league flash and cyborg were pretty peripheral characters. I got absolutely no sense of flash character development or why they would have a movie based on him, particularly when i have been watching flash on TV for like 6 or 7 years with A TON of character development. this is the problem, flash and arrow have really intricate personas fans have been watching for years. the shows got a little monotonous, but they worked.
  24. That was the villian in Black Panther. Marvel made a lot of money.