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Posts posted by rexinnih

  1. Live North of Seattle (Bothell) and hit the ECCC a few times. Got too big/crowded and not enough celebs/creators to make it worth it IMHO. Compounded with what downtown has become, many can argue self-inflicted, I try to not to go downtown unless it's necessary for a concert or something. That said, I have been hitting the Washington State Summer Con at the fairgrounds in June and they seem to get a better selection of celebs/creators and MUCH less crowded than ECCC. 

  2. Fatigue - yes IMHO. Too many movies, TV shows, competing companies (Marvel vs. DC) coming out at once. Characters that I didn't have familiarity with moved it past the nostalgia phase for me and I focused more on good story telling and actually enjoying what's on the screen. I have to keep in mind that the Infinity Stone arc and first 20ish movies that led up to Endgame set a high bar (in my opinion) and hope that Marvel can get things back up with Kang. 

  3. On 12/21/2022 at 7:11 PM, Axelrod said:

    Finally saw this.  And my reaction is, it was fine.  

    I enjoyed it.  It looked good.  The water/aquatic stuff was at least a little different from the first movie.  

    But, this is not a movie that demands to be seen again.  Not in the same way the first one did, because the visual impact was so much greater and more novel then.  The effects in this movie are mostly of the same variety that people are now very used to.  I read how they had to invent new technologies for the underwater scenes, but even if that's true, they didn't stand out like "omg, this is something we have never seen before," regardless of how hard they might have been to actually do.

    Don't get me wrong, it looked quite good, but not that much different from the 1st one.  

    And the plot was the weakest part for me.  Definitely felt a little paint-by-numbers.  And just not all that significant?  I know they already shot the next one, so maybe this one is just suffering from middle child syndrome.  More set up than pay off in many ways.  

    Call it a B?  I guess?  

    Had to go back a few pages to see some reviews and this one is closest to how I felt. 

    Saw it yesterday, alone and honestly glad I didn't take the kids. Enjoyed the first one, and saw this one in 3D. 

    Pros - as stated, visually stunning, not as impactful as the first one being so revolutionary but still amazing to see. Story - both a pro and a con. Yes family is important and glad to see the evolution and progression. 

    Cons - here's where it goes and the initial feeling is, not a desire to own it or really see again. Much too long. Glad I didn't bring the kids as 3+ hours would have had them squirming in their seats. We made it through Wakanda Forever but that was a bit tough at the end. This one could have had a lot cut. For me also, it's the escapism that really draws me to movies. Yes this was on an alien world but trying to hit you over the head with the issues of our blue planet and move to Pandora, was fine in the first one but didn't need to be so repeated and in my opinion escalated in this one. 3+ hours of humans are greedy/bad got old. As for Jake and family, leaving your forest people to "protect them" and then to endanger the water people had me internally commenting on that. Yes there are bad corporations out there. Yes there are bad elements of the military out there. But not all. Hopefully they can move on from the same old same old of those themes but looks like that still sells so probably will continue with it in the next ones. 

  4. Ok, saw this last weekend with my two daughters aged 11 and 13. We've seen all the MCU movies to date. You can look at my Avatar and see that I was trying to be open minded but going in with low to no expectations as Sub-Mariner is my favorite character and I was at first not aligning with the decision on the origin story and presentation after waiting so long for that character to be introduced to the MCU. 

    We were all in agreement, it was too long. 

    Now for me, overall, I agree not as good as the original but better than I was expecting. 

    Pretty much hit all the points I was expecting, Shuri becomes the Black Panther, Iron Heart introduced, pretty paint by the numbers there but it was the Sub-Mariner and how they would handle that was my main focus/concern.

    While I got over not being from Atlantis, etc., I thought they did a good job portraying him. I was hoping for aligning to the comics with a disdain for the surface world and saw that. He was powerful, a leader to his people and looking out for them. Yes, the final battle was predictable, Wakanda about to be pushed off the edge of the ship but Shuri beats Namor and they hold hands to stop them.  Thought a full assault on Wakanda the first time would have taken care of things but that wouldn't have allowed an MCU ending that happened. I fully see him coming back in FF and aligning with Dr. Doom (FF6 looking at you) and then turning and joining the Avengers, etc. as things progress. 

    Assume the son will become Black Panther down the road and not sure if there will be an BP3 but look forward to the evolution of Namor. 

  5. Caught this over the weekend. Agree, not as good as the first but entertaining. While I did watch the first one again before watching this one and own the 4K, don't feel an immediate need to watch this one again anytime soon. Did have an issue with them destroying a priceless work of art, yes know it's not real life but still didn't like to see it go up in flames.