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Everything posted by Rick2you2

  1. Disney’s kiddie characters are one thing. But adult women, or men, in pictures not intended for publication?
  2. Actually, I would like to see more of that. What does Batman do if he is on patrol and has to take a leak? Or does that costume of his also hide adult diapers? As I recall, Superman has occasionally used his heat vision to grill food. Whose the brave man who will ask Wonder Woman to set the table for dinner, or clean it afterwards?
  3. How is it detrimental to show characters having sex? I guess we are supposed to think that the super-sons came from the stork? There is an old saying: there is no such thing as bad publicity. They ought to lighten up. Or would it be okay if someone like Jim Lee drew pornography of no name characters he made up. Is that better? This I do have a problem with, but more so because it is posted than done. Now, it is intruding on other people's space and its conduct is offensive to say the least. So if someone wanted it, that's there business; but sharing it? No.
  4. But the piece isn’t really does not demonstrate Sienkiewicz eventually evolved skill set or style. The Adams influence screams out. To me it’s like buying a Picasso when he was first drawing still life’s.
  5. Today was one of those days I wish I had packed better. I went to the Big Apple Comicon where, among other guests, Sy Barry was appearing. Last year, he said his art days were over, so I didn’t expect things to change this year. I also didn’t want to lug my backpack and collection of inks/pencils, sketch pads, or full set of old comic reprints for an artist to use as models since I am refocusing on published art for now. Well, Sy Barry is drawing again. As the last surviving artist from the Phantom Stranger’s 1951-1952 run, this was a must have. He was willing to do commissions, but he forgot to bring his pens and I didn’t want him to use a marker over his pencils. So, I paid him and he will finish it in his studio in the next few weeks.
  6. Just out of curiosity, Is your wife's name "Angel Andthe"?
  7. For sexy or titillating, there is always Catawiki--always. I would agree it isn't the best art in the world, but it does have a human sort of charm to it. Almost like she's saying: "There now, these are my breasts. Satisfied?" And no stretch marks despite her age--Fantastic Two.
  8. It just sounded simple, friendly, and not something likely to be duplicated. Who wants to be known as, say, Rick00038? In the past, I sometimes went by the user name "Grovercleveland". When I first was told I had to pick a screen name (when the internet was young), I quickly found the normal ones, like Rick, were taken. So, it was suggested I pick something no one else was likely to use. Our second fattest President nicely seemed to fit the bill.
  9. I feel like I should put on my cape and long underwear right about now. The general rule is that it is not illegal. There are exceptions, like discrimination based on race, etc. There may also be violations of contract between eBay and the seller, but I don’t know of any. You have, however, hit on something which has bothered me for a while. When advertisers gather information to target ads, are they also using it to set different prices for different viewer groups? This has happened, although digging out the information has been hard for the press and others to ferret out. For example, it was discovered that Home Depot was posting different prices on the internet to people living closer or farther away from different stores. So, let’s say you lived near a Lowe’s and further from a Home Depot. You might see lower prices than someone who didn’t, since distance to the Lowe’s is one reason a possible buyer might pick it over a Home Depot. I read later that this discrimination quickly vanished after knowledge about it became public. Or, if your profile suggested you had an interest in buying something, why give you a discount? I swear that happened to me a few years ago when planning to buy a vacuum. When I first started searching, the price was X. After 2-3 searches over a few days, all the pricing became X+ $80. After that, I went with a different brand.
  10. Back in the day, closer to 50-60 per month, if they were out there. The truth is that a lot of those stories got repetitious in their own ways, too. Then the scale of stories grew to regularly threaten the universe—and they got repetitious. But I don’t think younger audiences care that much to try and absorb the content or learn all the details. They seem to prefer doing things, while tapping out text messages to each other or on Twitter.
  11. I have generally found that mailing things during the Holiday Season sometimes produces unexpectly long wait times. Was there a tracer number on the package? If the post office branch has done its job (not always the case), you should be able to track its location.
  12. I will add my vote for Peach Momoko and Chrissie Zuko; not to disrespect the others, just not too familiar with them. While they may not qualify as new or lesser known, let me also add Dan Quintana and Jason Shawn Alexander to that list. Also, Ashley Witter has excellent skills (but don't care much for Squarriors).
  13. And in a nutshell, that exemplifies the dangers in spending a lot of money on OA. Two buyers who stopped buying were able to sink the price of this. How many really major buyers, not dealers or collector/resellers, are out there? What if more of them stopped? And, are they aging out of their buying years in any event?
  14. At that price, buy as much as you want. But if you are asking me what I think of the work, it it not to my taste. That does not mean it’s bad, just that I don’t appreciate the style enough to want to try and get into it. I generally like something more stylized, or in the other direction, crisper.
  15. Ever see Mythbusters? They had one episode where a small boat used duct tape to create the siding around a frame. And yes, it held up for a while.
  16. If I really wanted to engage in "mental wanking" I would listen to TV news. This is more like taking Metamusil for the brain. Everyone occasionally needs a good flush.
  17. On duct tape: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/02/duct-tape-was-originally-named-duck-tape-and-came-in-green-not-silver/
  18. My reasons were a little different. I bought my first OA from artists in shows, and found I simply liked to talk to them and learn more about the process. Still do; I love the gossip and "soft underbelly" business aspects of the hobby. The art was my entry into this world. In fact, I would probably rather spend hours talking to writers and artists than buying the artwork. Artwork is just stuff; people are real.
  19. Fine art isn’t necessarily expensive art. I expect that many people here have more traditional works in their home, even if they are little better than prints or flea market finds. So sure, we take it seriously. We just don’t buy enough generally to dent it.
  20. Apparently, a performance artist ate one of the bananas. Let ‘em try that with Bristol Board.
  21. If you are just starting out, perhaps I can give you some assistance. First, treat this as a hobby, not an investment. Even if you buy something that one day turns into real money value, you are more likely to buy a lot of things that don’t. And even when you hit, you won’t get full value, or close, selling to a dealer. Second, IMO, there is a lot of excellent OA produced these days which collectors don’t give the time of day it deserves, or which isn’t from a favored run of books. A lot of people here like “the classics” sometimes more for nostalgia reasons than skill, I think. Go with your gut. There are also some under appreciated “ old timers”, too, but you will probably do better with the newer stuff, if only because it is drawn more for the modern reader than the old common “6 panel” page. Third, try to get the best example of something you can afford instead of a few mediocre examples for the same price. Better to hold onto your cash and wait for the right piece. Fourth, try to limit your purchases to a topic or topics, at least for now. There is so much volume out there, you will go broke or eventually want to sell things you bought when you were a newbie, and may lose money. Fifth, unless you really love an artist, stay away from commissions—for now. Too many artists competing for your dollars for you to know what you will later regret. I get commissions on occasion, but I know where I want to waste my money.
  22. Not this many. Some of us are just venting our frustrations and laughing at its hypocrisies. Personally, I don’t care. I don’t need someone else’s approval of my hobbies.
  23. It's not about the banana. It's for lovers of fruit flies. Apparently, he sold two more of them.
  24. Just wondering if this would have value to a museum? If it’s tough to sell, it might be valuable as a charitable deduction.