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Everything posted by MGsimba77

  1. ...Cubs win in 4 game sweep vs unnamed Miami team (symbolized by a gator) The 20 year block characterization makes sense. The 90's are a blur though. Another positive from certification is that it torpedoed restoration. Attempting it wouldn't make as much sense today as when people were paying top dollar for uncertified raw copies. I think maybe people have gotten better at spotting it as well 🧐
  2. Bravo my friend 🤟! You been busy lately with these books💥💥💥 Way to go! Newsstands mostly > direct
  3. What guides did you follow before certification and GPA? Overstreet, Wizard?
  4. They wouldn't be able to keep track of sales tax paid anyway since of course every state is different. It would be most helpful however if somehow GPA could keep track of total cost instead of omitting tax & ship. What someone is actually paying for the book is more informative to both buyers and sellers than just the asking or best offer accepted To @RChelis question, eye appeal might be considered in that decision by some. You almost never have a choice between 2 books before late copper age that are identically the same. Some people have massive enough OCD to compell them to pay premiums for certain eye appeal qualities they prefer.
  5. Yeah we're lucky charms down here no online tax except on Heritage and Pedigree ...for the time being. Me thinks our status will last about as long as a pack of ice cubes in the Sahara Too many politicians seeing dollar signs. Although shipping to Sarasota is always fast!
  6. How often do DC keys even sell? I mean the true big ones involving Superman, Batman, W. Woman maybe Green L.? I know JLA #1 but what other books/character 1st would qualify? Flash, Aquaman Joker? I'd imagine census on those low as hell even in low grade. Probably tougher to gauge trend on those
  7. Younger gen when experiencing a full blown, code red no "likes" on FB crisis...like having a whole 5 minutes elapse without a like
  8. Well I have a coworker & neighbor that are major marvel comics fans. Not collectors in any way just into characters & movies. None of them had any clue about cgc before hearing it from me. A good portion of those in fan groups may not even know what 9.8 means. The "certification" crowd is probably tiny in comparison to the overall universe of industry consumers. The high grade crowd who spend thousands of 💵 on one slab is even tini tinier! I don't know that its smaller than we think since I'm under no delusion it's anything more than a niche hobby to begin with. Pretty sure it always has been so I don't think its any reason to worry. Heck there's people even here that collect books but don't believe in certification. Maybe they think it turns them into commodities so they reject the idea. Like I said no reason to sweat it
  9. Only explanation for them not getting likes is others in the group don't know you. What groups are these? Are they knowledgeable collectors groups?
  10. The average American owns more personal debt today than at any point in history. The term "overleveraged" doesn't even begin to describe it. So yeah of course Mastercard is smiling!!! Anyway I hate to say but the online tax will unfortunately have a negative impact on the market imo . But hopefully not!
  11. What grades are you looking at? I've been seeing high grade SA keys steadily increasing on GPA. Some have skyrocketed. This newly imposed sales tax by unelected judges in Washington is going to either slow down sales of keys in certain grades or force sellers to severely drop prices. This is kind of unchartered ground here. I wouldn't be surprised if it lowers sales numbers on GPA. If you think about it though an Ebay sale of a 10k or higher book from someone in a high sales tax state wont reflect what they paid in tax on GPA. That tax # could very well be in the thousands! I imagine a sizable portion of the collecting community lives in California where the sales tax is like 10 gazillion percent or something ridiculous! Judges suck!!!
  12. I always thought they made Jack R. look like the paramedic on the old medical show "Emergency". But just on that one cover. Congrats on the win! That cover has a sort of early bronze DC feel to it. Of course Neal Adams right
  13. Peter was fighting a war within himself over Gwen vs obligations of secrecy. His frustration in this issue was at its most intense other than 50. His anguish was avalanching so much it compelled him to tap on Gwen's window to reveal himself and tell the full story about her dad before Prowler intervenes. This ties in with issue 87 with whole thing about Hobie pretending to be spider-man. The story here is powerful! You could feel him being torn apart! Romita always drew Hobie and Randy Robertson the same . I like the way he drew Peter's facial expressions to fit the moment. And Stan was a heck of a storyteller!
  14. Any new word on the Sony Kraven movie? Still on? The last I read was the guy who played Colossus in Deadpool wants to play Kraven
  15. 5 books back. One totally clear, three with very small minor rings barely visible, one with a moderate size blotch bottom front cover but not terrible. Overall it's a good result I'm satisfied. Not perfect but I ain't complaining considering how bad other submissions came back
  16. Not old enough but know every episode by heart. It's on "MeTV" classic tv network every Sunday night at 8pm eastern. They do change schedule often so don't know how long it'll last. Good to know Lt. @ADAMANTIUMquickly got to the bottom of things 🧐 🔎
  17. Ok but is this indentation or whatever it is something they're deliberately doing? If it is then for what reason? It can obviously have an impact on the back cover over time. By "thinner" books are you just talking about non giant size?