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Everything posted by shadroch

  1. Is he grading books that he pressed? Or that people paid to have pressed?
  2. I worked in a club called Heckle and Jeckles. On either side of the Stage was a painting of a six foot crow. One night I jokingly asked the owner which bird was which and he looked at me like I was crazy. Turned out he bought the club from a guy who had a comedy shop and he thought the Heckle part referred to people heckling bad comics. I lost a lot of respect for him that night. By the way- one of the house bands was The Bloodless Pharaohs, and when they broke up, members went on to form The Stray Cats.
  3. My investments go into the best deal I can find. Might be comics, might be stocks, might be art, might be a promising young entrepreneur, might be silver. What works for me may not work for everyone, but I don't invest for everyone
  4. I've split collections with people, including board members. I've also "invested" set dollar amounts with a dealer where I gave him X for buying stock, with the promise of X plus Y at a given date. If someone I trust approached me about sharing a particular book, I'd give it consideration. Do you think dealers own all the books in their inventory, or only one person owns them? If the person doing this checks out, I'd have no problem investing at the right price. My only issue is there are many better ways to invest my limited capital.
  5. Just be sure to follow all 67 rules, make sure your ad is grammatically correct and aesthetically pleasing or it will be banished to limbo. If you manage all that, expect to get many pms offering you a third of your offering prices.
  6. They reprint the story in a new and different format. They are what they are. Origins of Marvel Comics reprints most of the same stories but no one confuses that with being a variant.
  7. Looks like a Ben Franklin doll someone dressed in modern clothes.
  8. Lisa Swila wrestled as The Spider-Woman for a short while in the early 1980s.
  9. How much have you already " invested" in these modern books that graded a 9.0? Chances are you are already deeply underwater with them, so is spending an additional $50 per book(minimum) going to be the best use of your budget?
  10. No, it isn't. What I would suggest is going back two years,or 2500 transactions, whichever is the smaller number. Determine how much this policy cost you and build that into your pricing model. If you lost $250 over 2500 transactions, you should raise your prices ten cents to cover it. Your returns, for any reason, should be a very small portion of your transactions.
  11. Publicly traded companies don't worry about the long run, they worry about the next quarters numbers and keeping investors happy.
  12. I recently bought a SA book listed as a 5.0. When I had it in hand, I'd call it a 3.5, maybe a 4. Expressed my dissatisfaction to the seller who promptly sent me a scan of the book next to a label. He says it's the cracked out book and CGC called it a 5.0. For all I know, he has a dozen of this common, yet expensive, book in stock and pulls the label argument / trick each time he sells a copy. I kept the book as it was an okay price for the grade, but I only bought it because it was originally a bargain. I don't know if he was honest about the book or not. He's got a good reputation but everyone has ,until they get caught.
  13. The Sentry. He throws bad guys into the sun. What else do you need?
  14. I don't disagree. Perhaps they were printed in anticipation of wider distribution. I believe a board member said he purchased some in Pittsburgh. Now certainly didn't print to orders like most Indy companies did.
  15. Comico, Now, First and others did extremely limited newsstands versions of their books. I'd pay a nice premium for any of the popular series. I've never seen a Grendel #1 newsstand edition but Mark Hamlin says they exist. Now and First only distributed them in small numbers around Chicago, from what I've read.
  16. When a guy spends his whole adult life messing around with kids books, just how much wisdom is he supposed to be given credit for? Is it a coincidence that there are very few women who engage in being dealers?
  17. Why not? Why should a dozen old guys sitting around a table in the backroom at Comic-Con get to set the prices? Burn it down.
  18. We could eliminate all the profiteers from the industry. All we have to do is achieve universal acceptance that any and all raw books are valueless. It's not the book that is valued, it's the grade CGC assigns to it.. Once people don't have to learn to grade or how to price books, they will be free to devote more time to the important parts of the hobby. Those so called "dealers" with the years of experience grading and pricing books will no longer have unfair advantages over newcomers. Seems like a well thought out plan to me.
  19. While rebagging some books a few years ago, I found a Christmas card and photo of my then five year old son. I've never been into photos so didn't have many of him and none from that time period. Moneywise, my best find was discovering a Claw #1 was a triple cover. It's funny because when I bought it in a large collection, it had a $50 price tag but I figured someone had just reused an older bag.
  20. If you are shipping a lot of packages, that adds up very quickly. If you are shipping one or two boxes a week, it's insignificant. If you do 10-15 a day, you are talking about a week's worth of vacation.
  21. It may have been resolved by now, but the number Ing of Whiz Comics presented quite a mystery in the 1980s. The first appearance of Captain Marvel has no # on the cover, but is listed as #2 inside. Then two different books have #3 on the cover. I don't think issue 1 was ever released. Double Action is about as rare as they get, as far as I know.