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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. you sure like breaking ridiculously small statements into quoted parts--- so I thought this would make you so happy. As for getting into some idiotic, time-wasting conversation about this with you-- forget it. I have better things to do with my life. You are having an emotional response to an issue that isn't emotional. You have gotten upset and taken something personally that isn't personal, and resorted to silliness that isn't justified by the conversation. No one in this conversation, that I can see, is upset (angry) except you, and there's no good cause for you to be so. That's not reasonable. Am I on my way to being "notified" again...?
  2. Because it was the one idea that I wished to respond to. No. Why do you ask?
  3. There's no way to put this without "sounding aggressive", so I'll simply say it, and you can decide whether you read it as "aggressive" or not: You could not possibly be farther from the truth. It is a supreme waste of time, and a grand annoyance. I have far better things to do with my time than waste it with time wasters. If you think I enjoy trying to reason with the unreasoning, that I like exposing myself to potential negative feedback for FUN, well... ....that really does go a long way towards explaining why some people have the perspective about me that they do, doesn't it? And...."too bad to any future sellers he might pull this nonsense on"...
  4. To give you a serious answer, however, yes, that's unfortunately the risk you take for standing on principle. I'm well aware of that risk with every transaction, and for every single transaction where the buyer doesn't pay in a reasonable timeframe (in this case, he "bought" the item two weeks ago, and I was more than fair in giving him time to pay, with promise after promise), the odds that something will turn to negative feedback are greatly increased. If he pays, it proves he was lying about his situation, to some extent. After all, $450 is a pretty hefty chunk of change for the average person, no matter the circumstances. I'm not rolling in hundos, myself, after all. But that's not the point, and people ought not to be living in fear of someone potentially leaving them negative feedback. That just enables and encourages that behavior to happen again, to other sellers. I was very sympathetic to his situation...until I discovered that he had said the exact same thing...literally word for word...to at least one other seller, who said this buyer had strung them along for a month...assuming that's true, then he's been buying AFTER not paying others. Look at what he's bought in the last month on eBay alone: http://feedback.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&ftab=AllFeedback&userid=rego49mario&iid=-1&de=off&interval=0&items=50 He's bought at least 45 different items on eBay in the last month alone. ....but he's in dire financial straits, having just lost his job "Friday" (his claim, not mine)...? Maybe his dire financial straits...if they exist...are due to his proclivity to buy things on eBay. By the way...there are four NEW messages from him, that I just received...haven't red them. via Imgflip Meme Maker via Imgflip Meme Maker via Imgflip Meme Maker
  5. Did not reply to 3 of these types of messages, just opened an NPB claim. Got this My response: And, of course, when confronted, out come the claws, the truth...as always: My response: \ Response: My response: Response: and My response: And Response: My response: Final response (for now) Yes, I know, I KNOW, I probably shouldn't be getting into these back and forths with these people on eBay....but if no one EVER stands up to people doing these things, and gives some pushback, what happens....? The same thing, over and over again, to countless sellers, doing harm to both those sellers AND Mario. And he DOES look like he has great feedback....he's even done business with Pastaroni...but he's playing a game, at some level, regardless of how true the things he's claiming are or not. Still...if should make for an interesting read on a Sunday morning. Question: If he pays for the book and leaves negative feedback for lets say "poor customer service" which is an opinion are you going to be mad? I'm not saying you provided poor customer service in any form. I'm just asking as he can hammer your reputation by leaving a negative and it is an opinion on your customer service so eBay isn't going to remove it. Why would I be mad? I'll just have CAK and Kav dial up eBay for me, and get the neg removed.
  6. rego49mario As noted in this thread over here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9319797&gonew=1#UNREAD ...buyer has been buying items on eBay, promising to pay for weeks, then backing out, using....literally....the same exact words to other sellers: Did not reply to 3 of these types of messages, just opened an NPB claim. Got this My response: And, of course, when confronted, out come the claws, the truth...as always: My response: \ Response: My response: Response: and My response: And Response: My response: Final response (for now) Yes, I know, I KNOW, I probably shouldn't be getting into these back and forths with these people on eBay....but if no one EVER stands up to people doing these things, and gives some pushback, what happens....? The same thing, over and over again, to countless sellers, doing harm to both those sellers AND Mario. And he DOES look like he has great feedback....he's even done business with Pastaroni...but he's playing a game, at some level, regardless of how true the things he's claiming are or not. Still...it should make for an interesting read on a Sunday morning.
  7. Then, later in the day: I did not reply to either message. Notice the subtle, implied threat: "if you make me pay for the item, and you send the item, I will return it, and you will be out the postage, too." Today, received payment. I refunded, Paypal takes 30 cent non-negotiable transaction fee, and eBay takes the 30 listing fee, and refuses to protect me from either negative feedback or being stolen from. The corruptness of eBay never, ever ceases to amaze me. I recommend blocking dragonjab Why didn't you just cancel to begin with and move on? What point did you end up proving there? That people should honor their commitments...? I know, crazy! I didn't cancel because the buyer made a commitment to buy the item, and he/she was asking to be let out of that commitment with no cost. I wasn't about to do that, and would have filed a NPB case if it came to that. It did not. Have fun jousting your windmills I do, and will. And if Dragonjab loses the opportunity to buy from a few people because of his/her game-playing...maybe he/she will think about it before doing it to someone else. That's obviously a very large "maybe", but who knows? You think that's "jousting a windmill"..? Sure, no problem. Knock yourself out. What's your eBay user id?
  8. Exactly !! OP created this thread. It's his thread, his rules. -1 Can't agree with that. If this were the case, then there would be no need for sub-forums/topics as it wouldn't matter what anyone said, it'd just be a mess, devoid of centered discussion and likely wither and die on the vine. Gotta stay on topic, granted can't always be 100% of the time, but as much as possible. Jerome
  9. Exactly !! OP created this thread. It's his thread, his rules. -1 Can't agree with that. If this were the case, then there would be no need for sub-forums/topics as it wouldn't matter what anyone said, it'd just be a mess, devoid of centered discussion and likely wither and die on the vine. Gotta stay on topic, granted can't always be 100% of the time, but as much as possible. Jerome
  10. Why the hell do you dooshbags always play these games when I'm not here...? Was that too aggressive...? I hope not. I'm trying not to be so aggressive at the moment...
  11. Very sketchy. From the feedback, it looks like the seller reneged on the auction, didn't ship the book and refunded the buyer's payment. The buyer left a nasty negative and the seller has now relisted the book as a BIN. Seller comic-sutra now has a data point in GPA of his book selling for $861 where he is trying to now resell the same book for double. Interesting strategy.
  12. Very sketchy. From the feedback, it looks like the seller reneged on the auction, didn't ship the book and refunded the buyer's payment. The buyer left a nasty negative and the seller has now relisted the book as a BIN. Seller comic-sutra now has a data point in GPA of his book selling for $861 where he is trying to now resell the same book for double. Interesting strategy.
  13. Very sketchy. From the feedback, it looks like the seller reneged on the auction, didn't ship the book and refunded the buyer's payment. The buyer left a nasty negative and the seller has now relisted the book as a BIN. Seller comic-sutra now has a data point in GPA of his book selling for $861 where he is trying to now resell the same book for double. Interesting strategy.
  14. I heard there were points being issued here...?
  15. Exactly !! OP created this thread. It's his thread, his rules.
  16. Nothing you have pointed out is a "discrepancy". You just mentioned additional information I did not. I chose to write the little blurbs about each book as I saw fit and nothing I did write is factually incorrect. Also, simply Re-reading the stated criteria in the original post will answer a lot of questions and any quibbles you may have regarding how I elected to rank the books. **Edit-- I modified the narrative in the description for the ASM 700 Ditko to clear things up for you. I kept watching your response change from edits but fell asleep. No, none of your criteria clarifies the spin doctoring of your write ups...now let's do an exercise: Reread the above two responses, as you'll see I never referred to the two write ups as containing "discrepancies" I said they were "very misleading" specifically for the reasons I documented - they still are. I have no doubt you wrote them as you "saw fit" because that is precisely why many take issue with the things you post. I could point out a hundred instances where you have posted with a clear intent to influence the market when it comes to this handful of books that you continually promote on these boards. Clearly it's easier for you to promote these books by choosing data points that will convey the message you want, I just think a tighter list with accurate data would reduce the noise or friction you are getting from others, including me earlier in this thread when pointing out how estimated print runs were being presented in a biased way.
  17. Its not on his personal list. Its always been about his personal list.
  18. Again, I acknowledge that the Danger Girl is a kind of precursor or bridge to the modern variants of today, but I just did not feel it made the cut based on the duplicate art across the multiple versions that were released (more of a '90's thing). And this isn't "changing" the definition of anything, unique art being published by multiple artists, even , at times, across multiple covers on the scale we are seeing today is what distinguishes the variants of today vs what has come before (which is also why I consolidated the walking dead #100 Lucille/RF into one data point on the list). -J.
  19. Given the choice between a direct edition, newsstand edition, or a ratio variant for a book that you're going to buy anyway... which do you pick if they're all cover price? The answer is almost always "the ratio variant, unless I don't like the cover". Turns out, the newsstand was probably the better answer for the past 20 years... we just didn't know it. The chart is useful and I wish more people were generally aware of this. "Newstand Variants" from 1977 are not rare. They are the common. That said, the real issue is that the chart reflects the information collectors have. COLLECTORS HAVE NO IDEA THE SALES RATIO OF INDIVIDUAL ISSUES. Some newstand editions of titles and individual books from the late 1980's and 1990's clearly sold better/had more newstand copies than others. It's not really hard to find Newstand copies of New Mutants 98 (1991). Clearly the direct editions are more common. But the newstand copies are not "rare". Collectors also should take into account that on the DC side, they were a couple of years behind Marvel in embracing the direct market. So that chart probably should be nudged forward a few years for DC. The graph isn't exactly accurate though. By 1989 Marvel was selling 90% of their books direct. We just don't know which titles - and there were some -that still had substantial newstand sales from 1989 and well into the 90's.
  20. Ashcans are a sub-niche market. The Maxx books should be discussed in a context with other ashcans. And the only difference between the covers of the Danger Girl (as well as the Maxx ashcans) are different coloured covers or even just the title lettering. These are some of the hallmarks of '90's "variants" ( Legends of the Dark Knight or McFarlane' Spider-Man #1 similarly come to mind).