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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Then, later in the day: I did not reply to either message. Notice the subtle, implied threat: "if you make me pay for the item, and you send the item, I will return it, and you will be out the postage, too." Today, received payment. I refunded, Paypal takes 30 cent non-negotiable transaction fee, and eBay takes the 30 listing fee, and refuses to protect me from either negative feedback or being stolen from. The corruptness of eBay never, ever ceases to amaze me. I recommend blocking dragonjab Why didn't you just cancel to begin with and move on? What point did you end up proving there? That people should honor their commitments...? I know, crazy! I didn't cancel because the buyer made a commitment to buy the item, and he/she was asking to be let out of that commitment with no cost. I wasn't about to do that, and would have filed a NPB case if it came to that. It did not.
  2. dragonjab Went back and forth negotiating over a book. I said "make it $200, and you have yourself a deal!" They made an offer for $200. I accepted. Two hours later: Then, later in the day: I did not reply to either message. Notice the subtle, implied threat: "if you make me pay for the item, and you send the item, I will return it, and you will be out the postage, too." Today, received payment. I refunded, Paypal takes 30 cent non-negotiable transaction fee, and eBay takes the 30 listing fee, and refuses to protect me from either negative feedback or being stolen from. The corruptness of eBay never, ever ceases to amaze me. I recommend blocking dragonjab
  3. Hard to believe there are still mainstream 80's Marvels left in this category, but this fits the bill: There are no 9.8 2nds SS, and I didn't have a candidate. This damn book is impossible in 9.8. Nobody cared.
  4. No, I think I pretty much nailed it, here. Reason, CAK...it's one of the best tools one can develop. That should come as no surprise to anyone. No, and I didn't think you were. I have a reasonable suspicion about who it is. I do wish they'd cut it out. It's harassment, plain and simple.
  5. That's amazing. Does anyone have any brown label slabs I can buy...?
  6. That is super awesome. Frank Cho has made comics funny again.
  7. Whoever is notifying my posts: cut it out. Learn how to deal with how other people express themselves within the confines of the board rules, or ignore them. Stop making this a krappy place to be by trying to force people to conform to what you think is, and is not, appropriate posting. If no one is being insulted or attacked, you shouldn't have a problem. I can't help but notice that kav's posts aren't notified, doohick's posts aren't notified, buzzetta's posts aren't notified, and CAK's posts aren't notified....all people involved in this discussion, too.
  8. "60% of the time, it works every time." Why haven't you asked eBay to turn the corporation over to you? If you get what you want EVERY time you call them, why have you set your sights so low...? Ask for the company, they're going to give it to you. I can see it now: "kavBay" Yes, and that really highlights the issue, right...? You are virtually surrounded by threads filled with people sharing their bad experiences with eBay and those who trade through it...but for you, they are "top notch." Are all those people just victims of their own inability to "say the right thing, in the right way"...? Common sense says not a chance. Kav says yes. So who's right...? For you, this has nothing to do with the issue, but simply how one approaches it, thinking that there can't POSSIBLY be people in the world who are told and trained to say "no", regardless of how they are approached, that literally anything is possible if you just say the magic words and make people feel good about themselves. Why, then, aren't you president of the United States...? And why stop there? Why aren't you the king of the world? No one is frustrated that you're saying this. People are frustrated by the unreality you and CAK live in that says "if you just say the right words in the right way, you can get anyone to do anything you want! And if you can't, it's obviously because you don't know how to talk to people!" That's not reality. You don't understand it, because it isn't there. You read into what you're reading. Like many, you see straightforward, no mincing words, and think "anger." You're not the first, and won't be the last. I'm not angry, not in the slightest. I am trying to reason with you...but when you give bad advice, about a situation you are demonstrating with your posts that you don't understand, you're going to get pushback. I don't know how to explain it to you any more clearly than I have. I have dealt with the eBay feedback department for dozens, if not hundreds, of hours over the years. I have gone as high as it is possible to go, as high as those departments will let me go. I have had...American, mind you...the vice president for "Seller and retail relations" call me. I have been successful...occasionally. I have also been unsuccessful. So I will just say this, as plainly as I can: dealing with the eBay feedback department has nothing whatsoever to do with one's approach. Let me say that one more time: dealing with the eBay feedback department has nothing whatsoever to do with one's approach. If you think I've only talked to them the way I post here, in a straightforward, no nonsense manner, you would be mistaken. If you think I haven't tried the "gosh, might you please help me out, sir? (cue slight quiver in voice)", you would be mistaken. If you can't accept that as a premise, everything that follows will be futile. Oh please, kav. You want to be RIGHT just as much as you claim I do, or you would stop trying to give advice to someone who clearly isn't looking for it from you. You would say "well, nevermind then, I guess he's not interested in my help." But you're still trying to convince me, and perhaps others, that if people would just listen to what you're saying, all would be right with the world, so let's not be disingenuous. eBay helps ME when I call...when it's an issue they have the authority and ability to help me with. I suspect the reality is that how you define "help" is different from mine, or perhaps other people. Here's a great example. In the situation with "nostalgiawon" I shared, I called in to see if there was something a bit more than cancelling the order, because I wanted to report that this eBay user was trying to defraud eBay out of their rightly earned fees, and I wanted THEM to file the cancellation for me. The Filipino lady I spoke to was very nice, and we had a nice, pleasant conversation...and then she explained, step by step, how to cancel a transaction through the eBay website. Now, if you did NOT know how to do that, then yes, I suspect you would find that very helpful indeed. But, since I already knew how to do that, taking me step by step through a process through the website wasn't helpful at all. Do you see the perspective difference here, Kav...? There's a considerable difference between casual eBay users, and people who use eBay all day, every day. I'm in the latter camp, and make it my business to know as much about the company and its policies and procedures as I can. So, what may be wonderfully helpful to you, isn't to me. Not because anyone is being UNhelpful, but because it's simply something I'm already aware of, and I'm asking them to do it a different way. I suspect, if we knew all the details, we'd find out that even you, Kav, have run into problems in life in which "saying the right things", no matter how you define that, didn't work. Sure, it works a lot, maybe even most, of the time. And everyone's first reaction should always be with patient understanding and a willingness to listen. But it doesn't work all of the time, as common sense and experience demonstrates. That's not reality.
  9. Oh, and by the way...this little gem, here, was immortalized in another thread. You DESERVED that negative, because you cancelled a legitimate sale because (as you stated) the price was too low AND you then created a thread asking how to get GPA to remove it from its record. If you got that negative removed, you did it with subterfuge, or found somebody who didn't know what they were doing and got lucky. Which, by the way, is an example of the corruption and ineptitude of eBay, as I have said. "Lying" and/or "hoping to get someone who doesn't know what they are doing" is not valid advice. Yeah, I pretty much expected you would feel compelled to say something like I deserved that negative feedback.Still, I posted up my anecdote, trying to help you out, being pretty sure that you would take a stab at me, regardless. There was no stab, CAK. You're presuming to offer bad advice to people, and you won't quit. None of which changes the fact that you cheated your buyer out of a legitimate win, and tried to cover that up by "donating" to charity. "cough, cough." People who do "good deeds" don't need to tell everyone about it. Their actions speak for them. And "good deeds" don't make up for bad ones.
  10. You really need to pay attention to what is said, CAK, and not what you think is said. I said "My God, if only it were as easy as just "knowing how to talk to people"! I'd spend 5 minutes on the phone sweet-talking some nice Filipino CS rep, and that would be that."...in other words, if it was JUST about "knowing how to talk to people", it would take ME 5 minutes and that would be that. No one said YOU said it would only take "a 5 minute phone call." Reading is fundamental. The issue here is that "knowing how to talk to people", while certainly an important part of conflict resolution, isn't relevant when dealing with eBay's feedback department. You're dealing with people who 1. have no interest whatsoever in helping you...none...and 2. do not HAVE to help you. Their sole and only goal is to make you hang up. That's it. They are there to be brick walls, to shield eBay from actually having to deal with whatever problem you might have, or, in eBay's opinion, what you might think you have. I think it's pretty clear that you're not aware of how eBay and Paypal have operated, and what governs their corporate mentality. Are you aware that eBay has been taken to federal court and SUED...successfully, I might add...because they effectively shielded themselves from customer service complaints for years? For years, you could not even contact eBay directly...there was no way to talk to a live human being until around 2004. Did you know that...? You could only e-mail them, and then they chose whether or not they would respond...and most of the time, they ignored you. Why do you think all the changes that favor buyers came into being? eBay's savvy business sense? Their good will? No. It came about because eBay was forced to make these changes because buyers were tired of being defrauded through eBay, and took their cases to court. I don't need to assume you have less. What you say, and the way you say it, demonstrates that. No assumption needed. That is the common claim of those who don't like being called out. "You don't know me!" On the contrary...anyone can learn quite a bit about you, simply by reading what you post. Do you think that's a skill people don't have, or can't develop? My words are me, they express what I think, and perhaps more importantly, how I think. They paint a pretty clear picture of who I am as a person, as does everyone's...even those pretending to be something they are not. The same goes for everybody. I don't need to "assume" anything about you....the body of your posts says a tremendous amount about you. That you think it doesn't, by the way, is another indicator of your lack of general experience. Your words say things you aren't even aware they say. Your posts make my hair hurt. You have an unrealistic view of life, CAK, and on top of that, you don't comprehend what people are saying...yet speak all the same. That's a problem, and a very big one. Suffice it to say: no one said anything about "resigning" to anything, and no one said anything about not being able to "reason" with people. You fundamentally don't understand the issue, and I've explained it already many times. You think you have it all figured out, and it's obviously just a matter of "gosh, if that RMA would just stop being so negative and just TRY, it would be resolved in a jiff!" ...but you use subterfuge to get what you want, which is cheating. Anyone can cheat their way through life...like asking how to remove a sale from GPA because you didn't like the price it got, and you refused to sell it to the high bidder...who then left you a deserved feedback which you then managed to convince someone, contrary to their own policy, to remove. You cheat, CAK, and you presume to give advice about "reasoning" with people...? You advise people to be stoned and drunk before talking to customer service, and you presume to give advice about "not giving up"...? You and Kav...you are two of a kind. "Just use a Jedi mind trick on them, and that will work!" I forgot to pay my Jedi Academy dues, and some dude named "Annie" was causing trouble down at the temple, last I heard....
  11. ....and more. I'm sure you sweetly told someone "hi, my name's Kav, and I'm just in an awful pickle. I just don't understand how this happened, and I don't know who to turn to who can help me out. See, this is causing me anxiety something fierce, and my five children may not be able to eat tonight if I don't get this negative feedback removed. Do you think you'd be able to help me, Mr./Mrs. Wonderful Customer Service Rep?", thick as honey, and twice as sweet...? If you think you understand eBay, and that you can just call up and have negatives removed because you play a game with them...oh, let's not call it what it really is, a game, and let's use your terminology: "wounded bird"...you don't understand eBay. It's really as simple as that. But, you know best.