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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. +1 Btw, I felt this was fairly impressive!! Another to add on my long list to look for. I know it's been selling well for quite some time, but figured I'd post it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aliens-1-CGC-9-8-White-Pages-UnRestored-/261692271968?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=V5AVPmy%252Bk2N5C7N59Y%252FO02TUK6A%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc That is coocoo bananas cray cray. I think I sold mine too cheap!
  2. First Class has a 13 ounce limit. Hence, the post. Voila! The best thing about having your brother on these boards is that he can come and tell everyone what a bonehead you are. Oh ok, So I'm a bone for saying that first class mail has a 13 ounce limit...Looks like I'm not the only bonehead around here .At least I post facts. You're a bone? You're a lot of bones! The "12-13 ounces" in my post should have been the giveaway. When you're already at the limit with one book, it doesn't make much sense to not just ship Priority.
  3. Progress? Puhlease! If I corrected all the bad grammar that gets posted around here, I'd never sleep. This is true. I used to think that "there/their/they're" was the most common mistake. Either that or "your/you're". But these boards, along with FB, have me convinced it's "ve/of". So many people make that mistake. It's a real problem, supposably Irregardless, it's not an easy fix.
  4. The sounds made during this video were quite creepy. I pictured Samara coming out of the screen at any moment!
  5. Out of curiousity where do you obtain the "pre-cut cardboard that fits perfectly"? You have to buy it. Uline sells it, but I get it from a local guy who owns a postal services store, at about half the price. It's 9" x 12", pre-cut.
  6. First Class has a 13 ounce limit. Hence, the post. Voila! The best thing about having your brother on these boards is that he can come and tell everyone what a bonehead you are.
  7. Why? It's an auction. You take your chances. Nothing messed up about it. That's commerce. Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you. If you want to get your price and take the randomness out of it, then set a BIN Me fail reading comprehension? That's unpossible
  8. This deal was constructed long before the sale. I didn't want to go on ebay, but the buyer wanted the protection so that's why it was listed there. The buyer had already purchased all but one of my previous ashcans, so I wanted to keep these together and I felt the price was fair for both parties. I never heard from them again. Which is fine, because they were making some CRAY CRAY "offers." Literally, they offered $900 for two of my #2s, which wasn't a bad offer, and then revised it down to $800. Did Pastaroni manage to get "crawfish" to replace "cray cray"?
  9. Why did we ever give up secret messages...? I remember when they were all the rage!
  10. MUCH better. Having a sense of humor about things takes is a much better response than all the sturm und drang. And I didn't even correct your grammar!
  11. Progress? RMA you are a wise dude,and I appreciate your insight always. Oakman-who hopes his grammer and punctuation were correct. You spelled grammar wrong. He was talking about his Grammer Oakman, making sure she was correct in her various views.
  12. Progress? RMA you are a wise dude,and I appreciate your insight always. Oakman-who hopes his grammer and punctuation were correct. You suckers missed my own editing error...and now, it's GONE. MWAH HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! I hope they don't notice Jeffro's post.
  13. Progress? Puhlease! If I corrected all the bad grammar that gets posted around here, I'd never sleep.
  14. This is my new favorite quote. I will try to use it in conversation whenever possible. That's going to be odd in real life conversation. "I despise you, but golfclap.gif." Missed this first time around.
  15. Oh, and there's no way, with the way I pack, to ship First Class. It almost always ends up being 12-13 ounces, even for one book.
  16. Just make sure you use stiff cardboard, with room to spare all around! I would use the regular flat rate envelopes; you can get pre-cut cardboard that fits perfectly. The stiffer, the better. The padded is too loosey goosey, and that's how corners get damaged.
  17. MUCH better. Having a sense of humor about things is a much better response than all the sturm und drang. And I didn't even correct your grammar!
  18. You are annoyed when people tell you that you let your emotions dictate your posts, and then you let your emotions dictate your posts. Fascinating. It's like a psychology lab in here. Be sure to post how many folks send you PMs about this!
  19. personally, I think RMA is one of the best posters on the boards. His points are always well thought out and reasonable, and he doesn't argue from emotion or butthurt. I don't always agree with him but I appreciate his posts. If you don't agree, refute him you don't have to like him but he's usually right. Mike, you are right, RMA actually is one of the best posters on this forum. He comes off as a know it all sometimes, but he does know a lot so that's ok. it annoys me a bit, since I know a good amount to, but ive never complained outside of my own thoughts . The problem starts when you question something he posts, counter anything he says he refuses to discuss it. It seems the more you are right, the less he talks. You know I'm right here, and can read this, right...? It's not like I'm out of earshot in another room...these posts stay here... I "come off like a know it all" because people are overly sensitive, and don't like to be challenged. The issue isn't me, the issue is those of you who get upset when someone criticizes what you post, and you adopt a "well, he's just a know it all, anyways!" attitude, to soothe the hurting of the butt, when, if you didn't tie up your ego in what you know, you wouldn't have that problem in the first place. What you don't understand is that the issue is YOU, not your really rather silly "it seems like the more you are right, the less he talks" claim, which anyone with about 10 minutes of experience with me knows isn't true in the slightest. Refuse to discuss something...? Hi, my name is RMA...have we met? I simply don't wish to discuss things with YOU, because the discussions lead to all of THIS (as I point at the last 25 or so posts.) That doesn't, however, prevent me from pointing out when you are in error. Now...how about we stop talking about each other, and get back to the topics, huh?
  20. Emotional response: characterizing my statement of "There are several errors in this post" as "attacking someone's comments." This is an emotional response, bighaley, because you have a personal problem with me. That's fine, lots of people do. However...allowing your distaste for me personally to color your analysis of what I say is, by definition, responding from emotion. You are posting out of annoyance, not reason. If I say "2 + 2 = 5" and you say "that is not correct"...are you "attacking my comment"? Or just pointing out what is true? Obviously, perceiving it as an "attack" is an emotional, rather than logical, response. He is just new here or at least I assuming he is. The rest of us are just used to it. Its not like this criticism has been brought up before. I think you mean "hasn't", and it's still invalid, whenever it's brought up. I'm not sure who you think "the rest of us" is, or why you think you speak for them. If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you without getting upset and calling it an "attack"...the internet's probably not the best place for you. I recommend fluffy kitty land. Fluffy kitty land... fixed (thumbs u I still recommend fluffy kitty land. I hear the Mike Balent pajamas are the cat's meow.
  21. personally, I think RMA is one of the best posters on the boards. His points are always well thought out and reasonable, and he doesn't argue from emotion or butthurt. I don't always agree with him but I appreciate his posts. If you don't agree, refute him you don't have to like him but he's usually right. Excellent! The agreed upon payment will arrive shortly. Do you think this could qualify for Paypal Personal...?
  22. Emotional response: characterizing my statement of "There are several errors in this post" as "attacking someone's comments." This is an emotional response, bighaley, because you have a personal problem with me. That's fine, lots of people do. However...allowing your distaste for me personally to color your analysis of what I say is, by definition, responding from emotion. You are posting out of annoyance, not reason. If I say "2 + 2 = 5" and you say "that is not correct"...are you "attacking my comment"? Or just pointing out what is true? Obviously, perceiving it as an "attack" is an emotional, rather than logical, response. He is just new here or at least I assuming he is. The rest of us are just used to it. Its not like this criticism has been brought up before. I think you mean "hasn't", and it's still invalid, whenever it's brought up. I'm not sure who you think "the rest of us" is, or why you think you speak for them. If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you without getting upset and calling it an "attack"...the internet's probably not the best place for you. I recommend fluffy kitty land. Fluffy kitty land...