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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. You want a tip...? Buy Detective #311s. Wait for some sort of "announcement." At worst, you'll have a few extra Detective #311s lying around. And a few 100 dollars lighter. FF #45 FF #36 FF #46 FF #52 Strange Tales #126 Hulk #271 Marvel Preview #7 Marvel Super Heroes #18 New Teen Titans #2 Preacher #1 Sandman #1 DC Comics Presents #49 Batman #417 Micronauts #8 The list goes on of books that had little relative value 2-3-4-5 years ago. This is strange, new territory we're in, but it's also very familiar territory. Everyone's rushing to get the next hot thing. The key to making "money" in comics is to resist the temptation to follow the crowd, to run out and spend money on the next hot thing, and buy what everyone else is not. At the prices that Tec #311 is selling for, you have essentially nothing to lose. It's not like it's a book that is going to plummet to $1 for NM copies after you've spent those hundreds of dollars. You're not likely to see a loss if you HAVE to sell, which is a wonderful aspect of many collectibles. Don't like Tec #311? How about Tec #400? Green Lantern #59? Spidey #101? DC Comics Presents #87? Flash #112? Justice League #1 (1987)? Showcase #79? (Showcase is littered with potential, actually.) Blue Beetle #1? Booster Gold #1? All books that were fairly "hot" at one point, but have settled back down to low levels relative to the non-keys around them. If Legends #3 can "hit"...this crazy market can do anything. Sure, you don't know what will hit, and when...but picking books that were "once hot, now not" is a lot easier than trying to guess what the next Batman Adventures #12 is going to be (if there ever will be another one like that.)
  2. You want a tip...? Buy Detective #311s. Wait for some sort of "announcement." At worst, you'll have a few extra Detective #311s lying around.
  3. Do you know how many New Mutants #98 I bought, and how long I held them, before they became "hot"? Decades. And for decades, I took care of them, and waited while everyone laughed at the stupid purchase. And, while I didn't make as much as I could have, I can tell you that before 2014, I never paid more than $5 for a copy, and sold them all for north of $250. Each. The key, as always, is patience. What comes around, goes around. Books that were popular in, oh, say 1985 might show a distinct probability in becoming popular again. Sure, a book like, say, Batman #376 will probably never become hot, because it never was.to begin with. But...a book like Tec #474, that enjoyed a bit of a renaissance in 2005...? Now you're on to something. And it WAS highly sought after, for a brief time in 2005. Then, a book like Batman #404....yes, I'll buy that every single time I pass by it for $1 or $2. It has absolutely nothing....whatsoever...with knowing what character will "have a movie coming out." It has everything to do with understanding what drives the market, and how people react. And right now, they react to Detective #474. A couple weeks ago, Bats #417 got the buzz. Next week, maybe Justice League #1 (1987) pops up. Guess how many copies of THOSE books I have...?
  4. If you folks were paying attention about 9 years ago, Tec #474 enjoyed a moderate upswing as part of the whole "Countdown to Infinite Crisis" dealy...in which Deadshot played a prominent part. Smart money bought then.
  5. I only wish people would realize that making references to specific pages in a thread is a complete waste of time, since many people have different page counts, and said references are therefore rendered incorrect and irrelevant.
  6. Totally! I like his stuff from the last ten years better than the stuff from the first ten years! Now I know you're loony.
  7. Do we HAVE to post just links that force people to click to find out what you're referring to...?
  8. New Mutants Special #1 and X-Men Annuals #9 & #10 are sumptuous banquets for the eyes. Every page is a masterpiece, a delight to behold, and each time, there's something new to see. I pick up NM Special #1 whenever I can. Not only is it a tough, tough book in 9.8, but it's criminally cheap. Longshot was his first mainstream work, so it's a little sketchy, but by 1985-86, he was producing masterpieces. By 1990, it was pretty much over. I think his last really great work was X-Men Annual #12. I wish he still did, but I'm not sure he can anymore.
  9. If JSC did that Spiderwoman cover in "his style" will it have caused an uproar ? BTW I had no issue whatsoever with that Manara cover. Seems like people made a big deal out of nothing. Well...other than it was anatomically impossible, without someone holding her cheeks open, and it would have been incredibly uncomfortable to have that material caressing her most intimates, but still...
  10. Here's the book that really started the whole "I love J. Scott Campbell" art thing...prior to this, Danger Girl just never managed to hang on to the public's interest, and Gen 13, while extremely popular in the mid 90's, was too early in his career to really catch fire for artistic reasons. He was still feeling his way around. But when he started doing the Spidey covers...something clicked.
  11. you had a bad cannoli This x10,000. Where on earth did you have a greasy cannoli??? It's ricotta cheese, chocolate chips, and sugar Oh, that's interesting. What is it that keeps those ingredients together....?
  12. Yup...the Chanel commercial by Baz Luhrmann. I love everything that man has ever done.
  13. Heard this on a commercial...I think a Chanel commercial...and looked it up. What an excellent cover. I am a BIG BIG fan of taking these uptempo 70's and 80's pop songs and rearranging them downtempo and with different "orchestration." It's as good as Mad Love from Darko....
  14. It's like that Crisco™ frosting. Gag. Whipped cream frosting is the way to go.
  15. I thought I would like cannolis...I was wrong. Too greasy for my taste. Was disappointed.