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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. I hear he's pretty hot. And not in a romantic sorta way.
  2. It could change right now, but no one wants to pony up the cash to pay for them.
  3. We've raised entire generations of people who think that any criticism, any at all, any challenge of anything they say, is an "attack"...that's kinda sad.
  4. Ooo...I can see some people being branded with that one...kids, mostly...
  5. Yeah, that was our very own spreads who sold those. How he got them is detailed in this thread, I believe. The buyer was asking me about mine, as well, but I wasn't willing to lower the price. I think $2800 is a fair price all around, since I won't part with my #3 for less than about $1900 net. I don't know if the buyer is a board member. The #2 originally came from my stash, and was the first one I slabbed. I agree with Grails; I think grading neither does, nor should, affect the values of these books. To the rusty staples issues...lots of Image ashcans from 93/94 have this problem. Cheap junk. Sigh.
  6. By pointing out the large hole in your logic...? I suppose that's one way of looking at it. You cannot refute the truth of what I said, however. My advice to you is to not let random strangers on the internet bother you so much. Tone is awfully hard to convey in the written word, and everyone has jumped to conclusions that weren't warranted...and even when they were warranted, why let someone you don't know, and will likely never meet, affect your enjoyment of life? Unless, of course, you derive enjoyment out of confrontation, which is a problem. There are a lot of people like that, too, unfortunately. So I tell you: post more, but don't be afraid of having your views challenged, and don't get upset about it when it happens. Otherwise, how will you ever grow as a human being?
  7. I never proclaimed, nor do I pretend to be perfect. (thumbs u Then why bother to counter someone's argument, if you're not going to make sure your counterargument is completely sound and airtight? :shrug: * Trying to be nice as I said I would * I actually think most of what I said is sound. I simply said I am not perfect. Then you question me even making a post because of that. According to you, one should never post anything unless they think they are 100% right, to the point that if someone counters what you have posted, that you should feel no need to reply with anything other than comments like " There are errors here" and not actually discuss it. So don't post unless you are so stuck on your opinion that you wont be willing to have a conversation about it? Really? Well at least you follow your own rules I guess. I think there is a middle ground here, as I believe you are incorrect or excluding some important things , and I also could be incorrect or missing something and together there could be a better consensus on the actual print run of this book. The problem is, one of us isn't willing to admit to, at the very least, the possibility of being wrong, or missing something. Hint: its not me. Experience with you tells me that you are not open to rationally discussing disagreements without becoming emotionally involved and making the issue personal. I typed out a lengthy response, but deleted it, realizing that this is still true. This post of yours is further evidence of that; as an example. the last paragraph where you describe an unwillingness to consider the possibility of being wrong on my part, which bears no relevance to the discussion, and is a remark about me, personally, rather than the topic. Suffice it to say, there remain errors in your information, and the conclusions made from that information are thereby faulty. If I'm wrong, show how. All the rest is unnecessary melodrama. Breakdown so far... ( paraphrasing of course) RMA: A lot of reasons he thinks ASM 361 has a print run near 400k Me: rebutting RMA : A lot of reasons I think ASM 361 has a print run near 550k RMA: Errors in your post bro, then dead silence. No explanation. ( passive aggressive) Me: Well I never said I was perfect, I still think I have many good points, lets discuss it. ( honest) RMA: Why even post if you are not 100% sure you are right about everything you said? There is nothing to discuss here. ( passive aggressive) Me: HUH? Because a lot of this is speculation and assumption on both our parts, we both could be wrong in some cases, we should be able to talk about this and reach a consensus, but someone here cannot even admit to the possibility being wrong, or missing something, and it is not me. ( aggressive, and straightforward yet, honest ) RMA: ASM 361 went to a second print, so you are "wrong" about 1/10th of your post! I was going type out more, but you take stuff so personal. You saying I can't admit I could be wrong has nothing to do with this conversation,. you are making it personal, im not talking about it anymore. ( Cop-out) End paraphrasing.. Now for a quote Look man, I rebutted your post ( that's the "show how" you are asking for). Instead of discussing it, you are hanging on the fact I admitted that I * could* be wrong and that i'm not perfect, as some type of proof that you are correct about these so called " errors in my information" that you keep bringing up but will not tell us about. Then you tell me to try again? Come on. My original response to your post is still there. You not being able to admit to missing something or being wrong, or even taking part of an idea and realizing that it does make sense and adding that to your opinion and reforming it, has everything to do with this conversation. You wont even talk about it because of your attitude about how perfect your opinion is. It breaks the entire discussion down to the point it doesn't happen. That's very relevant. I thought, even though we have bumped heads in the past because of this problem, this particular thread could be different because I think we both have enough to add to make the estimate better. Almost everything from both of our posts are assumptions and educated guesses because there really is not much information from that time period that is unquestionable fact, maybe that's why I thought we could get together on this one. There is an error in your logic about 361 thing being a surprise btw. We are both right, and both wrong I believe, but in the end, proves my point more than yours. Maybe Ill explain that... later, you first... Again...past experience (and current experience) has shown that you are unwilling to take part in a discussion without making it personal. Your paraphrase does not accurately reflect my statements, and you continue to mischaracterize my motives. I don't wish to discuss me OR you, I wish to discuss topics. Anything further is just adding to the melodrama.
  8. Emotional response: characterizing my statement of "There are several errors in this post" as "attacking someone's comments." This is an emotional response, bighaley, because you have a personal problem with me. That's fine, lots of people do. However...allowing your distaste for me personally to color your analysis of what I say is, by definition, responding from emotion. You are posting out of annoyance, not reason. If I say "2 + 2 = 5" and you say "that is not correct"...are you "attacking my comment"? Or just pointing out what is true? Obviously, perceiving it as an "attack" is an emotional, rather than logical, response.
  9. Sofia Vergara is lovely, but she always talks like THEEEEEEESSSSS. And you know EXACTLY how that sounds, as you read it in your mind.
  10. I charge $9 to ship a raw book, and it gets there in the exact same condition it left my hands. I get hammered on my cost DSR, but I don't give a flat damn. Besides, that price is the same whether you buy 1 or 100.
  11. I found a raw 9.8 in one of my longboxes the other day. Scattered about are several more copies. I never concentrated on them. Too bad no one cares about #6 right now. I've got a flat ton of those. 1st new Justice League.
  12. Quadrant was one of those "you'll have to pay through the nose, kid!" books when I first started collecting (like the Omega Premiere, and the Faust Premiere), and it was a tough book to find. IF you found a copy, it was $100-125...in 1990 dollars. IF you could find one. The fact that it's a magazine made it that much tougher. Flash forward about 20 years, and I find a copy in the magazine box of my LCS....$3, minus 25% discount. It's about a VF, but....it was $2.45 in 2010 dollars. Happy...happy...happy day. I giggled with joy that moment. Oh, sure, it's not worth what it was...but who cares? I got it for $2.45! That's cheaper than anything on eBay, and...I found it in the wild! Now, all I need is #2, and my set's complete.
  13. I would imagine he slabbed it himself. The Jugster's a machine. He puts my drek to shame, and my drek ain't so drekky.
  14. At one point, Quadrant #1 was a $$$ part of the B&W explosion.
  15. I never proclaimed, nor do I pretend to be perfect. (thumbs u Then why bother to counter someone's argument, if you're not going to make sure your counterargument is completely sound and airtight? :shrug: * Trying to be nice as I said I would * I actually think most of what I said is sound. I simply said I am not perfect. Then you question me even making a post because of that. According to you, one should never post anything unless they think they are 100% right, to the point that if someone counters what you have posted, that you should feel no need to reply with anything other than comments like " There are errors here" and not actually discuss it. So don't post unless you are so stuck on your opinion that you wont be willing to have a conversation about it? Really? Well at least you follow your own rules I guess. I think there is a middle ground here, as I believe you are incorrect or excluding some important things , and I also could be incorrect or missing something and together there could be a better consensus on the actual print run of this book. The problem is, one of us isn't willing to admit to, at the very least, the possibility of being wrong, or missing something. Hint: its not me. Experience with you tells me that you are not open to rationally discussing disagreements without becoming emotionally involved and making the issue personal. I typed out a lengthy response, but deleted it, realizing that this is still true. This post of yours is further evidence of that; as an example. the last paragraph where you describe an unwillingness to consider the possibility of being wrong on my part, which bears no relevance to the discussion, and is a remark about me, personally, rather than the topic. Suffice it to say, there remain errors in your information, and the conclusions made from that information are thereby faulty. If I'm wrong, show how. All the rest is unnecessary melodrama.
  16. The last two dealers who bought stuff from me asked about MK 55 in particular. What's driving the interest? No idea, but it's in demand. Perhaps there's a Rule that talks about things becoming collectible again 25 years later. Every. Single. Time. I'm still waiting for Team America #1 to take off In the vein of "once hot, now not", I'm stocking up on Fish Police, and Red Fox, and Elf Lord # 1s Rocket Raccoon.
  17. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-SUPER-HEROES-SECRET-WARS-10-11-12-PRE-BAGGED-3-PACK-SET-CGC-/191408759885?_trksid=p2054897.l4275 Secret Wars #10-12, 3-pack. "NEVER TOUCHED BY HUMAN HANDS!!!" Well, except when they put the books IN the bags, but details, details! http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-SQUADRON-SUPREME-1997-TPB-1st-Print-Graded-9-8-CGC-Mark-Gruenwalds-Ashes-/291292309994?_trksid=p2054897.l4275 Really? $2500 for a Squadron Supreme TPB? "But it has Gruenwald's ashes!"
  18. The red simply ran low at the end of the print run. No fade, just low ink.
  19. I never proclaimed, nor do I pretend to be perfect. (thumbs u Then why bother to counter someone's argument, if you're not going to make sure your counterargument is completely sound and airtight? :shrug: Nothing to go over. I already laid out my case. You disagreed with it, but in the process, made several errors...the most serious one being foundational to the entire discussion: that Spidey #361 didn't take people by surprise. The very fact that there was an immediate second printing of the book unequivocally says otherwise. The book sold out at the distribution level quickly enough that Marvel ordered an immediate second printing...and then, the NEXT issue was ALSO second printed. That is the very definition of "taking the buying public by surprise." And there are other errors which have almost as serious an impact on the discussion. Will going over and correcting these errors really advance the discussion? In my experience, no, not really, but if others are interested, we can certainly go over them.
  20. Why are we taking this for grail when he said there were 3 printings? Emberlin is mistaken. Not only did the book NOT go to 3 printings, it did NOT sell 750,000 copies. Common sense has to be used: 750,000 copies sold would mean that there were roughly 900,000-1 million copies printed, because the newsstand always returns *something,* Amazing Spiderman has *never* even come CLOSE to printing a million copies of ANY issue. And if they had printed a million copies, there would have been plenty of copies in circulation to more than cover demand...which means they wouldn't have gone to a second printing. It must be remembered that this book was printed and on the stands in February of 1992. Now, granted, there had been crazy printruns....at the time, they were printing a million copies of Jim Lee's X-Men...but in February of 1992, McFarlane was long gone, and Amazing had simply been chugging along. Carnage was simply another character which took the comic buying public by surprise, which resulted in sellouts (read: not enough copies to go around) and an immediate second printing of not only #361, but #362 as well. Immediate second or more printings always means that they didn't print enough in the first place. They probably sold around 350,000-400,000 copies, which is nothing to sneeze at, but not anywhere near 750,000, which would have been more than the entire print run plus another 35% or so. Look at the numbers: the numbers for two years had been in the 350,000 copies sold range. The SOO printed in #360 (which would have covered up to about issue #356, so only a few months before #361) shows a sell-through of 340,000 copies, on a just a bit less than 500,000 total print run. Nothing would much have changed going into #361. And so, not only did you have unmet demand (which means they didn't print enough copies) and a sellout for #361, but you also had the same situation for #362, and both went to a second printing shortly after #363 came out. INCLUDING the second printing, total copies for #361 probably sold in the neighborhood of 500,000 total copies. Then, the next year, the SOO in #375, you see a big jump...and this makes sense, considering in that year you had the madness of Carnage, PLUS the 30th Anniversary hologram covers, which were also a huge hit. It was a big year for Spidey, and orders steadily increased throughout the year, in concert with the general ramp up in the entire industry. It would be another full year before print runs got totally ridiculous, and this was reflected in Amazing Spiderman as well (which is why copies of #375 are EVERYWHERE.) For reference: http://www.comichron.com/titlespotlights/amazingspiderman.html ASM 361 didn't take many people by surprise. As shown in one of my other posts, they were building up carnage in each issue showing the cover for 361 in the letters page of 359, and at the end of 360 it touts the next issue as " Spidey meets the SPAWN OF VENOM!! " Also, 361 featured the return of Mark Bagley who had taken a few issues off, they announced that at the end of ASM 360 as well. He wasn't McFarlane, but he was very popular. The other thing nobody has mentioned, ASM 361 is listed as the 207th most ordered book of 1992. Ok that was mentioned. What wasn't mentioned was that ASM 360 was #244 on that list. That's quite a large jump for one issue right? Why is that? hmmmm oh yeah because Carnage and 361 was not a surprise. ALSO!! ASM 370 is listed as #211 in sales for 1992. Wait! ASM 361 was ordered more than the glut era ASM 370 and had nearly the same orders as ASM 371 which is # 204?? How could that be? Oh right, ASM 361 was not a surprise, it was ordered heavy. Well, I guess it was still a surprise because it still sold out and retailers we left going holy im going even bigger on the next issue, ASM 362 shows as the # 183rd book of 1992 and ASM 363 just simply blew up being ranked # 113. And after that? ASM 364 dropped to # 187 ... less that 362. Why? Because just as the carnage story starting in 361 was no surprise, the fact that 364 wouldn't have venom or carnage was not a surprise either. There is a reason most collections of ASM I purchase from original owners have 1-2 copies of each, then 3-5 of 361 and 362 and then like 10 copies of 363. Its the same reason MY collection looks like that. Its the same reason the yearly sales rankings for diamond show the same pattern. If we had Capitals rankings, it would shape up the same way. ASM 361 was ordered just as much as ASM 370 and 371. That should tell us enough. ASM 371 had about 600,000 copies printed with 120,000 estimated returns* ( explanation at the end) REMEMBER ! ASM 361 sold out, leaving many collectors hopping around 7-11's and book stores trying to find copies. The returns on 361 would have been MUCH lower because of the sell out. My estimate for ASM # 361 looks like this 600,000 copies printed with 60,000 in returns. 540,000 copies floating around. Still much less that 750,000. Way more than 350,000-400,000. My Take it for what it is. *** The estimate of 600,000 copies printed for ASM 371 is based on the SOO from ASM 375 which states actual print runs for the issue closest to filing date of October 1, 1992 is: 595,700 copies printed minus total copies not distributed 129,350 this = 466,350 copies of ASM 371 actually sold. The reason ASM 371 can be targeted as the closest issue to the filing date is because the SOO is for Marvels January- December COVER dates. They filed each year in October because back then they solicited the books 3 months in advance. The SOO is printed in ASM 375 because the SOO is required to be printed in the first book of the new year. ASM 375 has a march cover date, but was released in January of 1993. I hope this makes sense. There are several errors in this post.