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Everything posted by Davenport

  1. That! Guaranteed to bomb. Comic book movies that 95% of the general public never heard of only works if it's Marvel. Don't tell that to Hellboy. Or V for Vendetta. Or Men In Black. Or... V For Vendetta blewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Or 300. Or The Crow. Or Sin City. Or Scott Pilgrim. Or The Mask. Or...
  2. That! Guaranteed to bomb. Comic book movies that 95% of the general public never heard of only works if it's Marvel. Don't tell that to Hellboy. Or V for Vendetta. Or Men In Black. Or...
  3. My $ are on: WW stepping outta the rubble and putting the kibosh on their fisticuffs when it comes to the tipping point. Then the tone gets JL with just enough trinity action to make you want to see more asap. From your keyboard to Snyder's ear.
  4. Yeah, it's probably worrying about nothing. I'm having lunch with that friend later in the week and I'm going to bring up Cap3/Civil War just to watch his eyes roll. If he hates seeing good guys fighting each other, he should probably skip Civil War altogether.
  5. I guess my fear is whether they save that fight scene for the film's climax, or if they address it in the 1st reel, have Batman and Superman get past their differences, shake hands, join forces to advance the "Dawn of Justice" elements. If they fight each other for 4/5ths of the film, that might not go over with general audiences.
  6. One of my biggest fears for BvS hasn't been mentioned yet: Overplaying their hand. Talking with a non-comic friend about Netflix/Daredevil he brought it up without promting.... "You know what I hate? If I'm going to pay my money I want to see heroes beat bad guys. Not fight each other. With all the villians in comics why can't they write something better? Fighting each other is all they can think of? I hate that." It kind of gave me mindspins. Fanboys love 'who can beat who' smackdowns. But I get it. He's paying for escapism from a hyper-divisive world and wants to see good triump over evil. Not more divisiveness and in-fighting. So there it is. If they overplay the BvS element too long, too intense, it might cause a surprise reaction from audiences. It's releasing in an election year and tv's are going to be pumping out someone-vs-someone crud non-stop. Bickering tolerance levels might be very low. Good guys going to blows might be the last thing people want more of. Thoughts?
  7. Don't you think everyone who saw Ironman 3 will go see BvS, and then some? Maybe that's what I'm not getting. Are Marvel Zombies going to stay home out of spite? Because I'm thinking anyone who was interested in Iron Man 3 would be an audience for BvS, plus all the people who take in 'event' movies so as not to miss out on any cultural hoopla.
  8. Did they do a 'tall' and 'regular' version of it? The tall-one image looks pretty cool.
  9. Looking at the link is confusing. MOS shows a better opening, a better average per theater and better overall with 14 weeks (CA:WS's is 20 weeks) So what happened with Foreign? Disney distribution vs. not-Disney distribution? Less theaters?
  10. A while back in conversation with an older lady I brought up Guardians of the Galaxy. She beamed and gushed and loved that movie. Loved it. Bought the soundtrack. She had no clue it was tied in with Avengers in any way, shape or form. I explained it a bit, but let it go. It was trivia she didn't need or want. I think most moviegoers are like that. She loved GotG because it was fun and quirky, she liked the good guys and they won. And for most, that "Marvel" made it falls in the 'trivia' mindslot of minor details. Maybe I'm wrong. I just think beyond fanboys and fangirls, general audiences just want bang for their buck and to leave feeling deeply satisfied. The 'ol enjoyment-factor. And BvS will rise of fall by the same simple standards. Pay your money, spend your time, leave feeling highly satisfied, or not.
  11. Why would that be? I'm just not getting why general audiences would be drawn to Civil War and forgo BvS. Maybe for Marvel fans, sure. But think of all the relatives, co-workers and friends who wouldn't know beans about Civil War, but know who Batman and Superman are. In my mind, unless WB screws it up royally, everyone who's sense-of-wonder isn't completely dead yet is going to want to see BvS at some point. Including the gazillions who've never read a comic in their lives. edit: Am I wrong in thinking the vast majority have no clue about comic book "universes"? That Superman and Spider-man don't exist in the same world, or Batman and Hulk? I know I've had to explain it many, many times, so I assume most non-readers think superheroes all know each other, or don't care if they do or not. And the DC/Marvel rivalry? Eyes glaze over.
  12. It may just be the perspective of DC fans and not. DC characters have been out there forever. Adventures of Superman, Batman, Superfriends, the Donnerverse, the Nolanverse, the DCAU, Smallville, and on and on and on and on. So with movies DC does seem behind. But not with keeping up with Marvel. Or another origin trilogy. But waaaay, way behind advancing the damn story. Justice League and the larger DCU. It's not only time, it's long past due.
  13. By that I meant that they were trying to do things to quickly, and introduce too much in one film, to get to the shared universe right away, because they feel they need to "catch up". Forcing things is a dangerous way to waste a real opportunity. or it could be the other way around, maybe they figured out the timeline & wanted to make sure it works out. which could also be one of the reason they push the movie back to next year. hell look how everything is moving with SS and pretty soon it'll be the same for WW. Yeah, the BvS release seems glacial to me. Didn't Star Wars announce after BvS? And it will be out for Christmas. Anyway, WB has re-introduced both characters ad nauseum so now is as good a time as any to just get on with it. 'Dawn of Justice' could be renamed 'About Damn Time' imho
  14. The one that makes me chuckle is that 'Adam West' skin. Talk about your badazz. Not that it doesn't look good, but daaaamn. Burgess Meredith would wet himself.
  15. Shoe horned universe? I would think all the cinematic advances that finally allows for superhero realism have been leading up to this. Superman and Batman? C'mon. General audiences who couldn't have named a single Avenger before their movie know these two heroes. Worldwide. That's not saying WB can't screw it up. But if done well it should be an 'Event' film like hasn't been seen for quite some time.
  16. Looks like they did a direct lift from Arkham City with similar textures, rivets, brads, seams and bulk. Sort of an Arkham City suit with Dark Knight ears hybrid.
  17. The Ben Affleck PBS censorship thing is offputting. But that's just part of enjoying movies now. Either ignore some actor's personal idiotic worldviews and go have a good time, or not and stay home. *sigh* Ignorance is bliss when it comes to some of these maroons.
  18. Glad you like SubZero. I've always thought it as strong or better than Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (which released to theaters). And yeah, kinda ironic how the animated Mr. Freeze involved fairly dark themes, while the live-action was neon-screen-bilge. 'Cartoonish' in the worst way.
  19. This bloomberg article Netflix Soars is all kinds of interesting. “They are investing in content that consumers clearly want to watch,” Greenfield said. “They will continue to ramp original production to build the brand and lessen exposure to having to buy from others. Compared to an AMC or Discovery, Netflix has way more high-profile content.”
  20. The show-context for the 'costume' was for 'needed protection' and 'the devil of Hell's Kitchen' alias. So they had to visually sell it as being both. And we have to be careful here. The simplicity of the classic DD costume might end up looking like an all-red Wonder Woman wetsuit. Uh, no thanks.
  21. Your last two posts lay out all the variables very well. (thumbs u Thanks for the insight Doktor.