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Everything posted by Crops068

  1. The only worry there is that if they make a change to mimic what Marvel has done then people will complain they are just copying Marvel. Of course in the end there will always be someone that is unhappy no matter what they do. I just hope they put out something good that I will be happy to take my kids to see.
  2. I think the controversy is that the "story" has changed over the years. Originally shops, albeit inaccurately, labeled SW #8 as the 1st appearance of Black Suit spidey (at least where I bought my copy of SW8 did). Then it was a tie for 1st between ASM 252, MTU 141 and PPSSM 90 based on the cover date of May 1984. So now that we have all this information literally at our fingertips, thanks to the interwebs, people are discovering the error and that in truth ASM 252 released 2 weeks prior to any of the contenders. Even with the hard evidence of this information people are still going to believe what they believe, and that is their right no matter how untruthful that belief is. Sometimes debating can make someone "see the light" but in most cases it just continues to pit person versus person. I am not versed in the Rom #1 part of the poll so I have no comments on that. Someone want to shed some light it?
  3. While yes that can be 1 way an Origin is explained, it can also happen in "realtime" in the story as well. I agree with this.
  4. Oh I completely forgot about Shazam, my bad Billy Batson! Aquaman and Shazam both went in the more comedic route imo, similar to what they did with Thor in the MCU. Which is why I think they worked. Shazam shined so brightly it eclipsed the fact it was DC in my mind.
  5. Are you confusing Origin with Flashback?
  6. If it was me, I would go up there and be quite firm that I want that information. Now with that I would plan on being disappointed in what you hear. If it was taking 1yr+ for standard submissions previously, they very well could still have your books or just recently have shipped them out. Specially if they were waiting for the next full shipment to send in. This would help them with shipping costs, not that it would likely help you. Not saying this is fact, just a possibilities.
  7. With the way the DC movies have been, they have no clue what is good for them. I did mostly enjoy Wonder Woman and Aquaman was good. The rest is practically garbage imo. Now it would be fantastic to see more of Starlin's work make it to the big screen. As long as they do it justice. Marvel certainly did.
  8. I am then confused. Here you say chronologically in the story SW8 came before 252, which is accurate. Secret Wars 8 is the Origin of the black alien suit. So which way do you want it, Origin or actual 1st appearance?
  9. Sounds like from that thread they have been "straightening things out" for over a year. How long ago did you submit them to the LCS? I would get them to give you move information like the received to CGC or SFG dates, etc.
  10. Chronologically from a story perspective, yes, SW # 8 should be the 1st appearance. But they have Origin stories that release after a character appears all the time. Thanos as an example has his 1st appearance in Iron Man #55 (technically Thanos as a robot) cover dated Feb 1973, then cameo appearances in Captain Marvel #25 (only in the shadows) and #26 (on the last 2 pages) with his 1st full non-robot Appearance #27. But his Origin story was not until Captain Marvel #33 that is cover dated July 1974. By my list, which I am not saying is 100% accurate, his origin story was his 14th appearance and included the origin story for Drax and Death as well. That is a full year and 5 months between 1st appearance and Origin in this example. This is an extreme though others are not quite this drawn out.
  11. We know, but remember coming on here an going in all caps will not make it go any faster. Paying for fast track, that would have though.
  12. Calm down there champ. You will get them when they are done. Gotta wait in line like the rest of us.
  13. They are taking their time giving it good QC over the weekend. Showing it a good time!
  14. You gotta laugh, it was a pretty good one. At least I laughed.
  15. Dr Manhattan was part of Rebirth and essentially erased 10 years of history following Flashpoint. He is immune to all harm and can reintegrate himself from any damage. Pretty sure he can take little old Franklin Richards. But this is my opinion, which is what this whole post is about. So we can agree to disagree. If Ezekiel didn't have Shiva, it would be V without a doubt. But I think Shiva is the tipping point in this scenario. So Ezekiel w/ Shiva. Norman Osborn as Iron Patriot vs Lex Luthor w/ his War Suit
  16. Doctor Manhattan fo sho! Green Goblin vs Joker
  17. No I will pay for shipping. Gas mileage from my house to yours.
  18. Ha, I bet you do. And I am not getting near that with a 10ft pole.
  19. Wasn't really directed at you more just in general. Major X is imo a waste. He looks terrible, every time I see him I shake my head.
  20. How is this in a top 20? No matter if this is in color, sketch, whatever format, it is hideous. I do not know what they were thinking with this character. They would have done better making Aunt May a super hero that rescues the elderly from accidentally crapping their pants in a retirement home. They could have named her Major Accidental Coverage.