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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. So I FINALLY got around to picking up the first two trades to read this, as I do not normally buy anything new but soooooooo many people said how great this was, I had to. Am I missing something? Is it simply the fact that they took back Hulk to his “I’m a monster by night” origin? Having only read the first two trade I don’t see how this can last. Plus they are so concerned about capturing him, why not follow Hulk at night and then capture him when he is Banner? I will say it isn’t bad. 99% of Hulk solo stuff is terrible. He has always been better as a bit player in a team or crossover or appearance in someone else’s title. This take isn’t bad but I just am not blown away. I also don’t understand calling this a horror comic. There is no horror element aside from a night only Hulk. He’s not some enraged monster, he is capable of thought...a lot of it. He doesn’t seem bent on killing, at least not on purpose. I was half expecting that the way people were talking and would consider that an actual horror comic and waaaay more interesting. I also find the grotesquely drawn fight between Hulk and Absorbing Man laughable. If that’s the horror people are loving, it’s silly. Hulk looks anorexic with a big head and he’s fighting a spine with a split open Absorbing Man just hanging there. Now they are supposedly in Hell. That’s where I am left hanging and trying to decide if I love this enough to continue. The artwork isn’t bad but again when you have hardly any great current art outside of indie books it isn’t hard to appeal to people when the bar is so low. Obviously the Alex Ross covers are the best thing about them as he is fantastic. In conclusion, I am on the fence and leaning towards ditching it. If this continues with Hulk wandering through Hell battling some old villain or even a new one and monsters and whatever, I’m out. If they have a nice wrap up to who this Dr Frye guy is and why they wanted to experiment on Hulk so badly, I might continue.
  2. I think 7.0 is a little light. Even with the couple flaws I think it’s an 8.0
  3. I think 8.5-9.0 also once a press is done.
  4. If you are concerned to the point where a wedge protecting your book turns you off, this hobby may not be for you. I will also tell you that your books are handled bareback and if the grader is feeling dangerous, a Coke Zero will be on the table less than a foot away.
  5. I think 5.0 might be tops but 4.5 seems more likely.
  6. What’s that giant white mark in the first pic on the black? Also this is better to post whole pics in the Hey Buddy Can Ya Spare A Grade section.
  7. I agree. The whole series inside look terrible too and this cover was the worst by far. If the story wasn’t as intriguing as it was this comic would be in dollar bins. Sadly this marked the decline of Miller. Mind you I am saying that having never read Sin City but I can barely take the art in this so I have always remained wary of trying out Sin City.
  8. This is 100% correct. As was what was said about there being a lot but nothing happening at the same time. I think that’s why I’ve always appreciated McFarlane and some of what he’s done but at the same time had a hard time really loving it. I think that is why his covers are iconic because he can get away with drawing a focus character or image and just use colours in the background. But then you look at the backgrounds and interiors and many are sloppy looking.
  9. A true great! Thanks Joe! Condolences to his family, and may you rest in peace. I'd like to imagine him, Jack and Stan meeting up in the beyond and inking more stories that will thrill us when we all join them.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Are you grading with reselling in mind? Or are you grading because you want to display and like the look of cases? Or are you grading because you are curious and just want to see what some of your books come back as? If you answer yes to question 1, definitely grade provided the grade you expect will help the sale. For example, if a raw copy of ASM 69 sells in Fine condition for $35-50, and a graded copy sells for only $75 or so, might not be worth it. However, is ASM 69 is Near Mint and raws sell for $125 but graded can sell for $225, well then that makes more sense to maybe get the guaranteed grade. If you answer yes to question 2, that is fine. Go for it! If you answer yes to question 3, also fine. Go for it! If you are grading books because you think it will protect them longer, well, the jury is out on that. You can handle a graded book more, but from experience, graded books tend to sit on shelves as much as ungraded books and they aren't any more or less protected. Dropping is about the only thing a graded copy might be saved from and even that could hurt it. Personally, I always think "hey I wanna get this graded" but never do. I find raw books enjoyable. I read and store them with care and that is what I love more. I have a couple graded comics that I won and they really are just to look at which, after getting them as gifts, has really just confirmed the notion that I don't really want any books in my personal collection to be slabbed.
  11. I know what that is! It’s a stain from ink overspray. Likely leaked a bit onto the cover of that book and when pulled away from other copies it leaves that kinda mark. I only know because I have FF books from a lot with similar stain on top edge. Need more pics to give the book a grade but looks 8.5-9.0.
  12. I am sure there are a plethora of great looking covers out there on books with stories or even artwork inside that is just ho hum or even downright terrible. But what about books with ugly art or covers that actually have great artwork/stories inside? Post your personal favs or examples here! Also if this is a thread, feel free to redirect me and I’ll go quietly...
  13. I don’t hate the splash page but man the rest is rough. Kingpin looks terrible.
  14. Some things to think about: 1. Movies/shows help drive value. If you have a first appearance or a hot character and a movie is approaching, might be best to sell close to movie time. 2. Artists go up and go down. If an artist is hot, sell. Chances are they will come down once everyone jumps on board the next hot artist. 3. Recommended reads are hot at the time. If everyone is saying "hey this arc or run is great!", people want to get it. Sell during this time because the longer you wait, the more likely people will have already read it or bought the trades so the demand will drop fast. 4. Are you selling just to sell? Never sell just to sell. Always have a good reason. Punchline has created a buzz. People like the character. If that buzz sustains, the sales will reflect that as you will see consistency. If buzz wanes, well it was just a flash in the pan character. Maybe a movie comes up in the next two decades involving her and interest is renewed. These are things no one can predict. Personally, the books you listed have negative interest to me so if I did own them, selling them ASAP for money towards a nice Silver Age or Bronze Age book would be priority.
  15. Instant sadness:( May Shawano Stan bring great joy to you @Casablanca
  16. Is Dazzler 1 even worth mentioning alongside She Hulk 1? Dazzler 1 you can buy for $1-$5 tops all the time still. If you are buying for more you are insane. Not a first appearance and if you visit any comic shop they are guaranteed to have multiple copies. As for She Hulk 1 well that’s more understanding. It’s a first app, white cover, homage cover. It had a lot more going for it than people ever gave it credit for even if the series wasn’t great.
  17. That’s a hard one for sure but I’m pretty sure I’ve send a Dec 26 so you never know! PS hope you are recovering well and glad you are back!