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The Cimmerians Purse

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Everything posted by The Cimmerians Purse

  1. Not to poke the bear... but I cant help myself, and have to "contribute" to this morning's heated debate. My Theorem is but if they had put out an issue every month... instead of the irregular start they had Mathematical Proof: March 63 =1, apr 63 =2, May 63 = 4, Jun 63 =5, jul63 =6, aug 63 =7, sep 63 =8, nov 63 =9, dec 63 =10, jan 64 = 11, feb 64 =12 and then march 1964 would have been issue 13, therefore year 2... Are alternate realities on the table? This is Marvel we're talking about after all. If we assume alternate realities, then quid pro quo. the real message here is... does anyone know if Heritage Auctions accepts pinky toes in exchange for ASM Ditko art?
  2. I'm pretty sure it is... we are talking about Marvel, AND during the Stan Lee period.
  3. Sorry I missed your response somehow. Good luck to you all as well! Ill be rooting for it to happen 🙂
  4. Murder Falcon came out when I was assessing my own life’s priorities… so, it really, really hit me in the feels. Perfect book at the perfect time. So by the time the series ended I just knew what I had to do.
  5. Yeah I've had my periods of not reading as much, but I always come back. I really just love the medium. Still super stoked over that complete DWJ Murder Falcon Issue. ... I still cant flip through it without getting a teary eyed. It's a super emotional issue. Daniel's work is fantastic! I can't wait for his Wonder Woman in December. I wonder how many times we passed each other in the aisles this year at Heroes. Probably a bunch lol! That Commission is fantastic!
  6. I'm all over the place. Classic stuff, new stuff. I still love reading comics. I'm very eclectic from a genre perspective. If I like the creative team working on a project then I'll read it. So, that puts me a bit all over the place. My BIG genre, however, is horror. I took a look at your CAF link you've got some real neat art. That Wonder Woman commission is fantastic!
  7. Maybe, that North Carolinian's housing and living expenses are also much lower, so no telling on the net of those two effects. Also depends on what job they're doing too. 130k goes a real long way in NC, but in new York... probably not so much.
  8. +1 on this is good advice. Buy something whether it's new or old because you love it, and only because you love it.
  9. Killer! nice to meet you man! Welcome to the group What kind of comics / comic art are you into? I'm Keith
  10. I appreciate it. It'd be fun meeting more collectors, specifically face to face. I also smoke a MEAN BBQ pork butt
  11. YEAH! I think it should be in your "on the horizon" list! I'm also a horrible influence!
  12. I think that Ditko Creeper page is achievable. Especially if you're looking for an interior page. It would be a cool pickup
  13. Hey guys, Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! I was interested in getting a role call going for NC OA collectors on the boards. I thought it would be super cool to get a little collecting club together if there's enough of us. Maybe have some BBQs or what ever. I'm in the Charlotte Area. But there's loads of interesting areas all across the state to do this kind of thing at: the mountains, the beach, surrounding regions of other states, where ever. If this is something that interests you, then respond to this post or PM. I think it would be super cool to meet more local collectors in a face to face social environment. ~Keith
  14. If you really want a Kirby I think that goal is attainable... If you have to have a Kirby FF cover then hopefully other investments work out: Stocks, property values, winning the powerball.. There's plenty of Kirby out there at many different price levels. If you want to get something for 4k, you can find lesser known characters, or a hulk page that he did layouts on but didnt do all the pencils (there's on in this HA auction), if you want to spend 10k you can find a neat panel page where he had full pencil credit.. etc etc. and up the board. It all depends on what it is you really want. For instance I really wanted a Ditko page, but luckily for me what I really wanted was a Warren Ditko page, cause that's MY jam. So I didn't have to pay the ASM Iron price. I love Bernie Wrightson, and I've put together a nice little collection, but unless something big happens to my finances, or Mr. Del Toro is willing to accept a pinky finger instead of money, then i'll never get the Frankenstein plate of my dreams. But that's ok. I LOVE the pieces that I have I also am not a big dog, but i thought this topic was interesting. Because I do have a number of interests in vintage art, and I've only just started buying vintage pieces. But I'm able to buy things that I really love now because I've been working and saving, and I love it enough to prioritize it. I also just don't compare my collection against other peoples. especially not people who started amassing theirs in 1980s / 90s. If people see pieces that I have that they like, great. If they don't care for my collection also, great. I love my collection. That's what matters. Go get that Kamandi! and be super super excited that you have it when you finally get your grubby little mitts on it!
  15. Man, he's so good. I started with Black Hammer, now Sweet Tooth, Which of his series do you think I should read next? I'm looking forward to the new one he has coming out with Phil Hestor, Family Tree. It sounds super cool. I love his story driven writing style.
  16. HECK YEAH! I'm glad to hear it! Just finishing up Sweet Tooth first, and it's next on my list. Really looking forward to it.
  17. Murder Falcon Trade does appear to be available on Amazon. Enjoy, and hail Bruticus
  18. For house of X / Powers of X only basic knowledge of X-Men is required. I.e. knowing who the main characters are, in this case mostly just the classic Xmen, and knowing basics about their struggle for the right to exist. He doesn't glom onto continuity at all. I'm in same boat. Haven't touched X-men in at least as long. So I'm going off of limited, and old memory of Xmen and still really enjoying. YEAH! DWJ is the STUFF! The only one I haven't read yet is Space Mullet. And I just picked it up, so that'll be remedied soon. Dude's a damn genius. And his OA is fantastic! I'm not sure if MF trade is out now or not. It should be right around the corner if it isn't. I read them digitally... I don't like collecting floppies anymore either. So digital reading is my happy medium for when I want to read something now, but also not have to store it, or give it away later. I'm hoping they do a hard cover for Murder Falcon. I want it for my bookshelf, and it was so good that I'm willing to buy it all over again lol.
  19. Preach! My rule is either very well received, or by creators that I know and love. although I will say I have been enjoying House of X / Powers of X... but Hickman required being able to call all of the shots on those two before agreeing to do them. reading it as it's coming out breaks my normal rule, because I've only just been discovering his work via Black Science. and now his Xmen series. knowing how he made sure he had complete story latitude, and the gushing they were doing over it on 11'oclock podcast.. was enough to convince me to give it a read. Glad I did. I'm also super excited for Daniel Warren Johnson's Wonder Woman mini series. A) because it's him, and B) because he told me at heroescon that he was only going to be willing to do it if they gave him complete latitude for the story. So I'm super excited for that, and whole-heartedly recommend it. For anyone who hasn't experienced DWJ's books do yourself a favor and read Extremity and Murder Falcon. ***Warning... Murder Falcon will make you cry like a small boy who's lost his puppy (I don't want to say at what point and spoil, but in the second half). So, be cognizant of where you are and who you're with if you pick it up.
  20. Yeah I wasn't really trying to dive deep into what Marvel was doing. I hated 90s marvel and DC and didn't read them. I think a lot of what they were doing was trying to fluff up their numbers any way they could because they didn't have Todd Mcfarlen / Jim Lee / Larson / etc, etc, etc writing and drawing for them any more. A very large chunk of the top names in the industry went away from the big two and so DC/Marvel were using smoke and mirrors to sell issues any way they could to stay afloat. ...But, where Image could have been really great having all the big names etc, what did they do instead of getting creative and forging new ground in comics? For the most part they stuck with the same old ideas, and produced tons of comics that felt like knock offs of big two line ups. and so even if you didn't like what the big two were churning out, you didn't even have good any-where-else to go. Pacific, and the tide of other small scale publishers were dead or dying. Image wasn't truly the "cause" of all of comics ruin of the 90s... obviously that kind of inertia needs to be built up over decades of bad acting (as described above). But, they certainly were a powerful catalyst. And while I do agree that the customer has to bear some of the burden here. Nobody wanted to believe that comic books were truly going into the toilet. and so there was a lot of "well this new thing came out I'll give it a try, because maybe it's going to be a decent story." and that kind of sales scheme by Marvel worked until the customer base finally got so fed up that they just stopped buying comic books. The publishers bear their side of the blame too, however. I wouldn't want to paint a scenario that felt like "ah it wasn't Hitler's fault, he was just giving all those evil people what they truly wanted, kind of vibes." I know I'm being grandiose, but to serve a point. Bad acting is bad acting and blaming it on a faceless mass of people only helps to serve an "it's not my fault" mentality. And when people truly love something like I think we all love comic books, then you're willing to give stuff a chance for a while, until you finally aren't. And publishers tried to take advantage of that, until people said f-you, we're not buying it anymore. I know I stopped reading comics for just about a decade myself. And the publishers were too stupid to understand that would be exactly what happened. Most publishers now understand they have to balance storytelling with profitability, because decent story telling is what drives longevity. Image has certainly learned that lesson. Although, I will say that I think that Marvel is forgetting that again with this whole "Hire one big team to drive an event, but then publish 25 satellite titles that are to go with it" mentality. So I still think that at a macro level the image creators were a big catalyst of how comics are made today, by being the match that nearly destroyed comic books in the past. And are my most influential living artists.