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Ed Hanes

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Posts posted by Ed Hanes

  1. On 8/22/2022 at 10:55 AM, Panda2 said:
    Grader Notes
    Right Bottom Front Cover Lite Crease Breaks Color
    Right Top Front Cover Lite Crease Breaks Color
    Spine Small Chip Out
    Spine Stress Lines Breaks Color
    Graded in 2000.  Makes me wary about older slabbed books and what might have happened in the meantime

    Yeah, my thinking was this book was on the cusp of being brittle, the notes paint a possible brittle history ...maybe someone left it in bright light for a long time and it became even more brittle, so with just a little more jostling , the cover would detach. I won't buy slabs graded this old anymore...I've had a couple experiences like yours..hope clink helps you out

  2. On 8/22/2022 at 6:40 AM, F For Fake said:

    We watched the show Friday night. Although I'm a lifelong comics fan, I don't know that I've ever actually read a She-Hulk comic. The character never appealed to me, but then again, I'm not a huge fan of the regular Hulk either. Just a corner of the Marvel Universe that never spoke to me much. So, I have no attachment to the character to color my impressions. As for my wife, she has never read a comic at all, as far as I know, and knows nothing about the character. She is a fan of the MCU, and has seen all of the various movies and shows.

    Her review: "I liked it! It was cute!" So, there you go. She's looking forward to more. Her only concern? You guessed it: "Why does her hair get longer when she changes???" That really bothered her for some reason ha My answer? "It's comics."

    My review: "Eh." it was fine. Then again, I think most of the MCU stuff is fine. I think any strong objection I had to this show would be in regard to the format. It felt very "sitcom" to me, and I'm not a fan of sitcoms, at least not many from the last 20 years+.  The format just doesn't work for me, and I don't find them funny. So, that was a strike against. I do like Tatiana Maslany, I think she's obviously hugely talented, and an appealing presence. So, there's reason to be hopeful, and I'm sure we'll be watching the whole thing. Otherwise, one ep in, I don't find it any more or less enjoyable that Ms Marvel, or Loki, or any of the rest of these shows which I barely remember already. But I definitely didn't find it objectionably bad, anymore than I found it grippingly excellent. It just felt like what it is: more Disney content from the Disney Content Mill.

    I like sitcoms myself but yeah, I agree with your synopsis...nothing really to write home about...not bad , not great...I give it an "Eh" too

  3. On 8/21/2022 at 8:10 PM, skypinkblu said:

    I am sure I am older than you...and grew up in a time when the "real world" was a little more polite. Obviously, I prefer that time. 

    Yes, there are lots of parents who can guide young minds, but it might be a little easier if we had programing more available to help.  There are also of course many parents who don't know enough to tell the difference ...I don't mean you, I'm sure you do. But the more it's out there, the more kids think answering F to a teacher or other adult is perfectly normal.  Most of my work experience was dealing with people who lost their jobs, saying whatever pops out of someone's mouth to an employer is not always helpful.

    I usually save my cursing for driving ;) and one friend who laughs whenever I prove I do know the words. @DR.X


    We see the world thru an anecdotal lens...unfortunate, dismissive and unrepresentative of the whole...nothing to see here 

    I would be a lot more concerned about social media influencing kids than anything in the movies/tv, since social media is more guardian/peer to peer interaction





  4. On 8/21/2022 at 3:31 PM, skypinkblu said:

    Maybe they should be weirded out.. Is it a good thing to lower standards? 

    Personally, there are very few curses that are news to me, but I understood before I learned them that it was not appropriate to use them in certain places.   There is a reason it's difficult to teach in elementary school.


    Well, context IS important ,..as you imply..but in order to shield a child from curse words, middle fingers etc you would have to lock that child up in their room 24/7...what's missing from your analysis is how the child filters what they hear and see...and they depend on the most influential for this..which is their parents. So, in the REAL world, which I live in....on any given day a child is going to be exposed to a great deal of profanities and disturbed messages..it is up to the parents/ teachers to guide their young minds and put context to those messages..and thus, impart the appropriate imprint in their behavior. Kudos to you for being able to parse those messages....hmm, I wonder if other kids have that ability ??? 


  5. On 8/21/2022 at 9:14 AM, gadzukes said:

    When Hulk pushed her off the cliff didn't she give him the finger as she fell?  It happened fast so I'm not sure, but I thought she did.

    I'm no prude, it didn't really bother me, but for parents with younger kids, this isn't going to work.

    Does Disney do a rating system for it's shows now? I'm really out of the loop on this stuff.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how creative they get with cameos.

    Kids are so beyond being weirded out about middle fingers these days...yes, you are definitely out of the loop... by a good 40 years (after Goonies)

  6. On 8/19/2022 at 12:41 AM, Ceito said:


    looking closely at the pre-graded images, the color touch could possibly be on Spider-Man’s knee on the front cover. I’ve looked at others on the PGM section, and mine as well, and I don’t see what yours has. 





    Good Eye!  and it probably has bleed thru on the other side which I wish I had seen...wouldn't have sent it in

  7. On 8/16/2022 at 8:17 PM, Underground44 said:

    I haven't submitted for a while so this is kind of a noob question...

    When my books have hit the Grading/quality control stage, how long do they stay there?

    I haven't been charged for one of my orders either which is weird, but I'm assuming that it will happen before they're shipped.


    Thanks for the help,



    Ive never had G/QC last more than a couple days. They dont charge for prescreens until G/QC , other than that , if they havent charged you , then it was an oversight on their part

  8. On 8/13/2022 at 8:27 AM, djzombi said:

    Economy Slow Track finally moved to G/E/I today.  Only took nearly 11 months.  No press.  


    Status: Grading/Encapsulation/Imaging
    Received: 9/28/21

    I have two submissions ..9/14 and 9/28 , 2021..still in SFG..maybe tomorrow

  9. With the amount of volume that CGC does with everyone else ..all of us regular collectors, regular sellers and signature collectors...seems any grading/encapsulation of acetate covers amounts to a sand pebble on Venice beach with regard to volume...I am confused as to all of this hype over possible corruption within CGC when the amount of possible profit is so miniscule...don't we get enough of this in the news?

  10. On 8/11/2022 at 6:22 AM, KirbyTown said:

    There's a huge benefit to posting video content in that you don't have to move any product, you just have to generate views. The viewers are kids, and the content exploits that, all the way down to the kindergarten-style video thumbnails featuring overdramatic emotion and shiny text.

    Because kids are the target, your average boomer collector isn't going to be hearing about it, similar to how the name Cocomelon won't affect them unless their family has pre-schoolers.

    Yeah, I've seen 'Fake Famous' and 'The Boys' ....(LOL) 


    I do have a marketing friend with a five year old...he talks a lot about how people use Tik Tok as influencers. especially ones with kids..I refuse to sign up for Tik Tok...I just don't get it (seems to take a certain personality type) but koodos to those who know how to exploit it and make money

  11. I didn't even realize 'influencers' were a part of the comics industry until now. My LCS does quite well selling back issues (his business is 99 % back issues) and he stays off social media. I myself sell on MCS and do quite well, I also buy from various sources and have a nice collection..there is no obvious influencer influence in my process. I would garner that 99% of collectors (I am only throwing out a number but I imagine it's very large) don't even care about influencers..they collect what they want to collect because of a deeper interest. It's a fairly large number of people who collect comics...the hobby has survived a lot , it will survive 'influencers'


  12. On 8/10/2022 at 7:18 AM, Underground44 said:

    Try living in Australa. Then you'll have something to complain about 😂


    yeah, I've visited friends in Australia..not much gets down there. I remember trying to find antacid in Melbourne..couldn't find any. My friends are dual citizens living with parents in Melbourne..and they talked a lot about all the things they have to special order from the US because Australia doesn't have it or the equivalent. Supposedly, Australia only has two grocery store chains..so lack of competition hurts the diversity in products.. that is what they said.