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Anfield Fox

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Everything posted by Anfield Fox

  1. I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch but im really happy because he just issued me a pending refund which can take up to 7 days. I'll be happy when it clears and this matter is over. He just apologised but didn't give me a reason. I can only assume he is going through some problems. I just sent another e-mail a couple of hours ago and appealed to his conscious and it seems to have worked. Alls well that ends well. Thanks for all the support everyone, especially Sharon and Jacob
  2. I also tried calling him but no answer. Damn time zones.
  3. Just an update on the Mravalanche situation. He just read my PM after not checking in all weekend. Has thus far ignored the paypal chargeback, the e-mail i sent him and the PM. This is obviously now a theft.
  4. Kudos to Norinn Radd, Silver Surfer and bronzilla for quick payment, easy transactions and an all round pleasant experience. Thanks guys (thumbs u
  5. Thanks Johnny! I'm going to wait a couple of days and see what happens. Who knows, maybe he sent the books. There is no excuse for reading all the messages and not replying though. I've taken Sky's advice and escalated it to a full claim. Hopefully he'll respond without having to get nasty. Thanks to Silver's i now have all his details which were obtained through his ISP Might be in touch soon though Johnny
  6. Thanks! I'll give it a couple of days before calling. Long distance cost of the call makes me BTW if anyone has his address would appreciate a PM. Maybe you sent him a check or maybe his address was on the box of some comics you bought from him. Just in case i need go down the legal road again
  7. Obviously he got your sex wrong but it was in response to the following http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1935738&page=1&gonew=1#UNREAD I don't think one can trust what he says. I stand by my feedback. I think your getting this all wrong Aces. No one other than him is suggesting you are a bad person to deal with. I just posted it to prove HE has been a poor seller, not the other way round. Everyone here knows your A1 (thumbs u
  8. Nope. The deal with Sharon didn't happen till days later (at least publicly) or else i never would have dealt with him. Also i sent him a direct link to Aces post and that was his response to it.
  9. Thanks for the support everyone. Sky - I can't seem to find his number. Do you remember which auction it was? Trooper - He's not selling anything at the moment Aces - I pointed out to him about the damaged books you got and received the following PM. Obviously he got your sex wrong but it was in response to the following http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1935738&page=1&gonew=1#UNREAD
  10. I would like it publicly known that i have launched a paypal dispute with Mravalanche regarding the non-receipt of a collection of books i purchased from him on the 10th of October. I will now give him a couple more days to do the right thing and refund me before i escalate it to a full claim. The details are as follows: 10/10: Books paid for, told they would ship next day. On the same day i find out he has problems with Aces and Skypinkblu. The books with Aces were poorly packaged while Skypinkblu was sold grossly overgraded books. He refused to refund either of them. Sharon was so disappointed with the books she sold them to give the money to charity because she didn't want to look at them anymore. I told him i didn't want any problems and if the books were going to be poorly packaged or overgraded to just refund me rather than go down that road. He assured me everything would be fine and i went along with it. He said comicsupply had "warned" him against those people. Whatever that means. 3 weeks pass and no books. 10/29: I sent him a polite PM asking if he has had a chance to send them yet. PM is read within a couple of hours but no response. 10/30: I send another PM. It is read and he responds saying that he was away and just saw the PM (a lie because it was read the previous day). He tells me he'll dig up the receipt and get back to me. 11/01: 2 days pass and i send another PM. At this point i had received books i paid for on the 24th October from another board member but still nothing from Mravalanche. Again the PM is read within a couple of hours and no response. 11/02: I send him a final PM telling him i either want details or a refund. No response. 11/03: No books this morning. I launch paypal dispute. I have 20 days to escalate it but won't wait that long.
  11. Nice books Lawrence! That ASM 50 looks under graded. Congrats!
  12. I'll be adding someone soon. Not impressed with the lack of books or non communication not to mention previous history (first time i've used this gremlin).
  13. It is Warning sign number one, You get invited to a wedding and sit with the older crowd 46 you are okay. 47 though?
  14. Kudos to comiconxion for 2 ASM price variants. Good comms, quick shipping and excellent grading. Thanks Chuck! And another thanks to Steve (World's Best Comics) for a couple of great books he sent in the Grails Game. Thanks again Steve.
  15. Mirrors my first experience Commodore 64 with a 300 baud plug-modem...took ages and nobody minded and I was paying per minute on the phone. Had to take a student job just to pay the $300 monthly phone bills and I was 16 at the time. You probably downloaded some games my group cracked or some demos I wrote back in 1983-1987 Call packs. Cal is going to have a seizure when he sees the administrator taking part in off topic posts in comics general in his post about not having anymore off topic posts
  16. The Water Cooler can be the new Comics General too if we want Oh the possibilities
  17. You had internet in the 80's? You really were a trend setter! BTW i agree, would love our own OT forum.
  18. You could try pulling his number from eBay and give him a call if he's not responding to e-mails? I do remember dealing with him once some time ago and it was a slow transaction.