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Everything posted by joeypost

  1. I have a dozen or so yet to catalog but here is what I know I have available. Beware #1 in 9.4 UncannyTales #1 in 9.4 Where Monsters Dwell #2 in 9.4 Giant Size Chillers #4 in 9.4 signed by Wrightson Tomb of Dracula #23 in 9.4 Where Monsters Dwell 27 in 9.4 Where Monsters Dwell #10 in 9.6 Werewolf By Night #16 in 9.6 Monsters on the Prowl #26 in 9.6
  2. If anyone is interested I have tons of Bronze Marvel Horror in 9.2 to 9.6. Many #1's and a few hard to find picture frame books.
  3. Hulk Annual #5 had a bunch. Goom Groot Titan Blip Diablo Taboo
  4. So it wasn't the price then? Why didn't you say that before? If you think his intent was dishonest, why not say that? Why stick to this "common sense" says the price is too high schtick? If you think he's shady, just say so and tell us why. You've usually got good common sense skills, and you aren't bad at business. It did NOT make sense that you'd call a guy out on price alone. Side bar: ALL police officers would wait for an actual crime to be committed before taking action, otherwise with no crime being committed they've got nothing but a profile, and they fail at probable cause and their crow bar wielding friend will be out that same night, in another part of town, maybe plotting to break in somewhere where no one is looking or maybe calling his lawyer to file that false arrest claim. Not the police officers I knew as a kid. Maybe they have to be more PC today, but that has never been my experience. You can ask whatever you want in your sales thread, ask too high and you won't be taken seriously, ask too little and you are the greatest seller on the earth. If you read the original part of the exchange I never called him out on price. I simply asked him if he would be willing to pay multiples of guide for a book that had better visual appeal. I don't remember receiving an answer other than a rehash of his earlier stance.
  5. I agree completely with what you say, but at what point do we allow common sense and decency to go out the window? Joey, you hit the nail on the head. It would be against common sense not to say anything about that price You guys know me on here...I don't threadcrap. I feel his asking price was laughable and deserved to be called out on it. Sorry some think what I did was out of line. We don't want this forum to turn into eBay with sales to take advantage of the unknowing (not saying this seller is doing that but interesting the grade wasn't mentioned although he had it graded in the forum). While most of us here know better...there could be a lurker or whoever that thinks that the book raw could be a higher grade and buy it.... It would need to be at least 9.0 graded for a 5k price tag...that book was in the grading forum and the average was 7.5 or so....a $1,800 book on a good day. And, while we can ask what we want for the book...we should also be subjected to scrutiny if the price is in outer space. A premium is one thing...3x guide to me is a problem from anyone and not just a noob. Sorry. While I understand he did not, at that time do anything wrong in his thread, I felt the intent was there. 2 reasons why. First. He listed a raw book as 9.4 that someone asked for a better picture of one of the corners. From what i could see in the sales thread it was maybe a 7.0. No biggie. Some people cannot grade Second. When he was asked about the grade/price comparison he fell back to people pay a premium for better looking books. While that is true I would not spend $,5000.00 on a really nice 7.0 when I could buy a really nice 9.0. Seems simple to me. Instead of saying his pricing was aggressive he stood by people should pay more for a better presenting book. Maybe him being asked that many questions in his sales thread was poor form. Maybe he did not do anything wrong at the time. I like to look at things from a better safe than sorry standpoint. If someone is walking around looking into storefronts in the middle of the night, he has done no wrong. None whatsoever. If that same person was still looking but wearing a hat, hood and was carrying a crow bar he would be suspicious while still doing nothing wrong. How many police offers would walk by and say "Lets wait till he breaks into a store before we do or say anything to him"? None that I know of. They would ask questions and take action if necessary.
  6. I agree completely with what you say, but at what point do we allow common sense and decency to go out the window? Common sense rarely enters into a hobby where a 1/32" crease changes a price by thousands of dollars on a book about a guy who wears tights and lives in a cave and people still want to be like him. Decency tells me, that unless the guy is lying, hiding something, or being otherwise deceptive, that he can ask whatever he wants. I have seen far more egregious pricing, with worse grading and disclosure of flaws on any given convention floor. The difference is, no one is standing next to their booth yelling to everyone passing by about how crazy the prices are. Until this seller lies, cheats, or tries to steal common sense tells me he can ask whatever he wants for his property and decency prevents me from imposing my opinion on his prices on his sales thread. I disagree. If enough sellers were to adopt that philosophy and hope for the "sucker" to take the bait the sales forum would quickly become a joke. . Was anything in the seller's description deceptive? I didn't see anything. I have my hands full enough on this board pointing out actual scammers, liars and cheats. I can't imagine anything that would make me think I was the arbiter of another person's sales thread in order to "save" some 40-something who's already wasted most of his life and money on comic books to not waste even more simply because the price is higher than the expected norm. These are regular 40 year olds buying books, right? Not the short bus variety? "Sucker"? My white knight suit of armor is in the shop. All this guy is doing is asking what he wants for his own book. And the issue is really, doing it IN HIS THREAD. The comment about Ebay sellers with wacky prices being posted here is just that. A discussion, away from the seller's area. Just like people do at conventions, we are free to talk as much smack about a guy behind his back as we want. It's when we cross into the seller's thread, when he hasn't lied or cheated, that the line of decency is crossed. At this point I will agree to disagree. I am going to put on some DEET and a mosquito net and enjoy the day.
  7. I agree completely with what you say, but at what point do we allow common sense and decency to go out the window? Common sense rarely enters into a hobby where a 1/32" crease changes a price by thousands of dollars on a book about a guy who wears tights and lives in a cave and people still want to be like him. Decency tells me, that unless the guy is lying, hiding something, or being otherwise deceptive, that he can ask whatever he wants. I have seen far more egregious pricing, with worse grading and disclosure of flaws on any given convention floor. The difference is, no one is standing next to their booth yelling to everyone passing by about how crazy the prices are. Until this seller lies, cheats, or tries to steal common sense tells me he can ask whatever he wants for his property and decency prevents me from imposing my opinion on his prices on his sales thread. I disagree. If enough sellers were to adopt that philosophy and hope for the "sucker" to take the bait the sales forum would quickly become a joke. For a group that feels it is OK to ask whatever a seller wants for his books, many seem to have no problem pointing out absurd pricing on ebay auctions/big dealer sites in comics general. If you want to be taken seriously act in a manner that allows it.
  8. I agree completely with what you say, but at what point do we allow common sense and decency to go out the window?
  9. It's a color-breaking crease. Pressing won't help much. Judging from the scan the crease lays very flat. If it has not been pressed already, the crease has been present for a long time and gravity has taken over.
  10. OK, so quick question - as a new seller - should I be looking at the probie list when someone posts an 'I'll Take It'? I mean, you raise a good point - what is the protocol for sellers to utilize the list and make sure they don't sell to a probie? If you read the rules of most sales threads, probation listers are never allowed. Even if they were to post an the rules of the sales thread makes it null and void. Plus, it would be good to check the list ocassionally.
  11. I will have dozens of bronze horror available in the next two weeks.
  12. I loved it. I had to have it read to me.
  13. Sounds like your elves been busy. ahem, I have in hand the official press release from Elf #1 who is group leader. " To Tom stick it where the sun don't shine"
  14. Always thought he did his best work on some of these magazine covers.
  15. So, let's say someone encourages other board members to request PGX books for purchase in the WTB section... Wow - just Wow! Of course, this is most probably just to pick a fight because I helped the newer board member understand why not to ask for PGX books on a CGC forum. But let's set that reasonable part aside. Should board members encourage others to offer to purchase PGX books on a CGC forum? Nope. Because asking for PGX books was omitted (an oversight I am sure) does not mean it is a loop hole to be exploited. Glad it was quickly cleared up.
  16. What about when the buyer decides to keep the book, the buyer then removes it from the case... and then in a turn of events (due to second thoughts, anger, etc) decides to pursue this course of action? Recent events have shown just a scenario. Is the buyer of said product to put on the list also? Is willfully accepting a other company's product here just as bad as selling it? Police arrest the drug buyers as well as the dealers don't they? Can we take their kids too? Just saying... slippery slope. The SELLER pushed the issue. Not only sold a PGX book but then wanted positive feedback after he expressly stated it was NOT a PGX slab. There was no anger, second thoughts, mob mentality. I realised at that time he just wasn't getting it. Fairly certain he gets it now. As far as a slippery slope goes I have no problem being on the probation list, none. As long as you add me you need to go after every less than perfect transaction and have them slide down the same slope. This way when your turn comes we will all be there to greet you. Joey this wasn't directed at you as a dis... just a simple notation stating where does it all end? Honestly no one knows for sure if Trey's slab was in a PGX case or not... only you know this. And if said book isn't in a slab now (ie the way you supposedly received it) ... then that book is RAW and in truth you have no beef with Trey since all you have is a raw book to show what you received. Truthfully the only thing that I can see that the SELLER in your situation pushed... was asking for positive feedback from a "transacton" that was sucessfully enacted. Plus it still hasn't been shown if Trey was put on the probation list for selling a PGX book or not. Only reason stated was "Moderation Violations"... not "rule violation". Moderation violations could mean a slew of things at the time of the issue... ranging from Trey's kamikaze posting PM's to his vibrant, erratic behavior. So all those that keep saying he has been put on that list because of this very issue, needs to go look at the reason stated. Again this isn't about your issue, its about preventing further madness concerning this entire issue. The NOTIFY MOD button is in place for this very reason if someone feels the need to use it. Oh and trust me sir, the mob has been there to greet me... and we all saw how that worked out. And Bozzcoe... its spelled "Kwanzaa". I know for sure. After 6 years here and thousands of successful transaction my word should be enough. Some still need to stir the pot. Then instead of removing the item from its case, you should have returned the item for a full refund which you were offered if memory serves. Joey, again, not directed at you... but the situation. It won't be long before perhaps those who purchase PGX books at lower prices just to press them and slab them in CGC cases... to sell them at higher prices... could be deemed unfit and dishonest. Do you want this to happen as well? No one questioning your word either. I've been here two years and had a few thousand successful transactions as well between here, the 'bay and a storefront business. My opinion (because everyone has one) is just as valid. No one is questioning your integrity sir. If you think this is not already happening (PGX To CGC) on a regular basis? I get tons of PGX slabs. No one questions their honesty. Maybe more questions need to be asked when purchasing books, both raw and stabbed.
  17. What about when the buyer decides to keep the book, the buyer then removes it from the case... and then in a turn of events (due to second thoughts, anger, etc) decides to pursue this course of action? Recent events have shown just a scenario. Is the buyer of said product to put on the list also? Is willfully accepting a other company's product here just as bad as selling it? Police arrest the drug buyers as well as the dealers don't they? Can we take their kids too? Just saying... slippery slope. The SELLER pushed the issue. Not only sold a PGX book but then wanted positive feedback after he expressly stated it was NOT a PGX slab. There was no anger, second thoughts, mob mentality. I realised at that time he just wasn't getting it. Fairly certain he gets it now. As far as a slippery slope goes I have no problem being on the probation list, none. As long as you add me you need to go after every less than perfect transaction and have them slide down the same slope. This way when your turn comes we will all be there to greet you. Joey this wasn't directed at you as a dis... just a simple notation stating where does it all end? Honestly no one knows for sure if Trey's slab was in a PGX case or not... only you know this. And if said book isn't in a slab now (ie the way you supposedly received it) ... then that book is RAW and in truth you have no beef with Trey since all you have is a raw book to show what you received. Truthfully the only thing that I can see that the SELLER in your situation pushed... was asking for positive feedback from a "transacton" that was sucessfully enacted. Plus it still hasn't been shown if Trey was put on the probation list for selling a PGX book or not. Only reason stated was "Moderation Violations"... not "rule violation". Moderation violations could mean a slew of things at the time of the issue... ranging from Trey's kamikaze posting PM's to his vibrant, erratic behavior. So all those that keep saying he has been put on that list because of this very issue, needs to go look at the reason stated. Again this isn't about your issue, its about preventing further madness concerning this entire issue. The NOTIFY MOD button is in place for this very reason if someone feels the need to use it. Oh and trust me sir, the mob has been there to greet me... and we all saw how that worked out. And Bozzcoe... its spelled "Kwanzaa". I know for sure. After 6 years here and thousands of successful transaction my word should be enough. Some still need to stir the pot.