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Everything posted by joeypost

  1. Tell me about it. I am happy with the 9.4's but as always I would not mind owning a 9.6 or better. Your OCD is showing I know. I would fix it but right now I am trying to navigate this slippery slope I am on.
  2. What about when the buyer decides to keep the book, the buyer then removes it from the case... and then in a turn of events (due to second thoughts, anger, etc) decides to pursue this course of action? Recent events have shown just a scenario. Is the buyer of said product to put on the list also? Is willfully accepting a other company's product here just as bad as selling it? Police arrest the drug buyers as well as the dealers don't they? Can we take their kids too? Just saying... slippery slope. The SELLER pushed the issue. Not only sold a PGX book but then wanted positive feedback after he expressly stated it was NOT a PGX slab. There was no anger, second thoughts, mob mentality. I realised at that time he just wasn't getting it. Fairly certain he gets it now. As far as a slippery slope goes I have no problem being on the probation list, none. As long as you add me you need to go after every less than perfect transaction and have them slide down the same slope. This way when your turn comes we will all be there to greet you.
  3. Tell me about it. I am happy with the 9.4's but as always I would not mind owning a 9.6 or better.
  4. If nothing else, it's grounds for a weeks vacation as evidenced by the Trey Canon strike. Who was selling the PGX slabs?
  5. Picked this one up from Superworld comics about 3 years ago. Forgot I had it. Just got it back from CGC. Picked this one up from Big Ben in Baltimore this year. He had a ton of killer bronze books. I believe this was a board purchase.
  6. The book got hammered due to the water damage to the top of the back cover.
  7. You can also add: Was it read in the bathroom? Was it stored in the trunk of your car? Do you practice animal sacrifices? How many of the ten commandments did you break with the book watching?
  8. we are going to see you on hoarders one of these days.... upcoming season Maybe we can go rummage through before hand while Greggy is out of town I have been to his building.
  9. He knew exactly what he was doing. Sure Trey was wrong and he did know what he was doing. He never denied not knowing the rules. That's why he was given a strike (or a banning). Others are called out when it's noticed. Bio-Rupp was tarred and feathered not long ago for acting like he was selling PGX books. He should have received a strike for it as well. I agree that what he was doing was entrapment and creating a disruption on the boards. There are probably some sellers who have slipped under the radar. Trey mentions that he bought at least 2 PGX books from board members through here. If he bought those books from board members did those sellers get chastised? I see no mention of banning. Only "Moderation violations - 1 week. ".
  10. I think he did man up in his first email: To be fair, I left out some context. The stuff I posted about the abuse, his ex military credentials, etc were in reply to me asking for more details to see if he was lying about that stuff and not in defence of his initial behaviour. This is what I replied with after he emailed me initially with the apology: He had replied in greater detail but I don't think having the entire email posted here is necessarily necessary. First off, I never asked for an apology. I want him to apologise to the boards. Second, keeping a book does not mean the transaction was successful. I have books in my posession I use as a reminder never to buy from certain people again. If I thought the transaction was successful from the start I would have left him positive feedback on the boards. Third, no one is out to get him. Trey walked a dangerous line with not being truthful. He got called out, nothing more.
  11. Interesting angle. I'd like to know that too. (thumbs u I went and pulled up his Sig Room thread. He states that he was in the Air Force from 1997-2005. I'm waiting to hear back from him. He's been reading the threads and I asked if I could post his email to me on here as it might explain a few things. Or not. Isn't it amazing what a mess a little dumbassery can create? I actually find it comical in a way. You couldn't -script this stuff for Hollywood. One lie started a bigger mess.
  12. Where do the mods indicate he received a strike?
  13. Sharon, I have a child with special needs. I have gone to classes, support groups. Work with his class on a regular basis. I cannot count how many dollars have been spent on social bridges groups, tutoring, etc. If anyone has compassion for the handicapped it is me. It has hit close to home. I don't see this in Trey, I don't. Maybe he is a little off socially but the elaborate stories he concocts tells me he knows exactly what he is doing. After all the years I have been here I know Roy will be Roy so I take that with a grain of salt. I personally feel there is never a reason to condone any action based on the "handicap" card. Some things are truly beyond a persons control, but that is not the case with Trey. He was deceptive twice in the same thread first listing a cropped PGX scan and then lying about it and telling those asking to take their business elsewhere. For the record, I don't think he's handicapped or special needs. I just think that he is a little socially inept. He just happens to react exactly the wrong way when backed into a corner. We're all a little socially inept in one way or another. Trey just happens to be socially internet inept from what I can see. Also, I'm not asking anyone excuse his behavior, all I am saying is to keep it in context and perspective. Other well respected, well beloved board members have all sold PGX books knowing that the rules were in place but Trey is going to be the poster boy and I think that's a little unfair. It was a learning experience, Trey can answer for himself when his strike is over and Joey and Trey can settle this mano a mano. Most drama can be averted with a few simple principles like if your brother offends you go and talk to him about it directly. I did. His reaction was not one to indicate a smooth road to resolution. Context and perspective is a round about way of saying "excuse his behavior".
  14. Sharon, I have a child with special needs. I have gone to classes, support groups. Work with his class on a regular basis. I cannot count how many dollars have been spent on social bridges groups, tutoring, etc. If anyone has compassion for the handicapped it is me. It has hit close to home. I don't see this in Trey, I don't. Maybe he is a little off socially but the elaborate stories he concocts tells me he knows exactly what he is doing. After all the years I have been here I know Roy will be Roy so I take that with a grain of salt. I personally feel there is never a reason to condone any action based on the "handicap" card. Some things are truly beyond a persons control, but that is not the case with Trey. He was deceptive twice in the same thread first listing a cropped PGX scan and then lying about it and telling those asking to take their business elsewhere.
  15. Who is truly normal? Everyone is off a little bit, some have more bits than others.
  16. And what great evil are we opening the door to by adding him the probation list as opposed to the hall of the shame? Well, for one thing, 30 days has apparently not elapsed but according to Joey only 10 days. We are supposed to allow 30 days for the two of them to come to an agreement or for restitution to occur. This leaves 20 days for the two of them to work something out. We let this in we may as well drop the 30 days and just start adding people the day after a problem occurs. My apologies - I just assumed, and since the sales thread had been deleted I had no idea when this took place. How is the thirty day rule even applicable when his violation is intentionally altering scans so he can sell a product that is expressly forbidden to be sold on the CGC message boards? Technically it is not because technically (governmentally speaking now), technically this is a Moderator issue and technically, not a PL issue. An HOS issue but not a PL issue. Would Trey being in the HOS send the same message to any new members or buyers to the boards? At this point it is all Semantics to me but if you feel strongly I have to respect your point of view. If a lesson is learned, that is what is most important.
  17. The 30 day rule is not a statute of limitations. It is the amount of time that has to go by for a bad transaction to be made good before the PL process begins. Why was it mentioned none of this mattered since 30 days had expired? My apologies Joey... I was under the understanding that you had this book for longer than 30 days. After so many pages, it gets mind-numbing to read. According to PL rules...if you feel shafted, you have to contact him and ask him to make it right. If he doesn't honor your request with a refund after 30 days, you can bring it here to the PD board. That was the way I believed the rule worked. If you keep the book, you accept what it is, was and was ever going to be. If Trey offered you a refund, then take it. You said you were going to keep the book, but if you feel strongly enough about the situation, then return it. I understand how things can become convoluted. I don't think I could read through this whole thread again.Trey does not want it back since I cracked it out, and especially after I outed him. Those who read the PM he posted would have seen this at the very end the message. I am going to keep it.
  18. An autistic kid who loves to draw can draw the entire city of Rome quickly and efficiently down to the smallest details after one short helicopter ride around the city from memory but he can't even take care of his own basic necessities. True story. Trey may be able to get sketches because he loves them but maybe doesn't understand the finer nuances of chat board ethics because other members in good standing have blurred that line for him through breaking those very rules themselves. It's very easy for any of us to get tunnel visioned. I'm a master at it so I would know. It is bad behavior, and like any behavior it is learned and at one time could have been controlled. If not, being on the PL or HOS is the very least of his problems.