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Everything posted by MCMiles

  1. A cool book that just turned up at the LCS.
  2. Got this at the LCS yesterday along with a couple other cool ones I'll post later. These kinds of girls were popular when I was in school.
  3. Thanks, and kudos to you as well for being very honest and easy to work with.
  4. Awesome in tuna as well And in an omelette wouldn't it be considered "cooked" then, or do you mean sprinkled over an omelette? Sprinkled..you mean diced? I would think that a diced onion is what it becomes. No longer whole, it is now diced. Sprinkling is what you do to the diced onion. Capiche? I believe at that point the onion has been molested.
  5. Why would you even pass on information relayed to you be such an obvious person_too_unaware_of_social_graces? Frankly, I'm disappointed in you, Rick, for dredging this muck back up to the surface. Apparently, poor taste needed a spokesperson. because he politely asked me to, however, don't confuse a messenger with a spokesperson... I found it interesting that the book actually graded 9.2 (speculating on how, but that is a different story) (thumbs u How is that interesting considering he had the back cover cleaned? It's a slap to the face watching you post stuff on Frank's behalf - by acting as his messenger you're lending him an air of respectability that he does not deserve. I think CGC blew it on the second go around.
  6. I didn't see any bickering, maybe some people got a little defensive in the face of critisism. While the post may have been intended to be informational and educational, and probably is innocuous when it's all said and done, there is no denying that some people are going to draw incorrect conclusions or false assumptions. That is certainly ridiculous, and there should be no shame, embarrassment or guilt associated with being on the list. That doesn't take away from the fact that it may exist. I believe that point has been proven by more than one post in this thread alone. I'm also aware some people have requested their name be removed. Perhaps the OP should have been more considerate of the way other innocent parties may have felt about it before posting it. I believe that's all Dr. Watson was trying to convey. Of course any sort of critisism isn't going to be taken lightly by anyone around here (including myself). The most ridiculous thing in this whole thread was for Mark to act as if Dupcak or anyone else wasn't going to immediately recognize who the thread was about. Of course any post that doesn't praise Mark is against Mark, so I'm sure even this one will be taken the wrong way, but for the record, I'd like to see Mark's efforts help bring down Dupcak. I'm sure that goes for just about everyone.
  7. I'm sorry Doc, is there an issue here you wish to raise? It's an open forum, please by all means go right ahead and speak your mind. That list is privileged information that not everyone has access to through normal channels. It is inappropriate to post it via a public forum. It can lead to assumptions concerning affiliation that are incorrect. If you are so concerned for those individuals welfare, then contact them privately on an individual basis as I'm sure you have their email addresses or other contact information at hand. You are the one who first mentioned Dupcake. All Zaid said was you may have been defrauded if your ebay name was listed. Sure, I did. It was that obvious even while experiencing a bought of indigestion over Olive Garden at 3 AM. My fault was the exclusive posting of the word "buying" when it can include both buyers and sellers. What else would Zaid be posting about on the CGC message board? There's nothing like insufficient and unclear information to get assumptions or even accusations rolling. One might as well get down to brass tacks. I admit being at fault, but two wrongs still don't make it right. Yes, how about that Doc? I never mentioned any name associated with the list. Why you think it would be obvious it was Dupcak is your own thought process. I have gone after numerous members of the ebay community for fraud. But its a good thing we have you as the moral police here to set me straight Doc as to what is appropriate or not!!!!! I'm so lucky to have a guardian angel. You're like my bestest friend. That was a grown up response.
  8. mike, give us a group shot of the skulls; i'd love to see 'em. I just saw this post, Billy. I'll get to that some time, but it won't be spectacular. It is a small collection so far.
  9. It wouldn't have made it right still, but Yannis should have just contacted Matt, and said I'm sorry but I need the money quicker and desperate times call for desperate measures. Everyone screws up sometimes, that's all there is to it. The troublesome thing about all the screw ups lately is the dishonesty and lies that are going along with them.
  10. Why did he say the book was more damaged than he thought? I believe the book cgc'd a .5 vs the 2.5 he stated, though that might be a diff tec 37 he is talking about It'd be a shame if it was a .5 at one time considering it's been offered here by one seller or another as a 1.8 and a 2.5.
  11. more food for thought...and a new twist...wow It doesn't seem so unreasonable that he'd put up a pic of his new comic ten days after "buying" it. If the deal was agreed upon on the 18th, maybe loot was sent on the 19th, comic shipped on the 20th or 21st, it's easy to see the second buyer not getting it until the 27th or 28th, then scanning it and getting it in his sig. I'm definitely leaning towards condemning the seller, but not at all convinced that the second buyer did anything wrong. I hope not. why would the seller sell it for less money than he had previously agreed a sale on? Especially as the original buyer still wanted the book. Doesn't add up. Maybe the seller is kookoo and not greedy. I guess that would be easier to forgive.
  12. Thanks you for a great transaction, also. I'm always glad to help someone add to their run.
  13. Great, you guys are going to get me moved to the top of the schitt list.
  14. Nice, I don't remember seeing that one for sale there. Did you buy it early in the show?