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Everything posted by scburdet

  1. I am also at an 8.0 with C&P (this is where mine came in) and there are a lot of similarities. It looks like the pages are not square with the cover (a little downhill?). Is there a slight spine roll bringing things out of squareness?
  2. Abort! Abort! I concede this Captain Marvel 26 comparison competition. I was working on my photos and noticed a water stain that escaped notice on my initial screening. Until I can confirm my C&Per has luck with water stains, or find someone who does, this one will be relegated to the pile of shame. I tip my cap and slink out the back door to fight another day.
  3. I agree there is something there that "breaks" the color (i.e. does not look like the corner you find in other examples, but I've checked & re-checked this several times, including just now. If it's a crease, there's no evidence of it on the other side of the paper or roughness in the front cover. Could be a printing defect? I have no idea. I feel like this is a 9.4/9.6 with this random corner color issue (or something else I don't see) dropping it out of the 9.8 range (I am generally not concerned with 9.8, though I know what it means for resell value in the current market). This would generally not be a book I'd share here b/c there's not much to quibble about in terms of defects, but it is notable for not being a beat to 💩 square bound comic and I've seen about 10K Thor: Love and Thunder commercials recently. Should be getting my other Thor comics that tie-in to the movie back from the Jason Aaron signing in 2-3 weeks. The SigRoom folks discouraged me from sending this to JA for signing even though it was an obvious source of inspiration for his run on Thor, which is one of my favorites in recent history.
  4. 9.2±0.2 depending on how harshly that front corner (bottom right) and that back corner (top right) are treated.
  5. My answer to C&P (unless the books is likely to be damaged) is yes given I'm still not sure what counts as a "finger bend". I think I might see some slight indentions on the back cover that could find the press useful. Easily a 9.0, maybe a 9.4. I think we're hard pressed without handling a high grade book to be more accurate than that. I will finish editing my photos of this book later and post it tonight for comparison. I think you might have me beat on account of one minor ding on mine.
  6. We're just under a week until the next installment in the Thor franchise, so take a gander at my What if...? 10 if you'd like. I had forgotten it was a square bound book, so I guess there are at least 2 SBs in my collection that have a decent chance of scoring a good grade. Kind of surprised this didn't make the cut on the last set of pulls from my CGC facilitator. Maybe he thought it wouldn't come back before the market would start dipping or something. Not that I'm particularly worried about that for books in my PC.
  7. Very nice. I've tried to collect as much Kirby as possible, but given I started too late, I've limited myself to some of the less mainstream Marvel stuff (Eternals, Devil Dinosaur, etc.) and some DC (New Gods, Kamandi). I'd love FOOM 10 for the X-Men tie-in; however, I'm not sure I could make an auction-competitive offer if you decided to sell. $3K does seem like a reasonable over-under for a final price.
  8. When I get my FOOM 2 back in a million years (I got it signed by Steranko in March), I will be happy to comment with more authority. Overall, my #2 is in better condition with the *huge* caveat that some jerk started the crossword puzzle back in the 70s I'm hoping no one notices, or I get a qualified label with the apparent grade for the good condition of the book otherwise. I've been interested in #10, so I've been following listings and sales for a while. It's has been consistently a high-value book, and it does not appear there are many copies out there, and even fewer in higher grades. I think it's definitely worth grading to protect it, and for when you either sell or pass it on to the next generation. I think this will come in 7.0-8.0. From what I've seen with FOOM broadly, CGC has some leniency for some kinds of defects. Mailing labels for instance don't seem to bother them. IDK what % of these were directly mailed to fans vs. other distribution routes, but obviously that plays a role in how CGC views "acceptable" defects at each grade. My guess is that C&P isn't going to do a whole lot here since the crease is a real crease, and the cover is not glossy paper. For no more than it costs, I would just have CCS press it so it looks as good as possible in the holder. For some reason, the owners of FF1 and FF48 have not bitten on my offer of a crisp $10 for their books. I am willing to go through the hassle to convert it into a crisp £10 note to offer for this book. You have a really nice one.
  9. So, many years ago I was on a martial arts comics collecting kick (Shang-Chi, Iron Fist) and I really loved these painted magazine covers. I specifically got this one for the Iron Fist cover without realizing it is a middle-of-the-road key for the 1st White Tiger. I've heard that magazines are experiencing a longer than even typical turnaround at CGC (anyone hearing this as well?), so I'm not rushing out to submit this one. The mags in sig series are also going much slower than comics too. It seems to me like magazine-sized comics took beatings more so than comics, so very pleased with the overall shape. Continuing the recent series of posts, there is some kind of ink thing going on around the "IRON FIST". Could be ink transfer since there's not really any black ink there to smear. Thoughts?
  10. Top back corner stained or just foxing? If it's a stain, I'd go with 5.0. If it's foxing or something that can be removed, 6.5
  11. Looks like a bend through most/all of the book on that one corner. I'd hope that would mostly press out, although it looks creased on the back cover. I'd give it an 8.0 with an outside shot at 8.5.
  12. My (limited) experience, a lesser stain knocked a book that was clearly >9 otherwise all the way down to a 5.5. If they treat the rust from another book like an ink transfer, I can see it having less impact. I watched a CGC video recently that said ink rubs were treated more harshly that ink transfers, especially with older books where it was common for comics to be stack on top of on another without the benefit of bags/boards.
  13. Me 3. I have this one. I've been on the fence about whether or not this belongs in a grading pile. I'm going with 7.5 on this copy. The slight miscut that has white on the spine makes it hard to see the little creases on the spine, but I think there are some there. The crease on the bottom right corner is a deduction. Some dinginess around the price and the spine of the back cover will hopefully clean up and give a better look if nothing else.
  14. My Claremont comics shipped 3 weeks ago. My Claremont magazine is still at CCS, so we're roughly 10 weeks post-signing. I queried customer service ago delays with mags (as I heard this is going on in regular submissions), but got only the standard turnaround estimates. These clearly seem to need an adjustment for mags. I'd rather have a reasonable estimate, even if it's quite long, rather than sitting in an information vacuum. TL;DR: I wouldn't hold your breath.
  15. It's a little ink spot. IDK if it's from the same thing as the little spots or something different. I could make a case for either. I'm pretty sure it's not grime though. The good news for me is that I don't even need to post my copy of issue 42 here. It's definitely high grade with nothing to be worried about (I don't think it's worth people's time to haggle about 9.X here since we're only looking at photos). This is a much cooler cover with that yellow showing the ink spots quite clearly.
  16. I think every square bound book that is still complete and held together by the original binding should start at 9.0. Defects to the rest of the book be damned.
  17. Continuing my recent theme of posts with more "ink stuff" that I don't know how to account for. When I got this book many years ago (very early aughts), I was really shocked at how bright and shiny the cover was for a +30 year old book. The additional 20 years has done nothing to dull that color. It's got some obvious, but not offensive spine ticks. Not removable by pressing, but it might look a little nicer after. What's got me stuck is the ?ink transfer? around the CAPTAIN. It seems that ink transfer is not treated as harshly as color rub, but I still don't know what to expect.
  18. Finds so far. As you can see, I am only a few letters into the alphabet (in my "upstairs" books). This could take a while....
  19. Can anyone read the Cert. #? I tried, but my eyes clearly aren't good enough
  20. The grade is going to be either comparable, or worse by trying to remove the tape. I'd bet on worse since you're likely damaging the paper. You're dealing with a book in the 2.0±1.0, so it's not the difference between a high grade and a low grade book
  21. I'm going to downgrade to no better than a 7.5 b/c it seems like CGC is hard on stains and it jumps right out at you. That back corner won't help.
  22. For the record, I am a big fan of the 169/170 covers. More photos would help. I see some curling on the bottom left of the back cover. No idea if that's pressable. A little dirty on the back. Hopefully that can be cleaned. I would start at 8.0 and hope the work would move it up from there. There's a caveat though. I see a couple of light spots in the H of THOR on the front cover. Depending on what that is, you could lose 0.5-1.0 pts, perhaps more if it's staining and is deemed significant enough.
  23. First, I have to thank George Lucas for making a subpar Episode I and having Jarjar be a key character in the prequels as it's the only reason I can think that I managed to purchase the entire Marvel SW run sometime between the Phantom Menace and the Attack of the Clones at a reasonable price. I don't think any other full run of books I ever bought being this nice, but I digress.... Issue 68 is the popular Boba Fett cover, and it's quite nice. You can see there are some inner pages on the top right have a tiny chip of corner paper that's still hanging on. I think this is a defect from production. What I am unsure of is some small black ink spots in the yellow field on the left. As I examine these closely, I am pretty sure these are ink drips from printing the cover, but I can't be positive. I looked around and haven't seen other copies with this. Any thoughts? I've got this one going into the >9.0 range depending on how these things are viewed. I added the splash pages to the photos b/c it's cool.
  24. TBF it can be a pretty decent insight into how the rest of the book was treated. If the spine is beat to , the rest of the book probably is too. A well cared for book could have a perfect spine and a tear somewhere else just by chance. I do see a fair number of books with high grades that still have imperfect spines, so it's apparently forgivable in some cases ¯\_(ツ)_/¯