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kent allard

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Posts posted by kent allard

  1. On 8/24/2024 at 8:46 AM, Frisco Larson said:

    Beautiful copies you've got here, btw!!! I've only owned this book once ... and not even all that long ago ... but it came in with an undisclosed wrong back cover and I foolishly sold it, thinking I could upgrade it fairly easily. WRONG!!! So, all I have is a pic of my old beater copy. :( 

    Two things I quickly realized in while fishing in the GA pool - 1) Never give up your beater until you secure your keeper.  2) Grab the beater, 'cuz it could be a loooong time til you even see a keeper.

    2a) When it rains it can pour, but there is no weather man to give you the heads up.

    Case in point: Saw this in April 2023 with no back cover and I grabbed it. 


    Then lo and behold, another showed up a year later, which I also grabbed.  With only 10 on the census, can't be too picky.



    (Anyone got an upgrade for sale? :wishluck:)


    Then there is this one I picked up in Feb.  image.jpeg.45afee3b306fe6309792a2bbc28461a6.jpeg             Last previous (non-Mile High) HA sale was in 2012!

  2. On 8/23/2024 at 7:02 PM, Tri-Color Brian said:

    OK, here's one I'm not sure about...either "like it" or tell me why it's wrong...hm


    No, no!  You cannot be 'wrong' here.

    I don't see it as iconic, and I get a symbolic aspect, but honestly, compare this one to the Green Lama Raboys.  Your call :)

    But that's what this thread is all about - digging up and exposing people to these kinds covers and letting them decide what rings their chimes.

  3. On 8/23/2024 at 6:15 PM, Ken Aldred said:

    I agree.

    Surprised it took so long to appear.

    No arty abstractions, a powerful and straightforward statement of intent.


    Hmmm .... Seems like I'm in the minority here as I respectfully disagree for the reasons I mentioned above.  I find the Green Lama covers to be stronger *symbolic* covers.  It is precisely the 'arty abstraction' that *I* am looking for.  If you will forgive me this: any insufficiently_thoughtful_person can draw a cover with Hitler being punched or Nazis being whooped.  I have tremendous respect for Simon/Kirby talents, and the cover is certainly iconic, but I feel the action aspect undermines the symbolism.

    This is GREAT!

    There is no right or wrong here.  Symbolism and iconic status is in the eye of the beholder and I'm glad to spark a discussion and hear what other people think.

  4. On 8/23/2024 at 7:43 AM, Robot Man said:

    Me too. Was one of the first “symbolic” as well as “iconic” books I thought of.

    I didn’t post it because I didn’t own a copy. Thanks for posting!

    The other Green Lama cover was also great.  Raboy did some great covers for Captain Marvel Jr too (eg Master #30 above)

    Let's not be limited to only copies you personally own.  If you know it and it's iconic, shout it out.

  5. On 8/22/2024 at 7:12 PM, Tri-Color Brian said:

    Nah...I was just making a joke and forgot to put the laughing emoji on it.  :whatthe: :facepalm: lol  I pretty much get what you're looking for, but others already shared most of my covers I wanted to show...so, there's that...:cry:  But, here's a few more anyway...









    Those Targets are precious.  I need to check out the title for other gems.

  6. On 8/22/2024 at 10:49 PM, BLUECHIPCOLLECTIBLES said:

    All Star 22 1945.jpg

    All Winners 6 1942.jpg

    Master Comics 30 1942.jpg

    Master Comics 36 1942.jpg

    National Comics 39 1944.jpg

    Real Life 10.jpg

    True Sport V3#4 H20 damage 1945.jpg

    Uncle Sam 5 restored 1944.jpg

    United States Marines 3.jpg

    Worlds Finest 5 nbc 1942.jpg

    Wow!  You're knocking it out of the park!  These are great covers.  Personally, I'm soft on the Master #36 and WF #5, but the rest of them ... (thumbsu

    Interesting distinction between the Cap #1 and the National #39 - Cap #1 is iconic, but to me the action dilutes the symbolic aspect of the cover; whereas with National #39, since there is so little going on in the cover, the symbolic aspect is highlighted.  By that token, I would favor the National over the Cap.

    This is great!  We're really getting the ball rolling now ... :whee:

  7. On 8/22/2024 at 11:18 PM, Krydel4 said:

    Kind of hard to get more symbolic than this one...

    eyJidWNrZXQiOiJnb2NvbGxlY3QuaW1hZ2VzLnB1YiIsImtleSI6ImNlOTYzNTdiLTJkMjktNDE2MC1hNmJmLTU4MDA5ODhhZGY5MC5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYwMH19fQ==.jpegNow that's an interesting point

    Now that's an interesting point.  This is certainly iconic, but *I* see it as being more about an action scene, rather than a symbolic statement.  The is certainly a symbolic aspect to it, but I think it was more about the action.  Unlike the Green Lama cover which is all about the symbolism.

  8. On 8/21/2024 at 10:49 AM, Limited66 said:

    I love this book and cover. One of my grails, so I’ve studied it in a little more detail than necessary. 

    Exactly the qualities that make it iconic.

    An excellent cover that hits all the criteria: symbolic, because relies on an idea to make its point, not just action; iconic, because - *duh*; clean composition a 13 year old 'gets' immediately.

    Love it!

  9. On 8/22/2024 at 3:40 PM, Tri-Color Brian said:

    OK, lets see if I can conform to your vision...or be severely chastised for not "getting it"...and I'm pretty sure I'm not including covers that have already been shown.










    Ouch!  Am I coming off like that?  It was not my intent.

    I'm just trying to avoid this being a thread of 'neat' covers.  I'll make one last attempt on refining my hopes for the contributions - then shut up and leave it to every one to decide where it goes.

    Please don't take my comments as criticism.  I mean it only as refinement of definition

    Action #39  -- dynamic action, but minimal symbolism

    Minute Man #2 -- Nice!  Doesn't rely on an action scene to convey the message.  Statue of Liberty; Larger-than-life hero as a symbol of our might and resolve, ready to defend the city in the background.

    Spy Smasher #5 -- Eh!  Hitting a Nazi and a Jap; Mount Rushmore in the background - I get it, but not iconic to me.

    Superman #18 -- I like this one.  Clean composition that sends a message.  Light on the symbolism (riding a bomb is pretty direct), but definitely iconic.

    Superman #24 -- Hits both targets.  Symbolizing Superman as the defender of liberty.  Nice clean composition makes it immediately iconic.

    Superman #26 -- Ditto.  Grasping Nazi propaganda by the scruff of its neck, and providing the message of liberty to Germany.  Again, a masterpiece of clean composition that sends a powerful, easy to grasp message (Burnley was master of this kind of thing)

    MM #48 -- Nah!  I see this as just an action cover with little symbolic content.  Alright, I see the two flags.  Not in the same league as the Supermans to my eye.

    Pioneer #4 -- Another action cover with very light symbolism.  Inscription on a bomb doesn't cut it for me.


    To reiterate: I don't own the thread and do not wish to be disrespectful of any of the contributions.  I am just providing (in often long-winded ways) my perspectives on how well the covers fit the criteria I originally had in mind for the thread.  I don't want police the thread, I want to debate the merits with passionate and knowledgeable collectors.

    It might be nice to tally votes for the covers so we can get an objective idea of which ones are the standouts.



  10. On 8/22/2024 at 3:01 PM, bounty_coder said:

    Most pure brutality in a WWII COVER…



    Love the Make em say Uncle quote  iconic Uncle Sam making Rambo look like a chump



    Iconic bomb riding addressed to Adolf  


    I'll buy the #30 as being iconic and even symbolic, the others less so.


    Clearly, it inspired others ...


  11. Okay, clearly redrawn.

    Original: image.png.bf747559191cad05cc2e4e0d4cb7c15e.png        Brazilian:  image.png.0269808cdc1ec25e62f0e06f61311a1c.png

    Check out the hatching on the abdomen over the buckle, the spacing of the loops on the belt, the upper serif on the S in the emblem, in fact the entire emblem (S is spread out wider in the Brazilian).

    I'm convinced it's a recreation.  Phew!  DC's moral compass still points true.