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Everything posted by DiceX

  1. I am a slave to logic, and logic compels a similar outcome for a defect that is categorized in a similar fashion. Nutsack crease, Diagonal miswrap, Wolvie 35 cranker crunches. Don't hate the player, dog. I'm not. I'm just making for discussion that will never amount to a hill of beans as far as anything is concerned. I can assure you that I've received several books that got 9.8 and I was like and sold them like they were a two bit hooker.
  2. 1) Printer's creases don't break color. 2) IMO, a book with a printer's crease also shouldn't get 9.8.
  3. So show me another example of a different 9.8 book with two giant color breaking cracks on the spine and I'll go away and shush.
  4. Ditto. It's obviously a 9.8. But it's the same as all the 9.6's aside from the number on the slab. Why's this one special enough to be a 9.8 and all the other copies aren't? If this one's a 9.8 then they should all get a 9.8 if you resub them. That's just illogical, Steve. Obviously, this was not "the same." Looks the same to me. What's different? It's on a "different" copy?
  5. Ditto. It's obviously a 9.8. But it's the same as all the 9.6's aside from the number on the slab. Why's this one special enough to be a 9.8 and all the other copies aren't? If this one's a 9.8 then they should all get a 9.8 if you resub them.
  6. I'm not expressing an opinion on this copy, but are you saying that, if it's the nicest copy, it's a 9.8? That's the impression you're giving, but I'm sure that's not what you're intending. That is exactly what I am saying. I am assuming that the defect is considered a printing defect. It can't be completely ignored as some printing defects are, because it is atrocious. In the event that there are copies where the printing defect does not actually damage the paper (as most of the examples are tears) they are the 9.8s. It is consistent with the way they treat other printing defects. I don't like seeing those mutated abortion miswraps, or King Kong nutsack creases in 9.8 slabs, but everyone says "Oh its a printing defect." Why should this be different? It shouldn't be treated any differently than any other issue. What happens when someone actually does find a copy of this book that is 9.8 and doesn't have the tears? Does CGC give it a 9.8.5 or just a 9.8* (with an asterisk?) I can assure you, having worked in the industry for 25 years, that the entire run could have this defect, then they ran an additional 1000 copies without it to pass off as "Samples." I all but bet there are copies without the tears, and it's possible when one is found a lot more of them are laying right next to it. Being a book of almost no value means they're sitting in a box somewhere out of mind.
  7. I'm really not trying to slam on your book, but that's not a 9.8.
  8. I did have them signed. BUHAHAHAHAHA By Huge Jack Man? No(I wish though) I had them signed by Marc Silvestri. I like Silvestri. He's my second favorite Wolverine artist of all time. Right behind Yu. Hey,we agree on something You better hope that's all we agree on.
  9. I did have them signed. BUHAHAHAHAHA By Huge Jack Man? No(I wish though) I had them signed by Marc Silvestri. I like Silvestri. He's my second favorite Wolverine artist of all time. Right behind Yu.
  10. So if the 9.8 has the same tear as all the books that didn't get 9.8, what happens when a true 9.8 is found without the tear? Sorry to be the voice of reason, but if the highest grade on a particular issue is a 9.6, then it should be a 9.6. There shouldn't be some special factor put in place for some common defect. I'm interested in seeing a scan of the book before slamming it, though.
  11. This post is full of awesome.
  12. Best...thread...ever...in the history of the boards. ...and that's counting the shocked Robin thread.
  13. Holy cow, so true! I was trying to figure out what attack I was involved with given I'm barely on the boards like I used to be! Half-way down the page I finally realized this thread was 6 years old! Your ability to cause trouble is timeless.
  14. Bummer about the COA but at that price who cares. Congrats, man. I would have loved to have them but I can see they'll be appreciated. If you ever want to sell them, let me know. I'll at least double your money.
  15. If you won those on Heritage you only got them that cheap because I can only stay logged in for 30 minute stretches before they make me log in again. I was putting a bid in on it at the last minute and it popped up and said I wasn't logged in. At that point I said screw it and didn't bother logging in to bid again. When it was over and I saw what those sold for I wept. That was a steal.
  16. Damn. I want to steal all of your comics.
  17. You don't let the grass grow under your feet! Good luck with the auction. Gotta do what you gotta do! Wait... when did this book start heating up? 5th print.
  18. Daniel is tight on moderns. Have it pressed and sent to CGC. Bet you still get a 9.8 Daniel isn't tight on moderns. The grade is reflective of how much money he wants for the book. Besides that, he's a crook. It's been proven time and again. I'm sure he appreciates the support, though.
  19. And after looking up the prices, the comic sub you get with the membership is $60 per and a "standard" mag sub is only $37, so they'd come out better to give even 6 mag subs with the membership. I'd go for that all day long.
  20. I want one of those so bad I can taste it. Beautiful mags. Congrats. I hope to put a mag submission together soon as well. Problem with mag subs is they're so expensive to have graded. You can't use collectors society coupons on them either which is why I no longer pay the annual fee because I would never use the coupons. Yeah, if they'd give me 3 mag subs instead of the 4 comic subs, I'd be on it like Oprah on the last cupcake.
  21. I don't think anything survived through my childhood that would be even remotely considered "9.4"
  22. I want one of those so bad I can taste it. Beautiful mags. Congrats. I hope to put a mag submission together soon as well.
  23. They're stocking stuffers for next Christmas. I'd let Greggy stuff my stocking with his 8.5s any day.