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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. There may be an underlying pattern- many malls fell under a single owner or management group, or they were all serviced by the same Advertising Agency that coordinated the program with DC.
  2. here's Satana with her bother the Son of Satan, from Marvel Spotlight #24
  3. Satana from Haunt of Horror #2- Check out my CAF for one of the larger collections of Marvel Magazine Horror art- Vampire Tales, Marvel Preview, Haunt of Horror, Dracula Lives, TOD Magazine, Monsters Unleashed, etc. with Satana, Lilith, Morbius, Dracula, Gabriel Devil Hunter, etc.
  4. I'd count Tom in my top 5 favorite people to deal with, among dealers and collectors both. Maybe Phillip Anderson will come back in a meaningful way to the hobby to replace Tom and restore balance to the force...
  5. Hong Kong Phooey????? how truly bizarre, they look like they are in nice shape too, late 60's to late 70's? I"d think so of those would be tough to find in grade unless there was a warehouse full of them. Funny an ex NFL player would have collected all that, but who knows. That's a neat find. Congrats.
  6. ah, they don't show it on the mobile app I guess- I was looking at it on the desktop- mystery solved!
  7. I can't tell you how many unsolicited CAF inquires I've gotten from CAF members with empty galleries- no comments on other pieces of art, no lowry, no wantlist, no ebay ID, no likes, nothing: most of them are just phishing around, so unless I have reason to think otherwise, I ignore them. At that point, the burden of proof is on you, and I'm not going to lift a finger to help you convince me you're legit.
  8. your only off by about 100 on the 1 star reviews: If you look at the distribution of ratings, it's sitting at a RT score of 79, despite obvious attempts to sandbag the scores with 1 star fake reviews- no movie would get this find of star rating distribution. Also, read the comments and the screen names, it's sounds like the same thing over and over (like they were written by a certain someone in this thread) anyway, for comparison, look at the iTunes rating for the Thor the Dark World below, which has an RT score of 67- just look at the star rating distribution: THIS is the normal distribution for a movie that was genuinely mediocre and not as well liked. You can pretty much throw the iTunes rating out the door, it's all garbage. Why supposedly grown men are so threatened by this movie continues to evade me. You would think they would have more positive views on women given their clear dependence on their mothers to clothe and feed them in their safe space in the basement while attending community college online working on their third associates degree at age 33 and delivering pizzas on the weekends.
  9. I binge watched the entire 8 seasons for the first (and last time) to catch up to the finale- so having seen so many back to back on HBO GO, I have this observation. How "good" an episode was depended on the content warnings. Most had 3: Content, Language, Violence. Others had up to 5, the aforementioned 3, and Nudity and Adult Situations. I noticed the last 2 season, and 8 in particular began winding down the adult content,and even the language in the later few episodes. Almost as if we saw the edited version that they were showing in China, and not the "real" episodes they would have filmed and aired 5-6 years ago. I wonder if there was a deliberate attempt to make it PG-13 for international viewing and larger audiences in general. Violence? That's perfectly ok and American, but god forbid there's any boobs. Shame Shame. Anyway, there seemed to be a steady dumbing down of the story, dialogue, and content in the last 10 episodes and it only got steeper over time.
  10. I"m with ya there man. I mean, how do you Put back half the trees and plants? Where? Other things grew in their original place. Nesting pairs of birds? Identical twins? Siamese Twins? Nursing Animals? Pregnant mothers? Half the gut bacteria living in your colon? NFL Player contracts? Keith Richards?
  11. precisely, GoT doesn't have a fraction the licensing potential of Star Wars- because they can't market it to 9 year olds. What are they gonna do? Make a Jon Snow Action figure and call him "Aunt-Man" and put it in a Happy Meal????
  12. not a good comparison, very different properties- there aren't any GoT action figures, cartoons, and video games- and they did wait a decade didn't they? And only after Lucas sold SW to Disney and they trotted out the original cast did they move forward. Now that Disney has fumbled a bit with SW, they too have scaled back, and they have much deeper pockets. Let's see how HBO subs drop in the next month, HBO is sure going to be watching that metric very closely.
  13. GRRM made a s**t -ton of money rather late in life, as such, he has little reason or time to finish the series, because he's really too busy -busy being an old rich dude and enjoying it. Kudos to him, but don't hold your breath for any sort of satisfying ending to materialize in any format, written or other wise. We have no where to go but down. I predict that the negative backlash over this season might just wave HBO off of one or more of the spin-offs. Green lights have off switches too. I waited until a month ago to watch all 8 season for the first time, thinking it would pay-off. I kinda regret it. I can't get those 73 hours back. I did enjoy at least 5 of the seasons, but it really slid hard when they ran out of material and even GRRM's notes. I definitely won't watch a spin-off, not unless it's over or cancelled and others have weighed in on whether or not it was worth it in the end.
  14. the Final Episode of Downton Sept was a complete dumpster fire. Some of the most cliched direction in the history of television.
  15. Frazetta's not qualified to unclog Boris' airbrush nozzle in that crowd! wait......hold my beer #floridaman
  16. unfortunately, we live in an era where google is a substitute for wisdom and experience. Younger people lack the the discipline and critical thinking skills to vet good information from bad information in an era where all information, both good and bad is served up en masse and is more readily available and accessible than any time in history. Unfortunately, the last decade of the digital age has been spent allowing the unwashed masses to catch up and pee in the information pool and then try to swim in it to get somewhere.
  17. dang it so do I, but I can't seem to be rid of his assinine opinions even now- millennials....
  18. The internet and CGC have commoditized comics to the point where it’s not a very interesting pursuit. I can pick virtually any title of the last 60 years, issue, and grade and google it and purchase it at will 24/7 from my phone. I can do the same thing with stocks. With slabbed books, the actual artifact has become less important (can’t read the damn thing) just like you don’t get actual stock certificates any more. Might as well leave it in some virtual account. No one “collects” stocks do they? Not as a hobby, no. We’ve reached a point of sophistication in the comic hobby that barriers to acquiring comics have been removed and the market is over-saturated- this has led to the most OCD of collectors to fabricate new collecting goal like signature series and registry sets, variant covers, foreign editions or getting everything in 9.8, anything to make it a challenge. It’s a tremendous waste of time and money to achieve some goal or acquire some item that is the embodiment of contrived or manufactured scarcity. Or, you can collect original art. More specifically, original published art. if I want to read comics, purely for enjoyment of the story and art, there’s plenty of economical collected and digital reprints to be had. the scarcity of OA, the fact that it’s one of a kind is anathema to the real OCD comic collector, and I suspect that’s why many never ever dip a toe in those waters, it would be pure torture. The few OA collectors that do have that obsessive trait (you know who you are!) are haunted by the sheer insurmountable nature of some of their collecting goals. Those guys need therapy, or they need to pick a different thing to collect, like Pogs....
  19. you see a similar, but not quite as pronounced deviation from the standard bell curve on the Blank Panther IMDB ratings: the 3.4% of 1 star ratings are likely a comparable effort as with TLJ and CM to sandbag the reviews, in this case because some people can't stomach the idea of a Black male super hero. I'd wager if they did a Black Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel feature film, a portion of the fanbase would become absolutely unglued and seething with hatred before it ever even had a --script.
  20. I can tell you that I bid considerably less often and am less inclined to actively participate in the live bidding on HA given their egregious BP and the sales tax hit. It costs HA and consignors and tax collectors for every bid I don’t make, win or lose. To the extent that I am not affected (for now) by the tax on CL is to the advantage of CL, consignors, and even tax collectors, win or lose....provided I shift bidding to CL. That will only occur in the presence of 2 things- better consignments and, for gods sake, a better, modern, more sophisticated auction website. Their auction site sucks. it really sucks. I say again, IT SUCKS, and they are fools to continue to ignore it.
  21. both the Captain Marvel Movie thread and now this one have been infected by these virulent Captain Marvel/Brie Larson hating nimrods, and most of the time their hatred is only matched by there inexhaustible denials and deflections of said hatred and some truly pathetic alternate explanations and rationalizations. I'd hoped it was just a vocal minority of online basement dwelling keyboard warriors, but last weekend I got a sense of it IRL. I went to the LCS, something I do maybe once or twice a year. I was interested in seeing some of the recent Avengers comics, sense I knew they had brought Conan into the Avengers somehow. I don't read or collect new comics, but keep a vague eye on things from CBR, and once in a while something will pique my interest. Anyway, all the titles and numbering and alternate covers had me pretty lost, so my first mistake was to ask the other customer in the LCS a question. He was quite happy to talk about the recent Avengers and point out some #1 with like a dozen alternate covers, and which ones he had, and like, and.....disliked. He had seen Endgame, and was clearly a Marvel fanboy, but he refused to buy any cover with Captain Marvel on it. He made some comment about Brie Larson, and the character, and the Endgame scene with all the female heroes but thankfully didn't go on a rant about it. I took a good look at the guy, early 30's, white, male, missing a front tooth, tobacco or cigarette stained teeth. No wedding ring. Highly likely some form of alcohol or substance abuse currently or in the past. Not a lummox, spoke in complete sentences, hardcore comic fan but clearly his prejudice and intimidation was showing. You're typical misogynist. He's too insecure to even like a fictitious comic book character, because he can't identify with a powerful woman. It's as simple as that. All these haters and comicsgaters are the same. They are flawed/inferior to and cannot identify with a competent female. Therefore they must tear them down to their level. It's the fundamental reason racism and sexism persists in the USA. On some level I feel sorry for them, they are pitiful creatures, easily enraged and manipulated.