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Everything posted by djpinkpanther67

  1. Just got some sweet slabs in the mail. Packed superbly Thanks again sir!
  2. How a 12 year-old built up this scheme and fake personality still amazes me. This stuff has to be going on in his life around him, and like Keyser Soze he calls it out with the personality he builds. Testicular cancer - estranged daughter coming back to live with him (a story he told me) - former hay baling business owner that found collectibles a better life (a story he told someone else). Stephen King maybe could come close to this kid's storytelling ability! is that true? That's some quality BS right there. I don't care if he's a kid I still want to punch some sense into him Of course you do. You're far angrier than your Shakespearean namesake. All he wanted to do was write poems, go to swinging parties, and get his spoon wet. I'm sure punching 12 year old kids can be therapeutic, but for some reason, soo-ciety frowns upon stuff like that. sorry but I don't think putting little timmy in the corner for a timeout is going to fix this one goes double for the dad Unfortunately, this isn't the parenting thread...that one is over in the water cooler with the "why I should really think about mailing comics to my office so my wife/husband does not see that I spent money thread" They are over in the GRRRRRR section;) along with the "I can't understand teenagers even though I used to be one" and the " I wish people would learn to use the search feature (by BlowuptheMoon) " threads:) BTW, "Little Timmy" sent me a PM a few days before the meltdown. He word "Hola" in the title, so I answered in Spanish. After a few sentences where he (thankfully) used English, he "schooled" me on the proper use of certain words because he felt my textbook Spanish was not correct;) I figured I missed something, I haven't taken a language course in a long time, ... btw. The purpose of his PM was to network with "veteran posters" . Quite an interesting concept, networking. Reminds me of the little genius home-schooled girl in the movie "Parenthood"
  3. Bought a whole mess of raw books from Barton. Well graded and packed nicely! Thanks again!
  4. Bought a nice Starlin Captain Marvel from Chuck. Superduper fast shipping! Thanks again!
  5. Got this from Mike Got some SWEET Surfers from Jeff... Got this modern junk from Dmac
  6. Welcome to the Boards Garth! On page 1 of this thread there's a thread you can introduce yourself, and state what you collect, but here's the LINK Listen up everyone! I know him personally he's a good guy so go easy on him!
  7. Not necessarily. Everyone is entitled to their opinions/belief. Perception is everything. What is subjective is up to the individual. Just because someone views this in a different light, doesn't mean they are wrong. It was merely my opinion based on what I have observed. I could be wrong. Hope I'm wrong. I don't think I am, but time will tell.
  8. I didn't think you thought it was the father, I stated that for those who can't believe it was him posting. And I hope he can learn right from wrong as well, which only time will tell, as it seems his environment is saturated with these principles. I'm not clairvoyant either
  9. And I'd rather be a supposed 'whiner' than a bully. The clique of people on this forum who mock and denigrate others and engage in cyber bullying is just appalling. I got tired of constantly reading it so I called out Joe Collector on it and then the same clique of people rush to defend him. So add Boboset & Oakman29 to the list too apparently. Lists
  10. This is the last I'm going to say about this. It's my OPINION, mind you, but one I hold firm. For those of you hoping this kid will "learn from this", suddenly have an epiphany and see the error of his ways, don't hold your breath. For those of you who may think I speak harshly, remember it's only my opinion. I'm sorry to wonderful people like Sharon. I know you believe in being optimistic about people, but I don't know about this one. I have seen, worked, and dealt with sociopaths in the military. He is not remorseful, though he may say otherwise. He's just going to get worse as he gets older. He learned nothing from this except to maybe cover his tracks better and perhaps have a sit down with Daddy to devise ways to avoid being caught in the future. The effort he has made to deceive is both phenomenal and unnerving. It wasn't his Dad, it was HIM posting. Possibly his father assisted with some of the writing, but I highly doubt it. Watch the video if you haven't yet. The kid is EXTREMELY intelligent. He was here on the Boards not to make friends, not to fellowship, he was simply here to fit in so he could MAKE MONEY. He used what he has learned here to help with that, but he started down this path before he ever came here. What has he done on the boards besides that? I don't know much about him, aside from the fact he was annoying and really wanted no part of him. Something about him didn't sit right with me. Think about it - he rarely if ever lost money on a transaction, or got the worse end of a deal. He backed out of Pay it Forward responsibility due to an acute malady? The level of detail he went to deceive is indicative of his intelligence and intent. Symptomology of testicular torsion can be googled as with anything nowadays, so its conceivable he came up with the idea himself. Nothing life threatening, but something acute, painful, and something a guy can relate to. But hey, free comics, right He has scammed numerous (at LEAST a half dozen) Boardees for partial refunds ($5-$25) for supposed over graded books, or books damaged by shipping, then flipping them. That's not counting those who haven't or won't come forward. He was brazen enough to flip them on these very Boards! For those of you that think it's minor, compound that by 10 books. 50 books. 100 books. Then also factor in the money for selling the book at a higher grade for a higher price. Think of what he might be doing right now on another comic book forum, or even eBay. Make no mistake IMO he is NOT regretful, aside from the fact he got caught. He's a 12 year old in love with profit. The lengths he went to deceive reflect that. Also remember - he is being raised in an environment where this is highly encouraged, it seems. After a time he may be back with another ID. Let's hope not.
  11. Bought a nice book from Transplant who kindly shipped it to me quickly and in one piece Thanks again
  12. Or at least read the thread in full. Or move on at least from one of the TWO threads… Many boardies do not need to know the facts or read a thread in its entirety before spouting off an opinion or even starting an argument. It's a gift. No one will move on. This thread will continue through next week unless it gets poofed. Just sayin' :shrug:
  13. His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds. He also video taped the kid (and created overly long, cheesy intro and outro credits). And worked up a business plan with monetary goals and an end date. And gave him access to his paypal account. And knew the kid was posing as him on the Boards. And most likely that he was lying about family, life, bills, troubles, etc. I saw it all. Obviously gets encouragement from his parents to do what he did...I have no sympathy for the kid, as he is obviously intelligent and knew what he was doing. He had a pre-conceived plan and executed it with the intended results. For those that say "it was only $15-$20" to some people that is significant, not to mention when he gets older how he will apply these principles if he stays in the hobby. While the amount may not be huge, the principles behind what he did is more disturbing to me. If he is doing this to maximize profit, how do we know he won't be another Dupcak in the future?
  14. His father STATED on his FB posts he KNEW what his kid was doing, and monitored his emails. He was encouraging him. Bragging how his 12 year old was outwitting 30+ year olds.
  15. Well, it was an epic, that's for sure, but just remember, he's a child. So whatever stuff some of you might say about an adult, we need to remember this person is very young. Connor was at least 4 years older when he got into trouble. +1 Sharon, he IS a child, so does this open up any legal ramifications to which the responsibility would fall on his parents? Judging from his fathers FB posts, he KNEW his son was on here making money, and was proud and bragging about how great his son was at making a profit. Not sure if asking for partial refunds was his idea or dear old daddy's, but either way....
  16. I believe his real first name was Connor. Anybody know what GIJOE's real first name was? GIJOE is NOT Connor GIJOE's first name is Bryan. Nope but wait
  17. I believe his real first name was Connor. Anybody know what GIJOE's real first name was? GIJOE is NOT Connor
  18. No kidding. And what a treasure this will be. I knew this place was popular. But not THAT popular. GIJOE= Nicolas Cage? Worse