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Everything posted by djpinkpanther67

  1. Nah, haven't you heard? Whining about receiving a damaged free gift is the new "pressing" thread around here. I can't believe that that "Summer's Eve" had to gall to then whine about how everyone was ganging up on him, and how mean boardies are. He was starting to sound like Mitch over in the Gold threads. I wasn't mean to him
  2. Sure wish that Pedigree book would get published. Someday.
  3. Do you have money on the "under"? Oh, T-minus.... Shouldn't you be working on something? Get your lazy arse back in your sweatshop Justin I'm on it. I'm on it. Jeesh. Motivation compels greatness
  4. I always wonder why people who feel this way, would want to stay here. These boards happen to be wonderful. I don't know what other boards you frequent, but if they say these boards have a bad reputation they are probably posts from jealous people who were tossed off. Why not simply apologize to your Secret Santa? Any slabbed comic is a generous gift, I can't imagine one that would cost less than $15. Then after taking some time to reflect, just take a deep breath and think a little before you complain so quickly. These boards are populated by humans and humans are not perfect. Remember that "to err is human" stuff, to forgive is "divine"? Perhaps the person who sent you the slab thought you would enjoy it, crack or no crack? Hopefully after a while, you will feel more at home, join in and enjoy yourself. If you can't, and you are SO unhappy, it might be a good idea to take a short voluntary vacation and ask yourself before you return, why you want to be a member of these boards.
  5. Do you have money on the "under"? Oh, T-minus.... Shouldn't you be working on something? Get your lazy arse back in your sweatshop Justin
  6. And your sunny disposition helps dispel this reputation?
  7. Very nice book, but I think Richard's copy is superior.
  8. I believe it was won in the last auction or the one before that. It was also up FS on CL for 200k. Sick book though.
  9. The payment method was the only thing missing. As far as "shipping method" being included, 98% of the threads here fail to give that info. They'll list prices, but the majority of them don't specify media mail, parcel post, priority, UPS, or FedEx. Heck, HusTruck charged $10 for shipping, then told people to PM him if they wanted their slabs shipped in a box, in which case he increased the shipping costs. A buyer may think that with the prices charged for shipping that they're getting priority mail, but I think we've all seen sellers charge priority prices then ship media mail. The best sellers though, are the ones who get all butt-hurtz when you ask for them to ship in a box, even when you're nice enough to offer to pay extra just so the slimeball can buy the box to ship the books in. Then of course, they don't bother to insulate the books in any way inside of the box. The noobs and some of the shadier boardies around here are making it where it's not only safer to buy from e-bay, but to also trust Mile High to get accurately graded books. I liked the sales thread a few weeks back, where the seller said all the books were NM/NM+, all the while the bags that the books were in had the Mile High "NM" stickers visible on the majority of the books. And some people have wondered why more and more of the "long-time" best of the best boardies have all but abandoned buying or selling around here. The close-knit sense of community became diluted, so whereas we rarely see sales threads from BronzeBruce, Flaming Telepath, or hell, even greggy, we now get sales threads from Symbiotic, HusTruck, and whoever else the scamster "flavor" of the day is. And in the rare cases where we do have honest dealers offering good books at great deals here, we have the "lunatic fringe" lurking about, ready and willing to whine and cry to the mods just because heaven forbid, somebody posted 8%, instead of the 5% they initially stated, in a sales thread in the G/S/B sales area. Whining because you're thread got moved to the mixed section, when the other seller who simply PM'd the mod and explained his case, and got his sales thread moved back into the G/S/B forum, just showed that too many people here get their "Victoria's Secrets" in a knot way too often. If certain board members would watch out and expose the scammers and shysters around here, instead of continuing to "wage war" with boardies they obviously can't stand, the sales areas would be a lot better off. Instead, we're left with instances where once somebody says something, we pretty much instantly know not only who will post to disagree with them, but that their "posse" will also be sure to follow. It's pretty bad that when certain people post something, you can PM other people and tell them not only who will show up to disagree with them, but also who the sheep will be that will be following the shepherd. Absolutely correct Just today I sent a Boardee running a FS thread a PM inquiring if they had certain books, and complimenting on his FS thread. Rather than reply to the PM, they removed themselves from the topic. When I PM'd the person back and stated a simple response would have been courteous, he promptly responded stating (direct quote) "Wasn't worth responding to, which this message isn't either. I get hit with a lot of WTB fishing pms here and it's spam to me.."
  10. type slower... I think you went too fast for Justin
  11. That lady puts in a lot of overtime for us comic geeks. Do you know how hard she has to work to try to keep up to date with every title, variants, also creating new set types for those few collectors who want a special set denoting every Rocket Raccoon appearance, etc.? This is probably her every day:
  12. Classic thread!!! I laughed til there were tears!!!
  13. Give it a rest Hamchuck! He has contributed more to the Boards with just this thread than you probably will EVER do, or HAVE done in with your other accounts. Go post some graemlins and get over it... BTW if you don't know how to post graemlins, look at the first post on this thread. But you've been here before so you know how
  14. You're the official NOOB Orientation/Integration Coordinator
  15. Beautiful wrap! I see so many ugly wraps on this book Oh...I will be a member of this club soon (hopefully)
  16. Your Adventure run is WAY past "pretty nice" and in the realm of out-freaking-standing Amazing how sweet that 73 year old book looks
  17. It's a community right? Live and die by your choices. (thumbs u Yeah, right. You've been here long enough to know what kind of flame wars would come about if the "notify" button humper's names were to be made public. Oh, I know. But maybe it would deter people from just humping a button for a stupid reason if it's public. Obviously a blatant disregard for the rules deserve it, but there are so many button humpers over such stupid trivial things. It would prevent button humping of all but real beefs. The vendettas and vindictive humps would still happen but people would create shills to do the humping for them thus eliminating the true value of hump transparency. This mess really happens huh? People regularly creating shills accounts just because of stupid vendettas or their vindictive? I'm not disagreeing with you. I just think it's comical picturing someone sitting in a basement somewhere saying "Oh yeah, I'll get him. I'm going to take the time to create a new account just so I can notify the mods of this transgressions. " There are people here that have gone to far greater lengths for far less payoff, sadly. redhook
  18. My last statement on this aforementioned topic is this - The forum FS GUIDELINES (not laws) were set in place to make it easier for Board members to browse or list books in specific categories. Adherence to the policies set forth should by all means be encouraged, but a witch hunt shouldn't ensue should an error occur....No one is perfect and mistakes happen. The forum police squad should realize the world is not going to come to an end, should a mistake happen. I have noticed members also will bring up this petty krap if they dislike a particular seller, or feel jealousy because someone might be "getting away with something". Give it a rest. This Forum is like a family to me and accomplishes so much. For the most part the friends I have on here are the main reason I always come back (like roaches and bad relatives). Why the need for petty squabbles when we can and have done so much for our extended family here on the Boards. We come together when the need arises whether it's for assisting Boardees' families in time of need should they pass away, helping someone who's house burned down, helping raise money for a child's surgery, or even a dog's surgery! Prime example - There is a FS thread in the GA/SA/BA section raising proceeds for surgery for Kenny's child. There are multiple listings for ALL comic book ages; GA, SA, BA CA and moderns, as well as OA and other collectibles. No one BETTER raise a complaint simply because it's not under mixed threads! I know it may be difficult for some, but exercise restraint and common sense when bringing up things that can be solved with a simple PM to the seller. Happy Holidays!