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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. That's a good solution if you believe Kirkman has to kill Rick at some point. I don't have a problem with Rick surviving, but it is a direction Kirkman may make someday to kickstart a "new beginning" and prove that no one is safe. Let's face it, he has definitely given it some real thought as one way to go. But overall, I don't see Negan as any more of the BIG bad for the Walking Dead franchise than the Governor was in his time. I see a progression in storytelling. Early on in the series, you kill all your adversaries to survive. Later you can jail them (which was very surprising given the first 120 issues of confrontations.) so Kirkman has shaken up the narrative by keeping Negan alive. But should TWD keep on rolling along to 300 or 400 issues, why would it ALL have to come down to Rick vs Negan? I have a hard time believing that Kirkmans final cast is already here. He seems far more intent to keep exploring (albeit slowly) the entire world of possibilities of this post apocalyptic world he has created, and only scratched a few hundred square miles of so far. No?
  2. If I were Kirkman I might want to end all the expectation of Negan being around forever. It was nice that Rick spared him, but cmon, he's always this contrived threat waiting to happen. Makes no sense. Unless Negan will someday kill Rick, what's his purpose other than a potential plot device waiting to happen. better to move on with the saga. Pull the ripcord on Negan, he's a crutch. I'm thinking Kirkman may feel the same way.
  3. What if instead of Negan killing Alpha, she kills him?? So many of you feel Negan is a long term star character, so how cool would Kirkman feel to snuff him unexpectedly, and make Alpha the new big bad. Saves Rick from ever having to make the decision.
  4. The movie has already made almost 200 mil profit worldwide according to wb execs and don't forget theres a lot of loose change that gets lost in the cushions of the Studio distribution apparatus too. "Profits" means many things in Hollywood. Studio takes a "distribution fee" off the top each week to cover their overhead of the release. Calculating the profit split come after their fee (except for cagey talent that negotiated off the box office gross BECAUSE of things like this.) .
  5. Film finances 101: Film gross is total a ticket sales. It gets split between the theatres and the distributor. Rule of thing is a 50/50 split when all is said and done ( there are contracts with different shares week by week, or aggregate deals for the entire run). The money the distributor gets is called Film Rental. That's why the math posted earlier points to a small profit or loss even though the ticket sales are twice the expenses.
  6. "The reason bad movies get made and remade is because sheep keep flocking to 'em and getting sheared." well, my take on why bad movies get made boils down to he simple fact that making a GREAT movie is extremely hard to do. Even little indie films take hundreds of people. These studio monsters involve 1000s of artists and craftsmen on many continents.. And a lot of decision makers, talented people as well as egocentric geniuses who get their way (because their last pic was a hit, and worried execs with opinions and final sayso etc etc affecting the final product. And ALL films mutate at each step in the process: a perfect -script can be undone by casting and performances. A mediocre -script can be miraculous by same, plus chemistry on set, or setback that turn out to be lucky breaks (Jaws shark was bad so they used it as little as they could, affecting the suspense) its just a miracle when it all comes together. And it doesn't happen often, even on the high minded Artsy films where they've got the best people collaborating... but 9 times out of 10 it wasn't for lack of effort. but to your point about "sheep" ? people just want to pay their ten bucks and be entertained... and get out of the house too!
  7. Snyder may have made some miscalculations you will not like, but cheez, it wasn't for lack of effort. Who's to say your idea of a Superman movie would do half as well? It's just a movie... Of a character you love and ought to just see for yourself. Don't worry, you won't be enriching Snyder by doing so, or voting for him. Refusing to see it is really cutting off your nose to spite your face. At least it sounds like it to me!
  8. I don't get your total disdain for this movie. Because critics panned it? You are a life long comic book collector, who knows 1000 times more about the genre than they do. They watch a superhero movie grading it on how much it rises above what they expect, which is a high bar, that it has to not only be technically top notch, but also explore the human condition on a par with the Oscar worthy fils they'd rather be reviewing. But a superhero movie isn't built for that. So why would you or anyone give so much credence to what they say? Better to listen to your fellow comics lovers. Yes some like Mitch hated it, but take that with a chunk of salt, he's got his own view of everything. Not everyone loved it here, but few say it's not worth your time or your ten bucks to judge for yourself.. I could rebut a lot of what you said here too. "Deconstructing Siegel and Shusters greatest triumph?" You mean the one two high school kids came up with jamming together pulp heroes, strongmen and their Jewish backgrounds and got incredibly lucky ever saw the light of day? Well, within the first year Superman was deconstructed by DC into a hit magazine selling machine... And every decade since they added onto it, and changed it, especially in the past few decades. Every time it got stale. Why shouldn't Hollywood get to pick and choose which Superman they want to show?
  9. I may have misremembered and credited Safire. I think it was Buchanan taking credit. but who can remember! go see the film already. judge for yourself. quite a few really nice moments in there you will smile experiencing.
  10. I enjoyed it, and for anyone who hasn't and has been bombarded with negativity so far -- and like comics --- go and enjoy it on a big screen while you can. Nothing like a near empty theatre to watch a film without distractions! ... especially once your expectations have been grinder down to a nub by the nattering nabobs of negativity.. (and a No-Prize to the first True Believer who gets the reference. (It wasn't Stan!) on the discussion of film gross and profitability, I was thinking about the proverbial 50% film rental the trades and websites all throw around -- thats the amount the distributor gets back out of the GROSS ticket sales that gets announced. Well, the old rules have been tweaked, and deals with theaters are more film by film, and have been changed from the sliding scale of profit sharing that resulted in a pretty even split for decades. It seemed off to me that today when there's a billion dollars to split between the studio who gambled cash and borrowed monies to make the film, and theaters who exhibit it (whose hard expenses are paid for by popcorn soda and candy sales) -- that the disturbs couldn't and wouldn't be pushing for a higher %, seeking MORE than an equal share with the theatres. SO I asked some friends in the industry, and nowadays WB can (and probably did, none ever talks specifics) negotiate a better deal that netted them as much as 60-70% of the gross. so, all of our projections of profit = film rental - (negative cost + marketing) are short selling the pics that had better deals on film rental than what we all estimate. This is a pool of "extra profit" that isn't being considered...
  11. I recall that Martha Kent had Clark cut the thread with heat vision.
  12. No. Movie math doesn't work like that. WB gets film rental, usually 50% of the box office. Theatres keep the rest. And don't forget the marketing budget, ads billboards commercials, travel expenses, parties, etc etc. the expenses all add to the cost of the film when calculating profit.
  13. Well maybe. Or ーー to make one of these huge effects filled films just adds up to a boatload of money. Some crew and actors are hugely paid, but sit through the credits and add up the names. Grossing 700 million gets the studio only 350M. When 2.5 hours of intensely dense special effects work in nearly every scene, plus couple hundred mill in marketing, and you break even. But maybe they can make it up in volume!
  14. big worry this weekend is if Superman/Batman crashes hard in week 2 (this weekend) and in the end tops out at 600-750MM worldwide, will the JLA movie be in jeopardy? probably not as WB has a lot riding on their comics franchises, but there won't be a lot of ecstatic execs on the lot come Monday .
  15. Inside Wayne Boring. Love how he draws Superman running through the air...
  16. yer right! I thought that was Diggles wife next to him which cinched it for me. any, to Pov, I love the homage. Im saying it should have been executed better is all. Well, thats not accurate really, it clearly does NOT have to have been executed better because it makes it point to comics collectors, and, to fans only of the show its just a poster marketing an upcoming episode with a race in it. but it definitely COULD have been better designed...
  17. thanx for posting the original cover. I thought the comic lettering looked off, and now see why. They kept the words that remained the same, but hand drew the changed and new words, so they look more clumsy. Too bad Gaspar isn't around anymore! and the flash of light between Supergirl and Flash looked wrong, but they were just mimicking Infantino and Andersons work. I dont think Diggle is really the starter, or yeah he is, if you go with the idea that his photo must be the only shot of Diggle with a gun where he's holding it somewhat UP in the air, but as you see in the original cover, at a track meet they point it high with one arm, and NOT like a policeman or security person with 2 hands, elbows bent.
  18. right. no way the nurse is versed in midlevel Japanese traditions and society. na the show (I believe) was in the 50s predating James Bond novels, which she wouldn't have read. not a big deal. it was a great line. But a show built around time travel ought to be more aware of lazy mistakes like this one making it into the final -script and on the air.
  19. caught a timeline dialogue mistake: the nurse calls Canary a "ninja!" No way miss Nowheresville USA ever heard of ninjas... most of us needed Frank Miller to clue us in 30 years later.
  20. thats the problem.. it LOOKS put together from existing publicity stills, with some atmospheric stuff to blend it all together.... No harm using stills really, but they look just pasted in, and why's Diggle got his gun out? Is he the starter of the race? A real solution with a budget would have had new shots of all them cheering their guys on. and the CBS slug wouldn't be on Flash foot!
  21. agreed, except for the prices. they are IMO a tad aggressive for the grades. There aren't that many people chasing these and there are enough to go around, certainly more so as you drift downward in grade. They may not be available on demand, like spideys, but no reason to overpay.
  22. back in the day, many people were routinely buying cases of hot books each month. No way of knowing if they just sold them all quickly for a small profit. But with this book having been collectible for many years, no doubt most hoarders would have taken advantage of the initial bump to unload them if they couldn't sell them initially. Once it took off, they would have to have consciously decided that it was going to be a super hot book years down the road and hold onto them. who knows?
  23. Lay off Burntboy. He made his bones around here when many were still drinking their juice boxes!
  24. I doubt Jay is the villain. That's too sacrilege ours, and for what reason other than going for shock value in lieu of good storytelling. Also, I'm kinda sick of Zoom. All growls and evil, showing up all the time and never doing anything, zooming away, then popping pack in. Enough already