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Everything posted by conditionfreak

  1. Heritage 9.8. I'm surprised the price isn't higher yet. $3,7++.00 http://comics.ha.com/c/item.zx?saleNo=7054&lotNo=91480
  2. I only have one non-foil Renegar 9.8 unsigned and one non-foil Renegar 9.6 SS signed by Zeck. No silver foil copies.
  3. I am under the assumption that my wife would treat my comic books after I am "gone", like I would treat her jewelry collection if she "went" first. Get what I can for it, in cash or trade. I have taken cosiderable efforts to not let her know how to contact "you guys".
  4. I thought it would go for more. It does present very well and is a hot book. Sometimes hotness is hard to explain in this hobby. And in other things.
  5. Just won this one on the link. Not UG but looks very nice and it is a pedigree book. First Black Hand.
  6. Good transaction with a Pep 87. Packaged well, graded well and delivered quickly. Thanks.
  7. Then you probably like Detective Comics #412 a lot also. I haven't seen anyone mention it as a contender here. Is it because it is too plentiful, or because nothing big happens in it? I don't think anything big happens in Batman #227, yet it is a huge contender in connection with the theme (question) of this thread. I guess it is because of the homage cover and Tec 412 is just a good cover.
  8. IMO, the 232 is probably the best bet for future monetary gain. But all of these books in high grade are already very high, so it is a gamble with any of them, lon term. Short term, I believe is a better gamble. Which I know, goes against standard belief. The Bats 227 is a close second though, IMO. Anyway, here are a few of my books. Not as high grade as I would like (duh), but they are welcome addtitions in my collection. My next addition Neal Adams addition will most likely be a Batman 232. The raw copy was scanned in the mylar bag.
  9. Again.... It always amazes me how people complain about things they themselves participate in. Why do some of you read this stuff, when the title of the thread is explicit about the subject? Is it like watching the girl next door doing the dishes, through her window? What else should we discuss on this forum? Pressing? Politics? Religion? Girls? (Okay, besides girls, which is obviously a good subject). How about comic books and their characters fantasy lives, deeds and story lines?
  10. How come when someone produces almost strong evidence to make their case. The evidence is glossed over like it means nothing, to the other side? Reminds me of the Reginald Denny trials from the LA riots of long ago. They ahd the one attacker on video, stomping on the head of Reginald Denny and they showed the video tape in the courtroom. Afterwards, the media interviewed the suspects mother and her reply was, "I don't care what I saw with my own eyes, my son didn't do it". The answer (in comic book fantasy world"accepted" terms) is obviously Superman. It ain't even close. As evidenced by the above scan of a meeting between The Hulk and Superman. The editors of both Marvel and DC, presumably at some point, had to make a decision how this story was going to go, and they decided to showcase Superman as "The Man". Besides, does anyone here think that Supermans strength does not increase, the more angry he gets also? Reminds me of Kareem Abdul Jabbar. He was always rediculed for not dunking the ball over opponents, and instead just laying it in softly or using the sky hook. Well, one day he had taken a lot of ribbing from some broadcaster about it, so the game that night, he went berserk. He was dunking over the top of monster men, with a vengence. Many times. He was awesome to watch that day. The next game, he was back to soft lay-ins or sky hooks. Moral to the story. Don't with Superman. Even if you are the Hulk.
  11. It's a shame that this site doesn't have "private rooms".
  12. Yah. Lifting a mountain is impressive for sure. But try moving the entire planet, Mr. Big Green Machine. You can't do it. One thing that has always intrigued me, starting in childhood. Is how guys like the Hulk could lift a building or mountain, while standing on two feet. Shouldn't their feet just sink into the concrete or soil? I mean c'mon. How can an Empire State Building type building be held up on four square feet of NYC concrete? How strong did those union guys build those sidewalks and streets? Sometimes they fall in (sink hole) on a whim. How can one hold up a mountain, while standing on two (admittedly large) feet? At least Superman could somehow explain about flying or levitating. But Hulk can't. Imagine the strength of a punch coming from Superman at 10,000 miles an hour. Could the Hulks punch come anywhere near that speed? I doubt that. If anything, it is slower than a punch from Ali. Imagine being faster at punching than Bruce Lee, but having the strength of the Hulk. That would be Superman I think. Put Supes against the team of Hulk and Thor , on opposite ends of a very strong tug of war rope, and Supes would win against both. After all, he is Superman. The name is given for a reason. Here's a question. Who weighs the most. Thor, Superman or Hulk? God, alien or accident? Pound for pound, is Doll Man the strongest? Didn't the Cosmic Spiderman easily crush the Hulk in strength? Hasn't Captain America taken a lot of blows from the Hulk, and not even received a broken bone?
  13. Silly to even have the question. Thor is not even close. Hulk is strong, but Supes is ten times stronger. It ain't even really a close contest. But I guess any writer can do what he wants (duh). But in the generally accepted concept of Superman, he kicks all in the strength contest. Heck, the Thing gives the Hulk a run for his money. Tell you what. Have the Hulk punch you and then have Superman punch you. Then have the Cosmic Spiderman punch you, and then tell me which hurt the most. Assuming you are still able to talk. Can you imagine the punch that would result from Superman going at super speed and landing a blow on your face, while doing so. (Oh, these comic book character "imagine" scenarios, and who's the best, etc. So much fun to argue about)
  14. Not in my hot hands yet, but will be soon. I love this cover. I still can't get over those little wings on Sub-mariners feet though. He is a fish man AND they are feathers AND they are too little to fly with. I would be more okay with a tattoo that simply stated "hey guys, I can fly". But I still love this cover.
  15. I started out to do several group shots this evening. But my first try bombed. Here it is. As soon as I figure out how to do group shots better, I will do a few.
  16. Bomb proof packaging and delivered quickly. Thanks man.
  17. "Sweet pick up whats the grade 9.4?" You would think so. But it is a 9.2 off white/white.
  18. This scenario recently occurred with me. I took the 1K and purchased a very nice looking Giant Size X-Men CGC 9.2 and had some change left over. This book has been dropping in value of late, I know. But so have many books, due to the economy I assume. It is arguably the #1 bronze age book to have and I have never owned one. I have owned a couple of Hulk 181's and frankly was just not "thrilled" to own them. Lousy story and meant little to me until after the New X-Men surfaced. Of course I wish I still had them, but there are a lot around if I decide to grab one. There are a lot of GSX around also, but for the money, it looks like a better buy than a 181. I'm not sure how much higher the 181 can go before they reach the ceiling. Even if the new ceiling "might" be 150K for a 9.9. So I bought a GSX #1 that looks better than the given grade. I "bought the book and not the label", as they say. Whether it is a good investment or not, only time will tell. But if THIS book is not a proven investment, then what on earth is for a grand or under? Hulk 181 perhaps. GL 76 probably. Walking Dead, CPG, Bone, Invincible, Air Pirates, Cherry Poptart, ASM 300, blah, blah, blah. Give me a break. Now, I will admit there are some Golden Age that are be very inticing for 1K or under, but the bulk of the future collectors with bucks, will come from those "attached" to bronze age stuff. All of the above are my opinions and yours may vary. I should also mention that my recent bronze purchases have been an 8.5 white, pedigree Batman 227 and Tec 400. Plus a GL 76 8.5 white non pedigree. So I am spreading my money around to some of the obvious bronze books. But no Hulk 181. Yet.
  19. Is that site old and outdated, or still running strong? Maybe I have to join it to find the current info/articles? Is that your site?
  20. Still got the lowest CGC graded on the list.
  21. I have a decent #1 raw. Sadly that's all I have from the series, that I know of. Who knows what's in those boxes.
  22. Okay. I posted these in another thread, as you know. But here they are.
  23. Anyone know if the Mass. copies of Batman 227 and Tec 400 were pressed? I bought them slabbed and can't remember if I ever knew that info.