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Everything posted by electricprune

  1. Not comic related, but when I was 8 or 9 my friend and I went to a dump in un undeveloped field across from his house. I don't think it was a legal dumping area, but I'm not sure. We found several envelopes that contained old stamps in the heaps of trash. We didn't know anything about them, but we kept all we could find. I took them home and showed my dad. He was 100% sure I had stolen them from someone, so he took them and I got in trouble. I have no idea if they even had value. My advice is, don't show your parents what you find in the dump.
  2. I was just teasing. I thought having Lilith listed first would have caused a little more
  3. greggy left Sunday morning. You won't need to worry about that.
  4. He gets a lot of good stuff. Even sometimes at our small local show. He has a very good store in Muskegon too, if anyone ever gets the gumption to go there.
  5. Lange's Sports and Comic Books. They had the biggest set up there. You likely bought a lot from them. Tons of $2 books and 25% off books, and a lot of unbagged books I didn't look though.
  6. I tried to list them in order of importance. I would put that 8th.
  7. There ended up being some important issues in the Giant Size books: (in order) 1. First Lilith 2. First new X-Men 3. First Korvac 4. First Byrne artwork at Marvel 5. A Man-Thing Glob battle 6. Early Punisher appearance
  8. I see “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service” doesn’t play in Buffalo.
  9. Seems like a saw a couple of nice runs in long boxes at Motor City this weekend. If you want to PM me which two you need and grade requirements, I’ll look for you. Seems I looked a while back and one issue in that run didn’t have a 9.8 copy graded yet.
  10. For anyone on the fence, ToD 35,36, and 41 can be tough to find nice raw copies of. 26 and 27 are no picnic either.
  11. I'm guessing there were several people planning on attending Motor City then go to Buffalo, Pittsburgh or both. It's very possible many of them tapped out after buying at Motor City.
  12. It's a sub set, but Dial H for Hero in House of Mystery probably doesn't sell well.
  13. I've never thought about this before, but, even over time, there are probably spaces that are landed on more frequently than others. I'm basing this on three factors and a combination of those factors. 1) Where you start- Go 2) Dice probability 3) Cards within Chance and Community Chest that send you directly to a certain property, "Advance to Go," "Take a Ride on the Reading," "Go to Jail," "Advance to Illinois Ave." etc. If you want to include "landing on" as even before the dice are rolled, the "Go" would likely be the most frequently landed on. This is because everyone starts there, and there are other spaces that can send you directly there. Then, the spaces that have CC and Chance cards that send you there. These have a slightly higher probability of being landed on. Illinois is one of those spaces. However, you would have to see if these cards are present equally, or if some have more than others. After that, the spots would start to equal out, but are not going to be equal. The longer you play, the more the spots would regress towards the mean, but certain spots will have those built in advantages. From there, you have to start looking at dice probability. Since everyone starts on Go, and since it also has cards that send you there, I would think that the next most frequently visited space is the first Chance space, seven spots away from go. Why? Because you are most likely to roll a 7 than any other number while leaving Go. Even rolling a 2-5 can still land you there on the next roll. The only built in advantage I see for Illinois is being 14 spaces away from Jail. This means landing on Jail randomly or from a card, gives you a reasonable chance of landing on Illinois. Why? Because in two rolls of the dice, your advancement is more likely to be 14 spaces than any other number. There are some other factors. Maybe some real math guys can enlighten you further.
  14. Nice. There are a few comic book geek/cigar aficionado hybrids on the boards. Welcome!
  15. I can't offer much, but this thread desperately needs a Rosenberger.
  16. I have to ask, out of all the Marvel Western books out there, why have this issue and Two-Gun Kid 60 become so sought after over the past couple years? I'm not knocking those that have them ( I have a TGK 60 myself) but I don't understand why these two issues? TGK and RK #1 don't seem to be hot, crossover issues with Kid Colt aren't hot. There are plenty of Kirby and Ayers Westerns out there, why not those. Even Kid Colt 107 doesn't get the love these do. I'm not knocking those who have or want them. I have several Westerns in my collection. I just don't quite get the origin issues being desired much more than their first appearances.
  17. Interesting. I wonder if Marvel filed for that title name in the U.K. for some reason before DC did. Are you aware of any DC Romance pence copies?
  18. Bob, is it true that you and JJ were driving from Canada into the US once and JJ was denied entry for being too polite? Thanks.
  19. @greggy what is that Young Romance book? It says Marvel, but Young Romance was a DC book. Oh, and Jigsaw.