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Everything posted by LarrysComics

  1. I sold 100+ on Amazon yesterday 12.99 Still rolling And that's not including shipping! Yes. Amazon actually allows you to make a ninety cent profit from shipping to pay for shipping materials. Love it!
  2. A complete reboot? Reminds of the New 52 by DC So far Secret Wars has been NOTHING like the New 52. Marvel is embracing their characters history & creating solid continuity to allow a new entry point for a new generation. I love it.
  3. Thought my commentary was positive... I have read almost every new title since 1988. I'm in this business because I love it. Anyway...
  4. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced . The problem is that people seem to think that the people (who aren't straight white males) that want to see themselves represented well in comics are the ones responsible for how companies address that demand. And those same people want the opposite of this now. How many white male characters are appropriate? Is there a specific number that have to represent each race and if so who is in charge of this specific number policy? Is there ever a "right number of people represented" because when diversity is used there is always a number to follow. Two wrongs don't make a right and sparingly made changes add to the MU not what they are doing now. Its a fast storyline change for money right now but the sad thing about it is while you think it's drawing more new readers to it, its also pushing long time supporters of it away. Then stop reading it. Go collect coins. Because Marvel's REAL reason for doing it is MONEY. NEW money. REAL money. Thor is selling MORE. For all the talk about Captain America's Brusker run (which was great), Cap is now selling MORE. Spider-Gwen is selling over 100,000 copies. Silk almost sold as many copies of Avengers Ultron Forever which has a movie. Ms. Marvel sells as well as Superior Iron Man which has a movie. And if they didn't sell as well? Then Marvel would cancel them. They're trying to sell to a segment of a market that is UNTAPPED and it isn't comprised of creepy little white male nerds who are only concerned about what book they can flip next. They're going after READERS. Of all kinds. It's not politics is business. And who is it pushing away? The books are selling more copies now than they were. Fact is: The people who person_without_enough_empathy about it, aren't even the one's reading it. I've corrected numerous people in my store complaining about how Marvel 'turned' Thor into a girl - WRONG. Thor collectors overwhelmingly love the storyline (Jason Aaron rocks), and new readers are joining in. Whatever 'long time supporters of it' that are leaving, isn't apparent in the sales numbers. Great Post Chuck!
  5. The "Diversity Thing " is pretty good for the medium right now. NEW YORK SPECIAL EDITION MARKET REPORT: Hey Guys, This past weekend I set up at Special Edition: NYC, & I thought it was a very "special" show, indeed. The show is a smaller version of NYCC focusing on comic book culture instead of entertainment industry. It drew a very healthy "comic" crowd. I set up with discount trades & modern comics mostly under $10 It attracted a diverse fun energetic crowd. It's the future of the medium that I dreamed of twenty five years ago when it seemed, all comic shows were attended by grumpy middle aged men complaining about prices. I worked the show by myself & unfortunately didn't walk the floor. Here's a little sumpthin, sumpthin from my booth: Infinity Thanos anything Action Figure variants Harley Quinn Venom / Carnage Deadpool Skottie Young Ms Marvel Secret Wars Adam Hughes covers Marvel Phantom Variants ( sorry. I make them. They were huge ) Star Wars Suicide Squad Saga Walking Dead My Little Pony J Scott Campbell Batman These properties ruled the roost for my inventory. I do mail order & participate regularly on a couple online forums & fans stopped by all weekend to introduce themselves. It's great to put a face to the anonymous moniker. I regularly interact with people online that I have never met. Marvel Key's were my most valuable wall book sales. I had Convergence sets for sale at the booth & it prompted fans to inquire "What's up with DC?, The books all suck right now " Heck, if Scott Snyder wasn't at the show, DC sales would have been pathetic. Shows usually generate a unique micro-economy based on particular guests that are attending. Books related to signing events become grails for a few hours. Secret Wars #2 was "scarce' at the show & $10+ It's a cover price book available everywhere, but fans were caught up in the positive word of mouth thing & needed to have it. The trend to seek out properties recently signed to media deals was in full swing. Static, Empire of the Dead, New Mutants #1. Once quarter bin fodder, now $. Becky Cloonan was a guest & rabid fans frantically searched the floor for copies of Gotham Academy ( a middling seller in my shop ) I didn't pack female Thor issues & really blew it. They were requested all day. I sold very little Image single issue comics, but their trades were a sales beast. I think trades are the most popular way this company is being read. Spider-Gwen was the top modern at the show with the creative team on site for the weekend. They were rock stars. #2's were the toughest to find, going for $17+ Miles Morales is an entire generations Spider Man. Silk issues were Killer at cover. One of the writers from, Comics Heating Up stopped by. Check them out. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=5185348&fpart=3267 Valiant has lightning in a bottle right now with their Divinity title. There were fans digging for Valiant new & old. Most requested were early issues of Valiant. The entire Valiant management team actually came to the booth to talk for about twenty minutes. They're a very "in the trenches" publisher. Talked shop with retailers from all over the country. All are thrilled with the state of the industry. Good times. I met Jay Katz from http://investcomics.com/ & talked shop for about an hour. This guy is pounding the pavement in shops & shows nationwide to get the most accurate market info for his site. Check it out if you have an interest in comics & their value. I noticed a boatload of fans with Mad Max FURIOSA themed sketches that they commissioned from artists. I met the crew from Talking comics Podcast. Fun. http://talkingcomicbooks.com/ Podcasts in my opinion are a major influence in the expansion of the direct market lately. These guys comment, critique, interview, advertise in a format that is absorbed by new customers. They are all Ambassadors to the industry in my opinion. It was a really exciting weekend My show schedule for the year: Boston Comicon http://www.bostoncomiccon.com/ Mohegan Sun Comicon http://mohegansun.com/events-and-promotions/schedule-of-events/comicon1.html Hartford Comicon http://hartfordcomiccon.com/ NYC Comicon http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/ Swing by & say Hey
  6. Hughes covers are pretty sweet. I suspect that many people don't know them or aren't aware of them and when they see them that way they sell. I like his Star Wars covers especially Purge. Purge has been a wall book for me since the month it shipped. Great book.
  7. I buy every Hughes cover that catches my eye in bargain bins, put them in mylars and sell them $5-$35, regularly. Lady Rawhide, Tomb Raider & Fables are swell too...
  8. I'm not aware of the "First non-FCBD" designation on a CGC label. Divergence was her 1st full appearance.
  9. She 1st appeared in FCBD Divergence. Mother of "_____"
  10. Ya game changer. I was totally shocked when I saw it. doesn't mean the comic is valuable but trust me, get this issue!!! Nice! Only problem is the huge print of the Star Wars series The only variant listed that I can see is the R2D2 figure one. Not much chasing to do at least Ya got me an action figure and regular copy. I don't think anyone expected anything out of this issue. JL 41 and this was only two I looked forward to tomorrow. I think renew your vows had a couple surprises but probably won't stick. If you can find the Renew Your Vows JSC 1:50 variant at an affordable price, grab it. Aside from a few for my reading pile (Humans, Nailbiter, Bunker) not much else out for me this week Based on your pull list, you will adore Airboy. Try it. Fabulous.
  11. Ya game changer. I was totally shocked when I saw it. doesn't mean the comic is valuable but trust me, get this issue!!! Nice! Only problem is the huge print of the Star Wars series The only variant listed that I can see is the R2D2 figure one. Not much chasing to do at least Ya got me an action figure and regular copy. I don't think anyone expected anything out of this issue. JL 41 and this was only two I looked forward to tomorrow. I think renew your vows had a couple surprises but probably won't stick. Future Imperfect is just incredible. Watch. This. Book. Marvel cut the 1:100 & 1:25 variants from Star Wars #6. Result? Most retailers cut their orders. The book has the most significant appearance to the mythos ever in the medium. Something new & entirely game changing.
  12. Last couple BINs went for $30 with only a couple left. One is at $40 BIN. Imagine that...
  13. It's starting to sound very kamala khan'ish. I'm going with the Hans Variant since she is solo on the cover as the key book if she blows up. I'm thinking same. First hour in the shop, the book is a beast. Everyone is picking it up.
  14. A Force #1 is 1st cameo appearance Singularity? #2 1st full appearance? Has this character appeared before like Krighton mentioned? It chose to appear female here on Battleworld, how about in the 616? http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/05/20/will-singularity-be-marvels-genderfluid-version-of-superman-spoilers/
  15. Bank on it, after those What If Jane Fosters hit $100 last weekend as promised I had been looking for a place to blow my extra cash. Yeah... I blew that one http://www.ebay.com/itm/WHAT-IF-10-NM-1978-1STJANE-FOSTER-AS-THOR-/371327051021?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5674d1250d Did you really just post a link to one sale? How about we take a look at the full specturm. Maybe post availability and sales data of ACTUAL near mint copies. From what I've seen, most people listing that book have no idea how to scan or take adequate pictures of the book, let alone accurately grade it. Bold point. ( The Google page that Y moderates also listed What-If #10 as one of the weeks top picks. He's just being confrontational to score points with Baby Trey )
  16. Bank on it, after those What If Jane Fosters hit $100 last weekend as promised I had been looking for a place to blow my extra cash. Yeah... I blew that one http://www.ebay.com/itm/WHAT-IF-10-NM-1978-1STJANE-FOSTER-AS-THOR-/371327051021?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5674d1250d Did you really just post a link to one sale? How about we take a look at the full specturm. I simply said the book would break the hundred dollar mark by the weekend. And. It. Did.
  17. I gust received a message that the folks on the Google Group Comic book Mint, liked the character Singularity BEFORE I liked her... So if she pans out, it's their pick. OK? https://plus.google.com/communities/100440741136454583581
  18. I like this cover, it just has a little sumpthin, sumpthin...
  19. Bank on it, after those What If Jane Fosters hit $100 last weekend as promised I had been looking for a place to blow my extra cash. Yeah... I blew that one http://www.ebay.com/itm/WHAT-IF-10-NM-1978-1STJANE-FOSTER-AS-THOR-/371327051021?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5674d1250d
  20. I have about 30 Vengence #1.... A-Force 1:25 variant & #2 will be the book to have. Singularity = $ You heard it here first. http://www.idigitaltimes.com/marvel-comics-unleashes-force-secret-wars-and-introduces-new-hero-singularity-412837 Which 1:25 is the winner? There's 3 of them I like the head shot of Singularity.
  21. I have about 30 Vengence #1.... A-Force 1:25 variant & #2 will be the book to have. Singularity = $ You heard it here first. http://www.idigitaltimes.com/marvel-comics-unleashes-force-secret-wars-and-introduces-new-hero-singularity-412837