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Everything posted by LarrysComics

  1. Confused... Why would a publisher / creator (seller) Begrudge A retailer ( buyer) From making money?!
  2. And after seeing it takes $90 to complete their collection they will move on to other things. That's usually the way it goes. Then the inevitable price drop. Now you see Skybound and Image have multiple con variants starting at $10 Ha! Nice try. They ALWAYS did.... Back to the 90's
  3. What happened at Image? Skybound stopped doing store variants. Walking Dead only has variants for Charlie's LCS. There was a time you could simply request one but they stopped them a few years ago and brought it in house. The idea of the store variants was to subsidize the title. Over the last few years they became money makers on the secondary market. OR a monetary loss... Come see my warehouse. They're hit or miss. I've commissioned as many as anybody. I know. Overall they're profitable.
  4. You have this sorted by "completed" listings, not ones that actually sold. Seems to be selling for low $50's to mid $60's. If the book cost $20, as was stated in here + cost of shipping, grading and fees, you are losing money. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sop=1&_from=R40|R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=spider-gwen+1+phantom+cgc&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc Sigh.... Same with EVERY cover....
  5. So are the: Spider-Gwen Skottie Young variant Spider-Gwen Blank variant Spider-Gwen 1:25 variant Every other shop variant... If you got those at cover price as well... http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sop=1&LH_Complete=1&_from=R40%7CR40%7CR40&_sacat=0&_nkw=spider-gwen+1+9.8&_pgn=2&_skc=50&rt=nc Nice to see you obsessing Phantom though...
  6. both comics are dead in the speculator water. Snicker... At issues #2 & #3 they're dead. Okee Dokee.
  7. NM 98 wasn't the biggest thing since NM 98 for nearly 20 years. 10 years ago, people were routinely laughed at for bringing up NM 98. So. There is that. For a decade #87 was the KEY in the run. #100 routinely outsold #98 in bins as well.
  8. Batman #40 combo pack is going to be a "thing" in a couple weeks. Mainstream press will be calling it the "_____" of "______" & "_____". As long time savvy fans, we know better. It releases the week before FCBD & leads directly into Divergence, which is the 1st appearance of the NEW "______" It's sold out at Diamond weeks in advance. TON of mainstream media coming. You're welcome,,,
  9. I made SO much cash off Bedlam... The book was truly the darling of the market for ninety days... Windows of opportunity fellas. "Windows."
  10. I think combo packs on key books are a great buy right now. Just disagree with the print runs manufactured on Baby Trey's site..
  11. Regarding Spider-Gwen: "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long." The Phantom variants will hold up well if you buy them at cover. (thumbs u If you pay the first week premium you do not fare as well........ How about the 1:100 Hughes... How bout the 1:25? The Young? The Blank? The slew of other shop variants. They're ALL down. It's not a Phantom thing. It's a Gwen thing.
  12. It ACTUALLY appears like the entire series is leveling off... Check that. Champ.
  13. Then, it's probably going to be really, really good. ( I just pre-sold my 1:100 variant for $300 ) There's a sucker born every minute. It's a cool cover... My cost was $500 ( if I don't sell one Deadpool #250
  14. Then, it's probably going to be really, really good. ( I just pre-sold my 1:100 variant for $300 )
  15. Huh? When did I say I believed they printed 200? I said quite the opposite in fact and for some reason keep avoiding my initial two questions. No. You said it was 10% higher than 200. 220? Again. hilarious. ( ok, then you backtracked & admitted it was probably 1,000+, but none the less, your group is misrepresenting )
  16. I guess all of the 500 & 900 print runs at ECC last week were false. A show variant is a different situation. It is a version NEVER intended to be released through the publishers distribution channels. It's NOT printed to exactly 500 or 900, though. That's it's "released" number, NOT the print number. I'm sure the 500 was case count x3 & 900 was x5 Publishers consider damages & comps. Hey man, believe what you want. Time Warner let the presses fly & produced 200 combo packs... They took a massive loss & did NOT produce any backlist for their primary distributor. Again. Hilarious.
  17. I'm not "invested" at all and I don't know where you got that info. from. I have often heard that Marvel and DC won't touch a print run for anything less than 1k. And again, I ask, do you have a link for this "reporting"? No. But, I chat with publishers on a daily basis. Do You? Let's say book "X" regular cover has a case count of 240 pieces. You honestly believe a major publisher will produce less than 2,400 pieces of a version of that cover? Hilarious.
  18. So there's about what, 10% more? Have a link? I do.... Listen man, I know you're a moderator there & *ahem* invested... BUT. Some of the combo packs reported on your page as less than 200 are STILL available at Diamond wholesale at levels over 500. Factoid. Jacktoid. ( are combo packs a great buy? YES. Are their print runs in the hundreds? NOPE. )
  19. The print runs of combo packs are being incorrectly reported by: Baby Trey over at his comic Book Speculating google page. He's basing his print runs on comichron numbers. Comichron reports what's SOLD through Diamond US. Not what's printed. Not what's in stock.
  20. Hey, buy what you like... Star Wars second printings have outsold 1st for me 3 to 1. That black cover is the reason. It looks more Star Warsy. Spider-verse #2 second print is a beast too...
  21. Hey, buy what you like... Star Wars second printings have outsold 1st for me 3 to 1.