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Everything posted by Boba

  1. I wonder what the plans are for the illegitimate child of Ollie?
  2. The first time I flipped a big book and basically doubled my money, and turned around and wiped out a huge debt we had, and the wife was convinced. I still get funny looks from time-to-time (if I reveal how much a book costs me) but she realizes if I buy smart it can be a profitable hobby. . . . and I agree, awsome Erndog (thumbs u
  3. I agree. In fact I think a deal is still possible before it's too late (thumbs u
  4. Well that's no fun - I hope the seller antes up and you finally get your book
  5. I was late seeing it (darned DVR mess-up) just watched it on direct - holy mackerel! They certainly aren't afraid to go real dark are they? And what about Black Canary / Sarah - where does that go Man, have they piled it on real high - hope Arrow can get out from under this. Can't wait till next week - how many more left again
  6. I turn sigs off, I find it distracting too Then how do you know to find me books I need! You and Roulette should have a sigs duel - the CGC message board servers would explode
  7. The Mohawk copy sold in March, but this isn't marked as that pedigree in his registry. Could this be the raw copy he bought way back when? Nah Wacha got Joey
  8. I have to admit, I still have a hard time accepting Coulter's casting. His anger isn't convincing - he just seems to whine when he's mad.
  9. good call on the buffy comparison, but I still think they can milk him being a double agent for awhile (keeping his double agent cover), maybe even into mid-next season. Oh god, I hope not. I can't take this much longer beyond the next episode. Get it over already. That was a little silly how he avoided the lie detector.
  10. We'll be Seeing Red tonight! That's the name of this evening's episode.
  11. Let's get back to showing our books - sorry if I hijacked the thread.
  12. I've owned a few of these over the past 3 years, and IMHO that book is no better than a 5.0. You could probably buy a graded CGC 6.5 for that money. But hey, more power to the seller I guess
  13. Well a little different kind of post, but Showcase related just the same. Did anyone spot the Showcase #17 on eBay described as a 4.5/5.0, Page Quality: Off White/White tracking at $1625 with 2 days left? http://www.ebay.com/itm/390816257284?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I just sold a graded copy in 5.0 CR/OW for $600 on C-link What the heck is so special about this book that it's gotten bids in many multiples of guide value - 4.0 $408 6.0 $612. What am I missing here? Did they announce an Adam Strange movie last night?
  14. Ok, wrong words, "big" does not convey what I meant, they're like beacons - so obvious a facial feature. Remember the scene last night when Laurel is reviewing memories of Arrow and Black Canary in her head - Sarah's lips were so prominent in that image
  15. Oh, don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying they came out an said it - I just think he does. But they could also throw the same "comic book" logic they used to make us think Arrow without a mask could conceal his identity. But I do think he knows. How can Sarah possibly hide those big pouty lips, unless maybe she had a full-face mask
  16. I think he does. Seemed to me he was saying to Laurel that it wasn't important to know who he is. Remember Lance wasn't aware she was having revelations about the Arrow, and would think she still wanted him caught. By acting as though he didn't know, he shielded himself from having to out Ollie. Even if she knew, his advice was - let it go - the guy's got a lot on his shoulders (hint, Ollie?) - and that they're on the same team.
  17. We have a cable vision DVR that is junk - and always dropping scheduled recordings. Did you check to see if it was on there in Canada last night? Could it be they have different air dates in Canada and the Us?
  18. Thanx for the heads up but i don't have cable just high speed internet. Can't you stream this episode from the web site? http://www.cwtv.com/shows/arrow
  19. Don't know if this is an option for you, but my cable provider has CW on demand, the entire season so far and this show is available there.
  20. Man, that Robert Queen was a total tool. I have to admit, I too have disliked Laurel, but she seems to be undertaking a change of heart, as evidenced by the scenes where she hugs Ollie and tells him it's because he's important - this after knowing he and her sister are the vigilantes. I actually thought they were killing off Lance, when he got beat-up in prison. That wasn't the plan I guess. I have to say, the last scene where you see Summer Glau being revived from death was really creepy! Is she to become the Ravenger (Rose Wilson in the comics)?
  21. I was sick all day, didn't know if I'd see it - wowser! More mention about Barry Allen, Felicity said he had a relapse and was being cared for by Star Labs. Iris's name came up as his new love interest, and Felicity was upset. It's like almost every character you encounter in the show has the potential to morph into something (or someone) else as the show evolves. I loved tonights show, can't wait till next weeks.