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Everything posted by telerites

  1. Always cool books, Andrew. This one should get bonus points for a crotch sig Really great sigs and nice books.
  2. Thanks folks for all of the kind sentiments and thoughts. I spend nearly 100% of my time in the GA forum, not only because that is what I collect and have interest, but because the people that hang out here are the most kind, most helpful, most knowledgeable, and any any other accolades one could think of. My intention wasn't to publicize my health issues but during those sessions, it does provide time for reflection and naturally at some point will turn to my favorite hobby. Thanks, too, for all of the posts and thoughts on trimming. As I read through, it did make me think, as stated earlier, if trimming does get more of a bad rap than it should, what does it matter if it was intentional (as long as you, personally, were not victimized) since the result is the same. I obviously feel it is a heinous offense to intentionally masquerade a book to take advantage of a buyer. I doubt seriously if the acceptance of trimmed books increases but I view it differently to a certain degree now. I won't go shopping for trimmed books but have softened my view. I guess if I know the book is trimmed, I can make an informed choice, it still displays nicely and from a purely aesthetic point (IMO), more presentable than a book with noticeable pieces missing or even a book that has restored with pieces added. Heck with trimmed books (unless something has been done to it), it is 100% original. Now I am going to get the paper cutter out and trim off all of those nasty hang-overs and have the most uniform raw collection around -
  3. But why do you draw the line there? Are you assuming, it was done intentionally? If it weren't in a slab, where it was noted, does it distract from the appearance of the book more so that staples pounded into the cover, as one of your examples? I am just wondering if it has become so ingrained in our mindset (mine included) to indiscriminately shun it? Do we really buy the slab and not the book? I won't nor am I trying to change opinions, just trying to find out why I and others feel that trimming is so horrific, when we are not sure why it was done and nothing unoriginal has been added and it is a minuscule portion compared to other defects.
  4. When I go in for my radiation treatments, it gives some time to ponder a lot. From life in general, to my precious daughter, to world events, etc. So consider this my useless thread of the day along with my apologies for those that may actually read it and respond. Recently I started thinking about trimming and how despised this damage is by folks in our hobby. You can count me as one of those people, outside of the stigma that GLODs and PLODs carry and now to a lesser extent - Conserved. I realize most, if not all, consider trimming as the kiss of death. To my knowledge, I have two out of my nearly 3,000 slabbed books that are trimmed and unknown of my raws, if any. The slabbed books were bought raw many years ago and trimming at least for me is the most difficult defect to find. I honestly cannot tell you why I disdain trimming other than the standard answer of someone removed pieces of the book purposely. But what if it wasn't done intentionally so exclude thoughts of enticing a perspective buyer and done just to improve the appearance by an OCD owner. How about a kid back in the 40's cutting off the hanging ends of pages/covers just because - like cutting the borders off of baseball cards as a kid. Not done to ruse but just because they liked it. So pieces are gone but are parts not gone when a corner, chunk, remaindering, etc. are off. We assume those are accidents (not including the remaindered example) and may have just come with such age of GA books. Trimming doesn't even remove that much of the original in most cases. I am not positioning to advocate trimming as acceptable but unless we really know the reason and that it was done intentionally to deceive, why do we frown so much? All of the parts that remain are still original, heck even married copies, are not all from the original book as published. Given the chance, I would trade/upgrade my two trimmed books in a heartbeat but am I (are we) being too harsh? We knew about Ewert's trimmed books so that is easy but without knowing the history of a 90 year book to answer when, why, who, I dunno. Consider a chunk out of a classic cover that impacts the image - does that garner greater appeal than one that is trimmed where the entire image is unaffected? And no fair saying neither - just between those examples, which would have more appeal? So folks, as my recent therapy-inspired pondering wraps up - talk me down off the ledge, push me over the hill, chastise my thoughts, circumcise my idiocy, assign me penance for even the consideration is it really that bad when we are unsure anything deceptive was intended?
  5. Not really, I personally don't see much appeal in bits and pieces. That is just me and having a page or two would not bring me much joy. I would just want to own the entire book. A cover has more appeal but I just cannot see myself spending any considerable amount of money for one piece of paper. Heck, I wonder why I spend so much on 34 (68 pages) sheets of paper -
  6. My grail that I will never own. The seller is good and is from Spain. He has an account here but I do not think he has been active in a long time. I actually won my Red Raven Comics #1 from him and had no issues whatsoever. Great communication and responsiveness plus excellent packaging. My Red Raven was a grail too but nothing like the Cap.
  7. I could not tell you the last time I even opened that forum area. I barely go to the mixed. At least there is activity, I guess.
  8. Captain Battle in Silver Streak to his own title
  9. I actually ask the seller to count pages for me on raws. I do share how the pages are counted, e.g., covers would be 4 pages. I do it on Ebay a lot and my focus is GA collecting. I find some with missing CFs and pages. Sellers have thanked me before for letting them know what the count should be and restarted the auction with the noted pages missing. I do it too with dealers as they may process a lot of books and may miss something and I count pages when it arrives. I learned after a similar experience back when I started GA collecting in the late 70s. I use the GCD and Keltner's guide a lot.
  10. I put value on the peace of mind of a CGC graded book to be more accurately graded than not as well as knowing whether or not it is restored/qualified. Plus I could pony up for grader's notes if they are not available from or provided by the seller.
  11. Unfortunately this thread has become nothing more than entertainment for the rest of the board (which includes me). I, along with many others, continue to say the same thing regarding the poor initial responses from both parties and neither accepting the possibility of blame (as the damage either occurred while in the possession of the seller, or the buyer, or less likely but still possible while in transit). It is possible that neither the buyer nor the seller knows they caused the damage, but it also possible that either party knows they created the damage and are now not being forthcoming. Why can everyone but two interested parties realize that - is it some misguided bravado, intention to deceive, remorse, etc.? For whatever reason, please don't mind the spectators here and on with the show - the admission was free, popcorn and drinks are available, and the entertainment is most enjoyable. The above expressed as my own opinion, of course.
  12. Agreed. Considering many of the books he lists but provides little detail and the dreaded "see pics for description" is not the greatest service. It would be nice if he could be more explicit with condition details. Again, I do not think he is attempting to hide or not disclose any issues purposely but it is a gamble as almost all of his listings are raw books. I have seen him point out major issues in some cases too.
  13. I have always liked that cover. Very nice book.
  14. I have bought from Earl before but he is not the most forthcoming when asking questions. I took it as not trying to hide anything as more laziness to go back and look at a book to answer a question. Kind of like the pictures he posts of books while kicked back in a recliner so you can see his legs and bare feet but he does get some rarer books (usually lower grade).
  15. Oak, when I saw you had posted here, I figured you would be recommending a Heap cover appearance in honor of Swamp Thing - And really there were some good ones too.
  16. I am kind of surprised not much love for Mary Marvel. She had her own book and had a long run compared to most GA characters - similar to her other Marvel Family counterparts. In addition to her own title, she took over Wow Comics and had the Marvel Family Comics tenure too. Back then, do you think she would have been #2 on the list as far as popularity?
  17. I just realized i typed Namorita and Namora when i saw your list. Thx for sharing
  18. I think we have done this before but couldn't find the thread if so. I assume Wonder Woman will top almost list but I am curious to see what others think would be in their top 5-10 from the GA. It can be personal preference but I was thinking of appeal at the time and how that appeal translates today. Given WW's media success, who knows maybe this will be a who's going to be the next new franchise for the media to give the screen to. Also I am thinking only of characters created in the GA and not characters like Roy Thomas may have developed in All-Star Squadron, for example. Mary Marvel, Namorita, Bulletgirl, Black Canary, Miss Masque, Phantom Lady, Lady Luck, Hawkgirl, etc. I personally wouldn't mind seeing Kitten all grown up on the big screen. Compared to men, the list I feel is pretty finite so please include the Jungle, Sci-fi, Western and other genres if you like. Thanks