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nearmint's rather petite Wizard World LA Con report!

74 posts in this topic

Petite only because I only attended the con on Friday. I've missed this con for the last several years because it seems to always fall on St. Patrick's Day weekend. My wife is in an Irish band, and they have gig after gig this time of year, and I usually spend my time as an Innisfree roadie. This year, we have young William to take care of, so I was watching him while she was off singing.


Luckily, grandpa watched William on Friday, so I was able to make my way up the 405 to the 110 to downtown LA. I got distracted, passed up the convention parking lot, and made a ridiculously illegal U-turn seconds before a cop turned the corner(the comic Gods were smiling down on me). I called sacentaur who let Bedrock know that I had arrived, and Richard walked out to meet me with a badge(I was Rusty Staples for the day!).


Having only been to Comic-Con in SD for the last several years, I was decidedly underwhelmed by the size of the convention. I think there were a total of 8 aisles, and as slow as I walked them, I think I was pretty much done in 30 minutes. My only purchase was a nifty Superman bobble-head, which is now sitting next to me on my desk at work, looking at me sternly, as if chastising me for not being on the streets fighting crime.


Around 3:30, a fellow Action collector showed up with a book that I'd already committed to buy from him. I'd been the underbidder when he won it in the Mastronet auction, and I was thrilled to finally obtain this sharp looking 6.0...






After chatting for a while with sacentaur, I walked the aisles a bit more, then decided to head out to my car and take a nap. I slept for an hour and a half, grabbed the box of Golden Age that I'd brought with me for that night's show-and-tell, and headed back upstairs.


At Bedrock's booth, I finally got to meet Socratic Wonder and RyanH, two great guys who are obviously passionate about Golden Age. After Bedrock finished breaking down his booth, the four of us and sacentaur headed out to Bedrock's hotel to drop off the comics we'd brought with us. On the way, we were harassed by a pharmaceutically enhanced gentleman on the street. Sacentaur, fearless, and with no concern for his personal well-being, stomped on the man's foot, sending him on his way.


We dropped off our comics, then walked around the corner for dinner at the Liberty Cafe, where we were joined by Matt Nelson, Steve Ritter, Tom Brulato, and Steve Lauterbach. The night was filled with great conversations, some hilarious anecdotes, and a mighty fine burger and fries.


Afterwards, Bedrock, RyanH, sacentaur, Socratic Wonder, Matt Nelson, and I headed back to Bedrock's hotel to geek out over each other's comics. And there was, I must say, some serious geeking out...






Matt Nelson checks out some of sacentaur's books in the background while in the foreground Socratic Wonder and RyanH check out Bedrock's Timelys...






I hope Bedrock won't mind me showing off a book he picked up at the con. Great cover and beautiful copy...






Socratic Wonder, RyanH, and Bedrock drooling over Timelys...






Matt Nelson, Socratic Wonder, and Bedrock...






RyanH's AWESOME Keen Detective Funnies #20...






About 11pm, I hit the road for my hour-long journey back home. Of course, I sat staring at my new Action 29 for a while, before hitting the pillow with thoughts of where I'm going to find a presentable copy of #32... :cloud9:



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Nearmint summed it up quite nicely ... good times had by all!


A twelve hour day for me of geeking, gawking and socializing. Was really great to meet NM (Jeff), Richard (Bedrock) (who brought some incredible slabbed Timely's), Matt Nelson (who had a couple books ready for me!), Stephen Ritter, and others...


Here's a dark shot of the dinner...




In the left row, starting from back: Jeff, Ryan, Ronaldo, and tehn two gents who I met but their names escape me now (help anyone?).


Right row from back: Matt Nelson, Richard, Stephen Ritter and Steve (Sacentaur)


Geeking out under the stars...


Then up to Richard's hotel room, to see some truly nice books.


Two restored but nice Red Raven's...





More GA goodies:




Ronaldo and Richard's GA gold:






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Richard was kind enough to bring the uber-cool MARVEL #1 Twilight copy, and man, for someone who had never seen a MARVEL #1 before, it sure lived up to the myth. Beautiful book, beautiful copy.




Ronaldo will tell you that I stared at this book so long, that this image was burned into my retinas until the next day:








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Thanks for the info, Jeff.


Stepping back in time a bit, here's Ronaldo and Matt at the con. Wish I had taken more shots of dealer's booth's, as there was some pretty nice material available there, NONE of which i bought.


Ronaldo appears to be contemplating the Allentown WONDER COMICS #1 copy though .... he got all dewey-eyed over its stunning eye appeal!! (or was that because of the price tag?)





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Whose Daring Mystery 1 was it? I saw the Tec 18 at Richard's booth and my wife thought we should get one! Nice books everyone! (I'm not even going to start on the KD 20... wow!)

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Whose Daring Mystery 1 was it? I saw the Tec 18 at Richard's booth and my wife thought we should get one! Nice books everyone! (I'm not even going to start on the KD 20... wow!)


The beautiful slabbed DARING #1 is Richard's ... mine is the one in mylar, that looks like toilet paper next to his.

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We dropped off our comics, then walked around the corner for dinner at the Liberty Cafe, where we were joined by Matt Nelson, Steve Ritter, Tom Brulato, and Steve Lauterbach. The night was filled with great conversations, some hilarious anecdotes, and a mighty fine burger and fries.


The dinner and chat was GREAT! I especially enjoy hearing others' opinions on the current state of the hobby (especially coming from a 'force' like Tom Brulato - we share a lot of viewpoints in common (thumbs u )


Overall, Wizard L.A. was a mini-convention of sorts but thanks to the fine dealers who showed up, the terrific books that I found, and time spent with good friends, I had a fabulous time... :acclaim:




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I was thrilled to finally obtain this sharp looking 6.0...








sweet. one beautiful 6.0. great report. thanks.


Yup, one of the best looking 6.0's I've seen! :applause:


Thanks, guys. It looks great next to these two!





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