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The Official The Walking Dead Discussion Thread
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language is an ever-evolving creature. words are derived from plenty of other lost and dead languages.


english is no different. it has so many other languages mixed in.


lets just leave off that englands best invention in the last 100 years is a psychedelic lamp which looks like lava.




It's evolved so quickly than we don't even capitalise words anymore? Man am I behind the times. :doh:


Just teasing, but you should know that? :foryou:



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if you are going to do an auction, put a starting bid low -


by listing the art at such a high starting point, it shows a SCARED seller. it shows an unstable market, trying to extract the most cash as fast as possible.







By starting it so high, they are asking full retail and then some, and hoping for a taker, or some crazy-high offer by one fool. The "blind" nature of these auctions is the worst part...trying to create this atmosphere of a lot of interested parties at that price, in the hopes of scaring someone into bidding an irrational amount, when in fact there very well might only be one person willing to pay $10k for that cover.

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if you are going to do an auction, put a starting bid low -


by listing the art at such a high starting point, it shows a SCARED seller. it shows an unstable market, trying to extract the most cash as fast as possible.







By starting it so high, they are asking full retail and then some, and hoping for a taker, or some crazy-high offer by one fool. The "blind" nature of these auctions is the worst part...trying to create this atmosphere of a lot of interested parties at that price, in the hopes of scaring someone into bidding an irrational amount, when in fact there very well might only be one person willing to pay $10k for that cover.


But who could that/those person(s) be? The same one who went all in on the last blind auction, perhaps? Who knows... hm


It only takes one buyer to make prices go up higher for everyone. In a situation where there's one person shelling out big bucks, it all comes down to their opinion and final decision about the art and the price.

Edited by Phillip
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Is issue 19 an important issue anymore now we have seen Michonne in the TV series and the demise of her tag alongs? And would that ring down the price of the OA cover and issues?


Yes. No.



Man, ever since Wolverine started appearing in those movies people can't give away copies of Hulk 181.


+19, er 1.

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after 6 pages of losing brain cells...


Mark is a friend of mine and we have had discussions in the past about pricing of OA. Mark is one of the most credible and well respected OA reps out there otherwise he wouldn't have the people he does in his stable.


The cover is argueably the best cover in a years. Double page also featuring the 4 main characters, with zombies and seems very pleasing to everyone.


As many of my friends have heard me say, my job (or the job of any reputable art dealer) is to get the best price possible. Mark can't sell this cover to 8 different people for $5k each, he only has 1 and is asking $10k.


In essence he is trying to sell 1 piece of art for what he feels is the best price and a price 1 person would pay.


Mark has the right and the duty to Charlie to sell his art for what the market will bear. He does not need to think of aftermarket or what someone investing in the art will lose or recoup in years. His intent is to make the sale and work in the best interests of his clients.


There are definitely 2 markets working here...

Those that were buying WD art years ago, and now selling (at a large margin) or keeping.


Those that are currently buying WD art or have been recently as their starting point, (to which their margin is much much tighter) or keeping.


Both have different ideas of what is right and wrong with the WD OA Market, but any other their opinions are self serving to which market they fall into.



If I were buying WD art (and I just purchased a nice page from Mark yesterday) I would be buying pages I like, not because I feel they are going to be strong investments. I think many will agree that the pricing does not allow for much flexibility to resell quickly, which again, some would say is part of the role Mark has taken in maximizing his clients interest.


Random thoughts...



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language is an ever-evolving creature. words are derived from plenty of other lost and dead languages.


english is no different. it has so many other languages mixed in.


lets just leave off that englands best invention in the last 100 years is a psychedelic lamp which looks like lava.




It's evolved so quickly than we don't even capitalise words anymore? Man am I behind the times. :doh:


Just teasing, but you should know that? :foryou:






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I wrote that. And you won't see me whining like a little schoolgirl about someone else's selling practices. I was trying to get you to see how Mark's selling practices are none of your concern. Personally, your selling practices are none of my concern either. Like I said, I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy.


If you are really so upset just don't buy from Mark anymore. Actions speak louder than words. Let him know you won't be buying from him. See if he changes his mind.


And no. I'm not upset at selling those pieces to you. I no longer desired them. I was able to get better pieces. If those pieces are worth more now, it is probably only 50 bucks a page. It wouldn't be worth my time to sell them.

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I'm genuinely surprised at some of the outrage over the #106 cover auction.


There seems to be an idea that Mark/Charlie have some sort of obligation to keep the price of art low and affordable - this is ludicrous. They both make their living making/selling art and have an obvious interest in achieving the biggest price. If that means that only a few, very wealthy collectors have access to it, so what? Why wouldn't they be trying to "extract as much cash as fast as possible"? That's not a bad thing - it's the only sensible thing to do if you are an OA seller. Have to say it's pretty funny that they plan to charge an extra $50 shipping on top of a $10k plus purchase, but there you go.


I also find it amusing that a few people seem to fancy themselves better businessmen than someone whose job it is to sell artwork. Clearly they feel that this auction format will work better, otherwise they wouldn't be using it. They've done blind auctions before and they've done eBay auctions before, so it's not like it's a stab in the dark.


$10k isn't "ridiculous", it's not "too high" and it's not "out of control". There are people out there willing to pay this much and they will do it. It's completely unrealistic for the average fan on the street to own it, but then we can't all drive Ferraris.


I wonder how many of the people doing the complaining care at all that kids with limited pocket money can't afford to build a collection of WD back issues because of the inflated prices... which a lot of sellers benefit from.


Two other things that grated with me about the previous posts, and then this rantrant is over: it's not for any individual to judge whether there are "better" things to spend one's money on. And secondly, Mark never said that the crease didn't affect the value of the art - he said it didn't affect the art itself - so calling him out for doing that is a bit silly.


It's a great cover, and I hope they get a great price for it.


Spot. On.

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included in what claudio? the ability to bid? i have that option.


also, regarding my pages on ebay...you seem to disregard the "BEST OFFER" option, which I highlight in my auction, and I clearly say, NO FAIR OFFER WILL BE TURNED DOWN.


be a little fairer when you spout nonsense.


What do you consider a fair offer for this page?:




Or, to put it another way, if you weren't the one selling it, what would you say it's worth?

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I like gambling on my sales of TWD or any other comic and I always start them at 0.99. I figure if I know it's an awesome item, I have nothing to worry about because eventually the amount of the sale will get to what i envision it ( obviously you have to have a realistic idea of the sale though)


That's my 2 cents

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included in what claudio? the ability to bid? i have that option.


also, regarding my pages on ebay...you seem to disregard the "BEST OFFER" option, which I highlight in my auction, and I clearly say, NO FAIR OFFER WILL BE TURNED DOWN.


be a little fairer when you spout nonsense.


What do you consider a fair offer for this page?:




Or, to put it another way, if you weren't the one selling it, what would you say it's worth?


I would wager the page would sell between $800 - $1500 at auction..


I think fair value is something between those 2 numbers..

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I wrote that. And you won't see me whining like a little schoolgirl about someone else's selling practices. I was trying to get you to see how Mark's selling practices are none of your concern. Personally, your selling practices are none of my concern either. Like I said, I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy.


If you are really so upset just don't buy from Mark anymore. Actions speak louder than words. Let him know you won't be buying from him. See if he changes his mind.


And no. I'm not upset at selling those pieces to you. I no longer desired them. I was able to get better pieces. If those pieces are worth more now, it is probably only 50 bucks a page. It wouldn't be worth my time to sell them.


cant say ive been around little schoolgirls too often claudio, so i dont know how they whine..


if you are around little schoolgirls, i hope you are either a father or a teacher.


bad cliches aside, you clearly have some sort of vendetta against me for some reason that i cant seem to get a grasp on.


either way...id appreciate it if you could find something positive to bring to this forum, be it an opinion, article, artwork, or any other contribution that would promote and foster what this forum is about...the intelligent and meaningful discussion of WD.


thanks in advance :)

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included in what claudio? the ability to bid? i have that option.


also, regarding my pages on ebay...you seem to disregard the "BEST OFFER" option, which I highlight in my auction, and I clearly say, NO FAIR OFFER WILL BE TURNED DOWN.


be a little fairer when you spout nonsense.


What do you consider a fair offer for this page?:




Or, to put it another way, if you weren't the one selling it, what would you say it's worth?


I would wager the page would sell between $800 - $1500 at auction..


I think fair value is something between those 2 numbers..


I would wager $500 as fair value. That's what I'd peg for the over/under at auction. And I'd take the under.


Regardless, anyone who lists a page at 2-4X what he thinks it's worth (and yes, I understand you'll listen to offers) in order to maximize his profit, shouldn't complain about how another dealer decides to sell. This is especially comical given that your insta-flipping of WD art has largely contributed to Splash Page raising their prices, using eBay for new covers, and now employing blind auctions. I'm no fan of blind auctions, either, but the WD art market has become such that it's all about the $$$. The complaints about Splash Page do come off like sour grapes over the lost opportunity for flipping. Can't say I sympathize at all.


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ah, felix, you guys run in packs.


you, i know, have sour grapes. you are pissed that so you sold a bunch of your nicer pages a while back..


didnt you even post that fact on one of my CAF submissions?


that sucks, and im sorry about that. but seriously, you need to get over that fact. im not trying to be a jerk when i say that..i really am sorry about it..


i appreciate your input on the value though. thanks :)





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I wrote that. And you won't see me whining like a little schoolgirl about someone else's selling practices. I was trying to get you to see how Mark's selling practices are none of your concern. Personally, your selling practices are none of my concern either. Like I said, I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy.


If you are really so upset just don't buy from Mark anymore. Actions speak louder than words. Let him know you won't be buying from him. See if he changes his mind.


And no. I'm not upset at selling those pieces to you. I no longer desired them. I was able to get better pieces. If those pieces are worth more now, it is probably only 50 bucks a page. It wouldn't be worth my time to sell them.


cant say ive been around little schoolgirls too often claudio, so i dont know how they whine..


if you are around little schoolgirls, i hope you are either a father or a teacher.


bad cliches aside, you clearly have some sort of vendetta against me for some reason that i cant seem to get a grasp on.


either way...id appreciate it if you could find something positive to bring to this forum, be it an opinion, article, artwork, or any other contribution that would promote and foster what this forum is about...the intelligent and meaningful discussion of WD.


thanks in advance :)


Claudio can clearly defend himself, but I will say that he's been a fan for a long time. As in years. Much longer than most of the people currently posting in this thread. This thread used to be about the book. Now it's mostly concerned with $$$. Which seems to be the bulk of your contribution. And the majority of that is invariably something negative about another seller's prices, another seller's selling practices, another seller's art...it's rarely positive. The hypocrisy is stunning.

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:preach: sorry gramps but maybe your vision/memory isnt so great. i still contribute about the book and the storyline...just so happens that book/story talk is finished a few days after release...because thats when everyone pretty much exhausts their opinions about that book..


and i think to be fair, i have been on both sides of the art camp. and as always, my opinion isnt any more valuable than anyone elses...



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ah, felix, you guys run in packs.


you, i know, have sour grapes. you are pissed that so you sold a bunch of your nicer pages a while back..


didnt you even post that fact on one of my CAF submissions?


that sucks, and im sorry about that. but seriously, you need to get over that fact. im not trying to be a jerk when i say that..i really am sorry about it..


i appreciate your input on the value though. thanks :)





Nah, I just get amused when a flipper cries about getting beat at his own game. And this isn't some anti-flipping diatribe. Flip away. But telling how the other flippers here know enough to keep their mouths shut.


The whole passive-aggressive, disingenuous routine is funny, too. Unless you really are that dumb. In which case, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a jerk when I say that...I really am sorry about it.


Wow, I can do it, too, lol!

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I wrote that. And you won't see me whining like a little schoolgirl about someone else's selling practices. I was trying to get you to see how Mark's selling practices are none of your concern. Personally, your selling practices are none of my concern either. Like I said, I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy.


If you are really so upset just don't buy from Mark anymore. Actions speak louder than words. Let him know you won't be buying from him. See if he changes his mind.


And no. I'm not upset at selling those pieces to you. I no longer desired them. I was able to get better pieces. If those pieces are worth more now, it is probably only 50 bucks a page. It wouldn't be worth my time to sell them.


cant say ive been around little schoolgirls too often claudio, so i dont know how they whine..


if you are around little schoolgirls, i hope you are either a father or a teacher.


bad cliches aside, you clearly have some sort of vendetta against me for some reason that i cant seem to get a grasp on.


either way...id appreciate it if you could find something positive to bring to this forum, be it an opinion, article, artwork, or any other contribution that would promote and foster what this forum is about...the intelligent and meaningful discussion of WD.


thanks in advance :)


Sure. You're going to insinuate something about me and schoolgirls and then you will try to talk about bringing intelligent and meaningful conversation to the thread? Take your little South Park references and find a life.


You claim I'm mad because I sold a few pieces and then say the same thing about Felix. Personally, I think the real venom comes from you. You're just mad because you won't know what the cover sold for. Man up and buy it if you really need to know.

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whatever guys, i was going to write out a whole long thing...but your right, its time to get back to real life...its chiefs chargers, and its not particularly interesting, but ive got the chiefs for a lunch bet tomorrow


enjoy your evenings gentlemen. and for the record, not mad, upset, angry, or anything else, i couldnt be happier..my lifes great.





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