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If you've seen Harry Potter, how was the Dark Knight Rises trailer?

53 posts in this topic



I'm not following the story line for this movie, and the trailer didn't offer much to go on either. Some guy talking/narrating from a hospital bed while breating on a ventilator. Scenes of Bruce(?) working out (push-ups and such). Maybe a passing glance of Bane? No Catwoman in sight.


Not much to go on, but it was late and I really didn't know what I was watching until the title came up at the end.

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I would have expected more from a teaser. You saw some quick shots of the new movie, however most of it was made of clips from the previous two movies. Most of it is a dialogue by Commissioner Gordon. :P

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Here is the only link I can find of the trailer.



Thanks for that!


And here's a different trailer:





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Here is the only link I can find of the trailer.



Thanks for that!


And here's a different trailer:




doh! Whoops, this was a fan trailer, not an official one. There are apparently a lot of these. My bad!



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I'm not following the story line for this movie, and the trailer didn't offer much to go on either. Some guy talking/narrating from a hospital bed while breating on a ventilator. Scenes of Bruce(?) working out (push-ups and such). Maybe a passing glance of Bane? No Catwoman in sight.


Not much to go on, but it was late and I really didn't know what I was watching until the title came up at the end.


Could that be Bruce, after his back was broke?

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Here is the only link I can find of the trailer.



Thanks for that!


And here's a different trailer:





I now have a man-crush on you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


I realize it's a fan trailer, but still--talk about cool!

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I'm not following the story line for this movie, and the trailer didn't offer much to go on either. Some guy talking/narrating from a hospital bed while breating on a ventilator. Scenes of Bruce(?) working out (push-ups and such). Maybe a passing glance of Bane? No Catwoman in sight.


Not much to go on, but it was late and I really didn't know what I was watching until the title came up at the end.


Could that be Bruce, after his back was broke?



The guy in the hospital bed is












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I realize it's a fan trailer, but still--talk about cool!

Try the other YouTube links from that one -- there seem to be a gazillion of them. The ones I watched so far are really well done!



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Dark Knight trailer/teaser/whatever was a zero and struck me as pointless. Almost as if they were scheduled to include one with the HP premier, had nothing much ready, so put this bit of nothing together. HP, on the other hand, was great. By far the best of the HP movies. Really the first one I truly enjoyed.

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It wasn't a trailer, it was a teaser. Teasers are always useless and contain almost nothing from the film because they come out long before a film is in any stage of completion. They're intended to let people know that a film that's likely to be of a mass appeal is on the horizon, usually a year away. Likely everyone in this thread already knew it was being made, so you're not the audience the teaser is for--it's for all the non-hardcore fans. If you don't know a movie is being made, a teaser may be of major interest to you, but if you already know, it's got nothing for you. If they put something of note in a teaser a year before a film is released, they'd face criticism or disappointment if they later decided not to use that story element or footage, so they try not to.


I saw the bootleg, but the quality was so poor I couldn't tell what Gordon was even saying. (shrug)

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From EW.com...


The first teaser for next year's "The Dark Knight Rises" is airing in front of a little movie called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2."


For those of you who missed the "Hallows" midnight screening because you're too tired/too busy/too no-longer-a-college-student, here's the lowdown on the "Rises" preview.


It kicks off with a montage of scenes from "Batman Begins," with Bruce Wayne walking over the frozen tundra while Liam Neeson narrates his speech about becoming "A legend, Mr. Wayne." "Every Hero Has a Journey," say the intertitles. "Every Journey Has an End."


Cut to: A shockingly intimate shot of Gary Oldman's Commissioner Gordon, lying on a hospital bed, breathing through what appears to be an oxygen mask, speaking in a tremulous voice.


He tells someone offscreen -- it's pretty clear that he's talking to Batman -- that people believed in him, but then, suddenly, "You were gone. Now there is evil rising. The Batman must come back."


From offscreen, Christian Bale's voice -- and this sounds specifically like his Bruce Wayne voice, which could indicate that Gordon has figured out Batman's true identity -- says, "What if he doesn't exist anymore?" Gordon, sounding like a man who hears his own death rattle: "He must...he must..."


There's a quick shot of Tom Hardy's Bane in his weird mask which literally looks exactly like that photo from a couple months ago, then a long shot of buildings collapsing which literally looks exactly like that poster from a couple days ago, and then the real attention-getter: A single shot of Batman, braced for a fight.


Bane steps into view. We only see him for a second, from over his shoulder, but he looks huge. For the first time in the Nolan "Batman" that I can remember, the Caped Crusader actually looks a bit scared. (The shot only lasted for literally two seconds, but I could've sworn Bats was wearing a new outfit.)


A final title promises, "The epic conclusion to the Dark Knight legend," while terrifying chanting plays in the background.


All-in-all, it's a weird way to launch the year-long lead-up to "Rises." In my sold-out "Potter" theater, there was nary a cheer or clap after the trailer, which either indicates that everyone was stunned into confusion, or I somehow found the one theater in the country filled with people who had no feelings whatsoever about "The Dark Knight." Let's try to decode the trailer with some theories:


-- When Gordon tells Batman, "You were gone," it seems like an indication that, following the climax of "Dark Knight" -- in which Batman become a hunted fugitive, Bruce Wayne decided to retire his alter ego.


Maybe "Rises" will be about his attempt to start a new, normal life -- kind of like Peter Parker in "Spider-Man 2" -- only to get called back into service after the arrival of Bane.


The haunted man of violence who tries to lead a peaceful life, only to be forced by circumstances and fate to return to his old ways, is a recurring plot point in the films of Michael Mann -- a director who has had a huge influence on Nolan's work.


-- What's up with all the destroyed buildings, and why does Gordon look like he's on life support? For hints, look back to the storyline that introduced Bane to the Batman mythos.


In "Knightfall," Bane freed Batman's Rogues' Gallery from Arkham Asylum and set them loose on Gotham City, creating relentless mayhem and sending the city spiraling into anarchy.


People have theorized that the strange chanting is coming from Arkham inmates. It's possible that Gordon was injured by Bane -- or perhaps even targeted. As for the buildings, here's a wild idea -- could it be that Nolan is flavoring his story with elements of "No Man's Land," the other great Batman story arc about a citywide descent into anarchy?


Sure, "No Man's Land" seems a bit fantastical for Nolan's realist mythos...but then again, so does Bane.


-- Lastly, a note about that shot of Batman and Bane. When you think about it, all of the villains in "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight" weren't really all that physical; the Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul were both most dangerous when they were getting inside of Batman's head, and the Joker openly scolded Batman at the end of "Dark Knight" for thinking that their battle would just come down to fisticuffs. (There were also various gangsters who did various gangster things.)


It's interesting, then, to consider that Bane is such a beast of a man -- you can tell that these two dudes will wind up fighting each other tooth and nail, just like Schwarzenegger and the Predator (or, more recently and hilariously, the Rock and Vin Diesel in "Fast Five.")


And something about the finality of all the intertitles -- "Every journey has an end, the end of the Dark Knight legend" -- makes me wonder if "Dark Knight Rises" will be a genuine ending.


Like, not a "Superhero flies off into the night, forever hunting evil" ending, but an old-fashioned "This story is over, it will not begin again" ending ending. (Remember: When Bane met Batman in the comics, this happened.)


And since Nolan, Bale, and Warner Bros. are adamant that the Dark Knight series will end with this film, you have to wonder: Could this be the first superhero movie with a genuinely unhappy ending? Could Christopher Nolan's Batman die? Or at least be very badly injured?


We'll post the trailer as soon as it becomes available online. In the meantime, did anyone else out there see the pre-Potter trailer? What did you think?


Are you surprised that the trailer focused so heavily on Bane, with nary a shot of Anne Hathaway or Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Anyone else intrigued by the fact that "Dark Knight Rises" is apparently building so strongly on "Batman Begins," a film that "Dark Knight" really kind of ignored?


Could this join "Toy Story 3" and "The Return of the King" in the tiny pantheon of trilogy-enders that are actually good?


See the original article on EW.com.

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